fix articles 263102, african student union
CSULB Students Ripped off by Marketing Company (tags)
"Brailsford & Dunlavey is not a polling company, interested in providing an unbiased sampling. They are a facility planning company that profits from providing “market and financial analyses, architectural programming, business planning, referendum management, and other pre-implementation services” for moving the construction process to fruition. On their website,, Brailsford & Dunlavey states, “B&D equips clients with the data and tools needed to navigate confidently from dream to reality.” Ironically B&D has acted as a Public-Relations firm for building the Rec Center on CSULB. Neither B&D nor the Pollock administration have shown interest in providing an honest “feasibility Analysis” or a “Preliminary Assessment” like B&D claims on its website, after continually milking CSULB for more money."
Hosted by FAMLI, Inc., the festival is the nation’s largest cultural tribute to Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz). The great human rights advocate and family man would have been 80 years old on May 19 in this 40th year observance of his death.
Los Angeles Black Community Rally for Peace & Justice WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER!