fix articles 27647, suffer
PHILIPPINES: Call for a National Conference Against Dictatorship (tags)
Since he assumed office, President Rodrigo Duterte has still failed to fulfill his promise to “provide for those who have little”: Workers still continue to receive low wages and experience job insecurity because he has failed to fulfill his vow to end contractualization.
Looming Greek Capitulation to Troika Bandits? (tags)
Willful Medical Negligence in Israeli Prisons (tags)
America's Criminal Legacy in Afghanistan (tags)
Palestinian Prisoners Day (tags)
New York Times Supports Targeted Killings (tags)
Medical Neglect in Israeli Prisons (tags)
Agent Orange: A Deadly Legacy (tags)
US Cities Going Bankrupt (tags)
class war
CPP joins Filipino women in marking International Women's Day with protests (tags)
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today expressed support and solidarity with the Filipino women in marking the 98th anniversary of International Women’s Day with mass protests against oil price increases and intensifying American military intervention.
Abolition of Meat: Closing release for the May 2011 WWAM (tags)
Throughout the world, individuals, groups and organizations stand up to proclaim their dissent. We demand the banning of animal agriculture, fishing and hunting.
BTL:Report: Palestinians Suffer Egregious Discrimination Under Israeli Control (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.
The great fear.
American School System is mostly a Warehousing/Daycare Op! (tags)
American children who suffer through these long,useless,boring years in school find out at the end ,when they graduate high school,that they're "Not Qualified" to do any kind of job or are trained for any kind of career! .....................................................
It is not those who can inflict the most. (tags)
But those who can suffer the most and survive that triumph in slaughters like Gaza.
ILPS May First 2007 Message (tags)
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle extends its most militant greetings to the workers and other toiling people of the world on the occasion of International Workers’ Day. We commemorate the first May Day in 1887 when hundreds of thousands of workers struck in every major American city calling for an 8-hour workday. In Chicago, the police brutally attacked the strikers and demonstrators. A rally in Haymarket Square to protest the police brutality was also attacked. A number of labor leaders were framed on trumped up charges and hanged while others were thrown in prison. One hundred twenty years later, the workers still suffer from the barbarities of capitalism. They have to struggle to achieve their own emancipation and the emancipation of mankind.
All Eyes on San Bernardino (tags)
Xenophobic measure will affect more than just the undocumented
Fear and Health in the U.S. (tags)
The Flu Season is Here, again! Are you going to participate, or not? If you wish to participate this season, you can get a flu shot, if you are a part of the “at risk” population or you can bribe a health care professional into giving (selling) you a shot. ‘ No’, wait, that was last years flu season. This year, we have the “regular” flu (Swine,
The Myth of the Fiscal Crisis (tags)
The first step that must be taken if we are to reverse the cuts and prevent the destruction of the New Deal’s gains is to understand in our own minds that there is no fiscal crisis.
Given Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's continued persistence to carry out his Gaza Disengagement Plan, Condoleeza Rice's recent statements and renewed American involvement, and the recent Sharm el-Sheikh cease-fire agreement, it's now more important than ever to think seriously about the "real" viability (or not) of a territorially divided Palestinian state.
New racist policies against impoverished Gazan workers (tags)
The Israeli Occupation Authorities has issued new work policies in the 'Eretz industrial zone' in the northern Gaza Strip, which forbid Gazans from wearing shoes, coats or bringing food from home.