fix articles 257374, tracy rosenberg
Oakland Committee Voting On Ending Secretive Surveillance (tags)
Up For Consideration on Tuesday before the Oakland City Council's Public Safety Committee, a Transparency Ordinance Grants Community Control Over Spying Equipment Use.
KPFK in Pacifica's meeting - more descriptions (tags)
These are excerpts REPOSTED for local LA listeners of KPFK - as to what else happens [not on-air-only presentations that are the slick surface of it all ] - written by a long-time prior dedicated PNB member.
KPFK is integral part of Pacifica, going broke ? (tags)
KPFK says it is going to do another whiney begfest for more $$$ tomorrow, with claims they did not get enough money during the extra long fund raising they barely just completed. Could it also be due to these also secret non-transparent doings at Pacifica, which KPFK also is run by and where KPFK payors also pays for 'belonging' ....and thus we too seem to be crazily represented in -Pacifica and all the PNB members decide or decry - as also by some of KPFK's own LSB members are PNB members too ? what is going on anyhow? Can our LA local radio station continue on at all ? or is it being set up to be sold off, the building sold for cold cash and then ? dead air ? all gone ? money down that radio drain ?
Don't Nix the Mix – a show at KPFA (tags)
The MORNING MIX -- community radio by local show hosts at KPFA in Berkeley
Updating chaotic crumblings at Pacifica - affects KPFK too. (tags)
Events continue in the higher levels of a mixed-up Pacifica Fdtn with who is in charge and who is not and who has authority and who claims what. With most in Los Angeles not extending to keep up with details as others derail and destroy what was before a ‘radical’ variety of programming at KPFK, along with it’s sponsors, here are reposted excerpts to both advise, inform, and urge activism in any form an Indy reader will dare to help the mess from spilling over and out into KPFK and so into our lives here. Fuller information is available at the links provided here. Note that excerpts are for *Relevant Clarification * and those that may be pertinent how KPFK in LA is affected by what else is currently being disputed, declared and not questioned. The many detracting claims and counterclaims affect the operations and functionings of Pacifica Fdtn and it’s 5 stations, More specific detailed info can be read in the entire articles/ reports written by Tracy Rosenberg at the links included at facebook: “United for Community Radio KPFA “. Though the stories appear to emphasize the sibling station in Berkeley KPFA, the results affect our Local KPFK radio station 90.7 FM in LA equally, even when our station's ID is ignored in their stories. It was our own KPFK prior GM who was laddered Up into Pacifica's interim Exe Director position, but by Berkeley's group and it was not even discussed at the local KPFK LSB in April. Why ?
Summer Reese is the Pacifica Foundation’s Abe Lincoln (tags)
Is the Pacifica Foundation Board Trying to Dissolve the Foundation’s Five Station Union, Place Each Station’s Broadcast License under Local Ownership, Sell WBAI into the Commercial Marketplace and Distribute the Proceeds as "Endowments" to the Remaining 4 Stations?
Pacifica IS also KPFK, so let's not ignore what going on (tags)
Pacifica is struggling with who is it's new Executive Director with much dramatic flurries, acting outs, resistances, alliances, and stories barely coming out, even on internet. A few reports of happenings is being sent out to the 'rest of us' by Tracy Rosenberg, a former termed out PNB member. We here in LA are playing dumb and treated as if we were even dumber...muted actually. see her site for other stories and commentators too.
Reported excerpts of Pacifica's - and that's KPFK's - incidents happening - update (tags)
Tracy Rosenberg has been updating information in a reporter's fashion with what is occurring...tho far from LA, still relevant to our own KPFK, however it falls Out or sideways. The Pacifica Nat'l Bd [PNB] and Pacifica's attorney and others star in the more recent incidents. Excerpts that may interest local LAers is here. See Tracys facebook site in future for updates as they show up. [why Indymedia is glumping all paragraphs together is not resolvable by this writer, so please glimpse for key words or parts that Can Be Read if possible. This glitch seems to occur when spacing well is in the article written but does not come out in final results here. sorry for that. See Facebook link for more info anyhow. ]
KPFA's manager attends a board meeting (tags)
KPFA is the Pacifica sister station in the Bay Area of Northern California
Between the Minutes: Scenes from a KPFA board meeting (tags)
There's an authoritarian left, and there's a democratic left. KPFA's Local Station Board is where the twain meet, but not always in good faith.