fix articles 277001, bees Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : bees


Pepsi Burning Animals Alive In Going Back To Sugar (tags)

There are toxic effects to human health, animal protection, agricultural yield in Pepsi's decision to go back to lethal sugar.

Southern California Swarms to Save the Bees in Solidarity with Honey Bee Day Around the Gl (tags)

Los Angeles joins “Bee Against Monsanto” to #SwarmTheGlobe #SaveTheBees to bring awareness to the importance of the bee, the dangers of pesticides, and the continuing threat of Colony Collapse Disorder to the bee population and our food supply.

Bayer, Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF, Dow: Biggest Bee Killers (tags)

The world's largest slave labor force is being killed off by Bayer, Monsanto, Sygenta, BASF, Dow and other beekilling profiteers

BTL:Horticulturist: Disappearance of Honey Bees, a Warning Sign of Ecological Collapse (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

The Bees are Dieing (tags)

Are we facing famine? You bet we are.

The land of milk of honey (BKH) (tags)

I am exhausted and thus taking the weekend off as a revolutionary columnist, but there are still a few things I wanted to get off my chest, just on the off chance that maybe Indymedia might be knocked off line before Monday so as tired as I am today I thought I would still get a few things written down

Christ Mass: The Birth of Human Rights (tags)

Christians all over the world tonight will celebrate the Birth of Human Rights, without knowing it. Seventy years after Spartacus, Human Rights were born. These new Human Rights were born of the humble Jewish Worker Bees, and not of the Jewish Ruling Class, the elite Levites of the Second Temple Period in Jerusalem.

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