fix articles 27199, expression Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : expression


How to desublimate repressive? (tags)

Love is the gate to eternity, but what if a process of sexual liberation could save the status quo of existing ruling structures?

Unconstitutional Senate Intelligence Authorization Act (tags)

police state

Israeli Security Force Thugs Attack Russian Journalists (tags)


Paris Killings: Terrorism or False Flag? (tags)

false flag

Know the consequence of insulting ISlam (tags)

People know the consequences. Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

Rogue State Israel (tags)


Targeting Press Freedom in Palestine (tags)


Obama's War on Press Freedom (tags)


Targeting Free Expression in Israel (tags)


Israel Governs Lawlessly (tags)


Killing the Messenger: Official Greek Government Policy (tags)

police state

Obama's War on Free Expression (tags)

police state

Eroding Free Expression in Israel (tags)


Berkeley's Free Speech Movement (tags)


EU Wages War on Free Expression (tags)


Targeting Free Expression (tags)


State of Human Rights in Israel (tags)


New Report on Israel Restricting Free Expression and Assembly (tags)


Israel's Proposed Counterterrorism Law (tags)

police state

Radio, A Powerful Tool For Human Rights, Celebrates Over 100 Years Of Free Expression (tags)

This week marks more than 100 years since the radio was patented on June 2, 1896, an invention that changed the world and the ideas of Human Rights such as Right #19 ?Freedom of Expression?. History was made when arctic explorer Robert E. Peary, in 1909, radio-telegraphed, "I found the Pole". Today, history is still being made through radio, as an array of human rights issues such as discrimination, religious beliefs, torture and other controversial subjects are discussed around the world on live radio.

Talking About Freedom of Expression At Sunscreen Film Festival (tags)

Human Right Number 19, "Freedom of Expression" is the subject for Youth for Human Rights Florida President Dustin McGahee and Alexa Vega, star of the blockbuster movie, "Spy Kids".

Israeli Prohibitions Against Free Expression and "Enemy Alien" Contacts (tags)

Erosion of civil liberties in Israel

An Open Letter to Pacifica Radio's KPFA Management (tags)

censorship at KPFA


What to do when a newspaper practices censorship?

Submissions Deadline Extended for TAYO Literary Magazine (tags)

TAYO is the first independent literary magazine dedicated to the creative expression of Filipino American youth. It is presented by the Filipino American Library (FAL) and led by Co-Directors Kristine Co and Melissa Sipin. Guidelines and additional information are available at

Sonya Kahn Addresses Music Education, Anti-War, Genocide, Peace and Love (tags)

Vocalist-Songwriter-Musician-Producer Sonya Kahn is using classical and rock music to drive home the points of music education as a means of expression, inspiring a whole new generation with advocacy and activism.

Nostalgic for Palparan (tags)

The commanding general of the Central Command of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Lt. Gen. Pedro Inserto, says that “the Palparan solution” failed. The so-called solution is named after the notorious Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan Jr., now retired. In all his assignments,

Urgent petition save graffiti memorial Carlo Giuliani & Davide Dax Cesare... (tags)

Milan, Italy In memory of Carlo Giuliani, murdered on July, 21th of 2001 during the repression of the protests against the G8 summit in Genova, has been realized in Milan a "No Justice, No Peace" graffiti.

The War on Free Expression (tags)

The struggle to save our First Amendment rights

Beyond Entertainment: How Roger Waters Has Influenced Other Artists To Take A Stand (tags)

Roger Waters is an example of an artist who has taken a stand against injustice. His work has influenced others in music, film and other forms of creative expression.

Kembrew McLeod, Copyright Criminals: This is a Sampling Sport (tags)

Interview with Kembrew McLeod about Copyright Criminals, a documentary about the sampling culture.

The Valentine Peace Project (tags)

This is a creative peace visibility project. Please join us in re-imagining Valentine's and create a new expression this February 14 celebrating peace and community.


Leann Simpson, a strong motivated young woman, combines her artistic talents with a strong message for those dealing with drug addiction. USE ART.....NOT DRUGS.

The Trannie Road Show is coming.. to town! (tags)

Have a rockin' good time watching awesome trannie/queer sexuality performance art. Monday April 11 The Parlour 7702 Santa Monica Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90046 (between Fairfax and La Brea at Stanley) Time 11:30pm Cost $3 Ages 21+ For more info (323) 650-7968

Academic Freedom is Almost a Thing of the Past (tags)

Colorado professor and Indian activist Ward Churchill, threatened with sacking for his outspoken views on the 9-11 attacks, at least has the protection of tenure. For most academics, that kind of protection of free speech is long gone. So is their willingness to take controversial stands.

300 days sit-in strike... (tags) migrant workers in S. Korea

Interesting Dichotomy (tags)

AMMAN, Jordan - A group of Arab experts issued a report Monday that finds the Arab world lacking in three areas they deem fundamental to development: freedom of expression, access to knowledge and empowerment of women. While in Israel: HERZLIYA, Israel (Reuters) - An Israeli start-up has developed a processor that uses optics instead of silicon, enabling it to compute at the speed of light, the company said.

Block Away (tags)

I am in favor of IndyMedia blocking KOBE members.

My Dream (tags)

Is that the whole world will be a place of social justice. . . like China, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, North Korea and, of course, Cuba. Viva Comrade Fidel!

Conference On Raza Press, Media, And Popular Expression (tags)

Conference On Raza Press, Media, And Popular Expression: Its History And Its Use As A Tool For Liberation



what is democracy? (tags)

what is a democracy? an investigation into american representative democracy on the eve of another election.

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Twelfth (tags)

12. Ensure freedom of political expression.

States of Surveillance (tags)

A police state cannot exist without surveillance of dissenting political expression. And that surveillance is ultimately as threatening as police violence and legal entanglements.

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