fix articles 26123, satanic
Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) in Iraq targets Iraqis (tags)
The Global Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Killers of Langley, Virginia (The CIA) are continuing to strike with their typical Serial Killers Pattern in Iraq. Instead of Openly targeting Iraqis The Global Satanic Government's (The CIA) AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Branch is Targeting Iraqis with Death Squad Precision disquised as Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Terror Attacks.
How do you spell Al Qaeda? AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) (tags)
In the War on Islam in Libya, The Global Satanic Government (The CIA) has admitted that The Libyian Oppoisition is in fact AL CIADA aka CIA Satanist Pretending to be Muslims. So while they Spell it Al Qaeda for The Satanic News Releases, the real way to spell Al Qaeda is AL CIADA (English Translation "The CIA Duh").
Global Satanic Government (The CIA) Stages AL CIADA Terror Attack in Pakistan (tags)
The Global Apostates of Hell (The CIA) have, in an attempt to give credibility to their FAKE BIN LADEN KILLING, Killed at least 80 People in Pakistan via a Post FAKE BIN LADEN KILLING Staged AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Terrorist Attack in Pakistan.
Saudis in The House of Fraud on Attack against Popular Arab Revolt (tags)
The Global Satanic Government's (The CIA) Trojan Horses in Arabs Clothing have begun a full scale Military Assault on The Popular Arab Revolt in Bahrain as well as Saudi Arabia at the Orders of The Global Apostates of Hell From Langley, Virginia (The CIA).
Through The War on Islam in Libya The Party of Satan will Hijack Your Tax $ again (tags)
You have all undoubtedly heard Obushma The George W Bush Carbon Copy calling for an Expansion of The War on Islam into Libya (called The Cause to Free Libya, Pardon me while I Gag). Through this continuation of The War on Islam in Libya, The Global Satanic Government (The CIA) and The Rich Satanist and The Party of Satan (called The Republicans and The Democrats) will continue to Hijack Your Tax Dollars to Fund Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Murders Abroad.
The Rich Satanist on Wall St. are trying to get Immigrants Blamed for Job Losses (tags)
The Rich Apostles of Satan on Wall St. are working overtime to see that Immigrants get blamed for the Job Losses caused by The Fascist Trade Agreements. Don't fall for their Post 9-11 Misdirection Tactics.
COPS (Criminals On Patrol). The Global Menance to the People (tags)
COPS (Criminals On Patrol) don't protect and serve you the people. They protect and serve Your Enemies, The Rich Apostles of Satan on Wall St., and The Powers that be. From The Middle East to Europe, Asia, The Americas, and Austrailia. Cops are Your Enemies Agents on The Streets
The Real Terrorist of The World are The Masterminds of The 9-11 Attacks (The CIA) (tags)
The real Terrorist of The World are The Masterminds of The 9-11 Attacks, London 7-7 Attacks, Madrid Train Bombings, Mumbai Train Bombings, Bombings of Mosques and Shrines in The Middle East, aka The Global Satanic Government (The CIA).
The Global Satanic Government's (The CIA) Partners The House of Fraud goes to Bahrain (tags)
As The Protest against The Global Satanic Government (The CIA) and their Post 9-11 Partners in Crime aka CIA Trojan Horses in Arabs Clothing Intensifies The CIA is working with The House of Fraud to put down Protest in The Arabian Penninsula.
The Men and Women of Law Enforcement Protect and Serve The Ruling Elite Not You (tags)
The Men and Women of Law Enforcement Protect and Serve The Ruling Elite and NOT THE PEOPLE. These Trojan Horses are only there to Restore THE ORDER OF THE RULING ELITE and NOT THE PEOPLE. Americans should therefore work to revoke any increased Powers Granted to these Pro Corporate Thugs.
I had the pleasure of watching ABC's Sunday morning political church coverage of the Republican presidential debate from Drake University. Other than the honesty of Ron Paul, Rudy led them all into a literal and spiritually satanic discussion answering some very good and honest questions from voters, the moderator, and a scholar.
No Naturalistic explanations (tags)
What counts as "unusual" or "inexplicable" is just about any cut,
Ritual Abuse Survivors Have Their Day in Court . . . TV (tags)
In what the prosecutor considered "a classic textbook satanic cult killing," (Toledo Blade, May 13, 2006), Father Gerald Robinson of Toledo, Ohio was convicted of murdering Sister Margaret Ann Pahl in 1980. During the trial, I was given the unique opportunity to speak on live TV about the reality of ritual abuse without being discredited, demeaned, or disbelieved by Court TV anchors Lisa Bloom and Vinnie Politan.
Question. Who was the only individual ever to have the death sentence commuted by Governor Bush? -He mass murdered over 100 people with his other friend. In these murders, Lucas and his friend (and sometimes forcing children they bring along to participate and watch) group-murdered, flayed, hacked, cut, disemboweled, and decapitated over 100 people. Sometimes this involved necrophilia and cannabalism.-
more about the satanic chip (tags)
More about that satanic chip published by AP news wire