fix articles 24376, t. this
Dennis Miller made no apologies and did not make the correction about the Chechnyn conflict requested by my good freind Vladimir Putin on his daily campaign talk show to promote Bush. Miller is a paid political operative closely related to the Bush cartel who was recommending assasinations the day before the tragedy in Madrid.
half hour IMC audio news from 8/17/00 (MP3) (tags)
The IMC audio team's half hour news from August 17th at 8pm PDT. This show includes reports about the citigroup march, the sweatshop march, an up date on the converence space, the operation gate keeper protest, what local businesses think of the convention and protests, weapons in space, the rally to save the last wetland in LA county, and the reality tour about the prison industrial complex. (28:19)
half hour IMC audio news from 8/17/00 (Real Audio) (tags)
The IMC audio team's half hour news from August 17th at 8pm PDT. This show includes reports about the citigroup march, the sweatshop march, an up date on the converence space, the operation gate keeper protest, what local businesses think of the convention and protests, weapons in space, the rally to save the last wetland in LA county, and the reality tour about the prison industrial complex.