fix articles 268464, unconference
freEtech2007, City Heights, Sun, Mar25, flyer (tags)
If you care about creating and sustaining a technological culture that is accessible to everyone, instead of being accessible to those who have $1500 to blow on a 4 day conference, then help us create freEtech, a free and open unconference in San Diego on March 25th, the day before eTech begins. Free Computer Classes, Workshops and Skillshares! March 25th, 10am – 4pm At the City Heights Free Skool! 4246 Wightman St, in City Heights On the corner of Van Dyke and Wightman San Diego, CA 92105 Come to freEtech, a free and open (un)conference in San Diego on March 25th, the day before eTech begins. As people who live in San Diego and care about making technology accessible and who care about supporting Do-It-Yourself culture, our group and the collectives we work with will provide the space, power, computers, projectors and internet access. We feel that emerging technology comes from rich cultural exchange, community and passion, not from corporations. If you agree, then come hang out with us and lets share ideas and eat some pizza.