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Hotline Now Open For Foreclosure Complaints (tags)
The Wall Street Journal Bank regulators and the mortgage industry have launched a complaint process to reach out to more than 4 million homeowners to find and compensate any who were harmed by deficiencies in banks’ foreclosure operations.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a prison
TODAY: 4:30-6:30 PM Vigil Honoring Those Died or Harmed by Reagan Policies-Leimert Park (tags)
SPREAD THE WORD!!!! Vigil Honoring Those Died & Harmed by Reagan Policies Join Us if you are tired of the network and newspaper coverage of Reagan death that has brought forth a chorus of praise from Democrats and Republicans. Much of the reporting and commentary we see on TV news' has represented a dramatic revision of the history of the Reagan years in office. Let's tell the real story!! Friday, June 12 -4:30-6:30 PM in Leimert Park