fix articles 265474, yvette clarke
Trump & Republican Party: Party Of Animal Cruelty, War & Denial Of Human Rights (tags)
The Republican Party is the party of animal cruelty and violation of human rights.. Please read of their crimes of cruelty and vote out all who stand for election in primaries and general elections of 2018. Many of these people name themselves 'prolife' as they vote for illegal wars, heinous judicial and gubernatorial execution murders, and animal slaughter.
How To Contact The 544 Unelected Superdelegates Pledged To Clinton (tags)
7 more weeks remain to prevent a woman more hawkish than Obama from becoming the Democratic nominee
Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Rally a Huge Success! (tags)
As the culmination of Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, on Saturday, October 4th, tens of thousands of immigrant workers joined friends and allies for a fabulous rally in Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, New York.
New York Passes Anti-War Resolution (tags)
NEW YORK -- In a vote that elicited a range of emotional responses, the City Council approved a resolution Wednesday opposing war with Iraq except as a last resort.