fix articles 270389, gary johnson
100 Ways GOP Have Stolen Elections Since 1876 (tags)
Vol I: 84 Varieties Of GOP Election Fraud (tags)
The party of the rich, the Republican one, has always been a minority party and therefore has been involved in voter suppression and election thefts
Google, World's Biggest Censor, Was Founded By The CIA (tags)
Google censors by totally erasing some search links, hiding others in the back pages, designing algorithms to generate more negative than positive links, placing old data first,
The class struggle of th Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson (tags)
The Libertarians’ economic program voices the economic grievances of some of the more economically insecure layers of the American middle class through their criticisms of the domination of the major banks and corporations. Based on conceptions which originate in the right-wing and anticommunist Austrian School of bourgeois economics
Gary Johnson Poll Numbers Much Higher Than Reported (tags)
War profiteer media is not reporting Gary Johnson's poll numbers. They are much higher than we are told. The numbers in a Washington Post article are reported this week.
Both Trump & Clinton Have Ties to Epstein's Pedo Island (tags)
Both Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton have ties to convicted pedophile and Democratic donor, billionaire Jeffery Epstein and his pedophile island.
Fusion Green Liberty Party 2016 Presidential Campaign (tags)
The Green Liberty Party is a fusion party that combines both Green and Libertarian concepts. Primarily the GLP is concerned with ending the rackets called "war on drugs" and "war on terror". GLP candidate Mark Paul Miller will use the Office of President to research, expose and stop these two government rackets that have taken lives and money from U.S. voters. It is possible for a write-in candidate to win the election if they get enough votes
Why Vote Third Party in 2016 (tags)
If you believe neither hawkish Hillary nor Torturing Trump should be president, you have options. The antiwar Green, Libertarian and Socialist parties are some options to Clinton and Trump.
Headlight File Photo in 2008, Governor Bill Richardson ordered the New Mexico State Police to form a blockade at the Apache Homelands Casino property in new Mexico
Reactions to Obama's NSA Address (tags)
5% Protest Vote Against Military-Industrial Complex; Gary Johnson 4 Prez! (tags)
Since both Republicans and Democrats are heavily dependent upon lobbyist contributions from the military-industrial complex, our only result on Nov. 7th will be more of the same status quo whether it be Tweedledee Omaba or Tweedledum Romney. Please help break the bipartisan grip on democracy by giving third party Libertarian and anti-war candidate Gary Johnson your vote today!!
Gary Johnson vs. Scott Rasmussen: The voters lose (tags)
As we move toward the hype and hoopla of the Republican National Convention in Tampa next week and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte early next month, The American Pundit Writing Assignment for the second half of August focuses on the condition of political reporting in United States:
USA: Human Rights Activist Ordered to Six Months of Jail (tags)
The case of Ed Frey is reminiscent of an earlier Santa Cruz case where Sandy Loranger did time in jail for feeding the homeless soup. When the judge offered her counseling instead of jail Sandy Loranger replied, "If feeding my fellow man is a crime, I am beyond rehabilitation."
Free Gary Johnson! Homelessness in California is now punishable by a year in jail. (tags)
Free Gary Johnson! Overturn the Convictions of Ed Frey, Arthur Bishoff, Collette Connolly! Hands Off Christopher Doyon! End Laws making it Illegal for the Homeless to Sleep at Night! Seize Housing From the Banks for those Who Need Housing! For a Nation Wide Jobs Program Building Housing for All!
Marijuana Initiative Could Generate $1.4 Billion (tags)
Proposition 19, the initiative on the November 2 ballot to decriminalize possession of marijuana in California, could bring $1.4 billion or more annually to California's parched coffers — but in advocating for the measure as part of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (L.E.A.P.), Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence has found some politicians and law enforcement personnel eagerly embracing the idea, while others figuratively and sometimes literally run away from any hint of endorsing the measure.