fix articles 26443, amira hass Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : amira hass

amira hass

Compassionate Genocide (tags)

The issue is not whether and how Israel lets trucks with the much-needed supplies into Gaza; it is the nearly two-decade-long siege of the Strip, worsened by the most recent devastation. Both literally and figuratively, humanitarianism does not ameliorate the situation on the ground. On the contrary, humanitarian discourse strives to make the intolerable barely tolerable.

Israel's Reign of Terror on Palestine (tags)


Israeli State Terror (tags)


Profile of a Racist Zionist State (tags)


Two Editorials Fall Short (tags)


Ghost Village Beitin (tags)


New York Times Anti-Palestinian Bias (tags)


Unbreakable US/Israeli Ties (tags)


Accountability Now (tags)


Guilt by Accusation (tags)


Netanyahu Rejects Palestinian Sovereignty and Democratic Freedoms (tags)


Israel Signals Hardline Policy Intentions (tags)


Abbas: Collaborating with the Enemy (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 7 (tags)


Israel Encourages Settler Violence (tags)


Fatah Israeli Collaborators (tags)


Palestinians Living in Firing Zones (tags)


Unconscionable Media Warmongering (tags)


Israeli Turned Palestinian Activist (tags)


Palestinian Footballer Near Death (tags)


Daily Kristallnacht in Palestine (tags)


Killing with Impunity (tags)


Gaza Siege Harshness Continues (tags)


Israel's Latest Ritual Slaughter (tags)


Israel's Ruthless Golani Brigade (tags)


Israeli/Washington Peace Process Rejectionism (tags)


Freedom Flotilla II: Blocked but not Defeated (tags)

Israeli terror

Colonizing Libya by Military, Financial, Political and Propaganda Terrorism (tags)


Israeli Anti-Freedom Flotilla II Propaganda (tags)

state terror

Extrajudicial Assassinations: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Israeli and PA Forces Suppress Solidarity with Egyptians (tags)

liberation struggles

Abusing Palestinian Children (tags)


Palestine Today: A Reality of Justice Denied (tags)

repression continues

Israeli Soldiers Sexually Abuse Palestinian Children (tags)

More Israeli crimes

Occupied Palestine: Home Demolitions, Dispossessions and Residency Rights Revoked (tags)

More evidence of Israeli lawlessness

Israel's New Land Grab Master Plan (tags)

theft of Palestinian land

National Public Radio's Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)

NPR supports power and privilege and their worst crimes

Israel's Infiltration Prevention Bill (tags)

Israel accelerating toward fascism

Israeli Prohibitions Against Free Expression and "Enemy Alien" Contacts (tags)

Erosion of civil liberties in Israel

Arresting Peaceful Protesters in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israeli oppression continues

Incriminating Evidence of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza (tags)

Israeli war crimes

San Diego Activists Show Pro-Palestinian Film "Occupation 101" (tags)

Activist San Diego showed the movie "Occupation 101," a documentary denouncing the Israeli occupation of Palestine, February 16. Leading a discussion after the film, Edgar Hopida, public relations director for the San Diego chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and filmmaker and public-access cable show producer Ed Sweed mostly talked about the American corporate media's near-total pro-Israel bias and ways to use nontraditional media to get alternative perspectives to the American people.

Israel's Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine (tags)

a decades long policy

Rosh Hashana Message: Celebrate Jewish Glasnost! (tags)

Despite a Backlash, Many Jews Are Questioning Israel

From Israel: Stop the Siege – Stop the War! - Join Our International Campaign (tags)

A month of protest: November 4 – December 2, 2006

There are No Monopolies on Suffering: My Israel Question (tags)

"Israel was created as a result of one of the worst racial atrocities in modern history. It was in part a sense of guilt and sympathy that persuaded the West that it must help the Jews create their own state. From the outset, two factors were always likely to haunt the project; first, it involved the annexation of land that was Arab; and second, it implied the foundation of an ethnic state, with all the exclusivist and racist attitudes that this potentially involved."



ISRAEL'S 'NUREMBERG' LAWS: Apartheid Targets Palestinian Home-owners Inside Israel (tags)

You won't hear about the story of my Palestinian friend Ali Zbeidat and the threatened demolition of his "illegal" home, either from the hundreds of international correspondents in Jerusalem or from the Hebrew media - not even from those remarkable Israeli journalists Amira Hass and Gideon Levy, two lone beacons inside Israel in the campaign for justice for the Palestinians.


A WALL AS A WEAPON By Noam Chomsky New York Times, Opinion February 23, 2004

Jewish Web Sites Opposed to Israeli Ethnic Cleansing etc... (tags)

This is a listing of Websites that are Jewish, and opposed to current Israeli Government Policies. The Zionists do not speak for all Jews.

Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony (tags)

The Last Essay. I am honored to post with my name and hopefully await what respect Real Democracy teaches by its practice in a civil society.

Reference Links: Jews against Zionism (tags)

Zionists, and Israel, do not speak for all Jews - not even a majority. Any attempt to claim otherwise is Zionazi Propaganda.

Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony (tags)

As of yesterday on CounterPunch at: there is a 13-page Said excerpt from the book ‘The Politics of Anti-Semitism’, from which further extracts below: --------------------------------------------------------

Primordial Illogic (tags)

It is logical to lock people up in their homes and villages, and to sabotage the farming of their land because it is logical to subsidize the Jewish settlement in the land of the forefathers of Gush Katif and northern Gaza. It is logical to connect Jewish settler homes to electricity and water while forbidding Palestinian neighbors from connecting to the electricity grid and the water and sewage lines.

BTL:Middle East Roadmap for Peace May Lead to a Dead End (tags)

Interview with Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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