fix articles 27946, s. ambassador john negroponte
EMERGENCY PROTEST: No to Fake "Sovereignty" - End the Occupation of Iraq! Bring the Troops Home Now! This Wed., June 30, 5 p.m. Westwood Federal Building (corner of Wilshire & Veteran) For more info. call 323-464-1636
Georgie you said we found WMDs, are you a liar? (tags)
In the space of a week Georgie went from saying "We found the weapons of mass destruction," to "We recently found two mobile biological weapons facilities capable of producing biological agents," meanwhile "...Pentagon and American weapons hunters have said [the trailers] do not constitute arms."
U.S. corporations set to profit off Iraq (tags)
The Bush administration’s attempt to fashion for itself the sole role of ruler and victor in post-war Iraq is meeting growing domestic and international opposition.
Bush policies blasted At UN (tags)
Faced with growing international skepticism, George W. Bush used much of his State of the Union Address in an attempt to build support for his drive to war with Iraq.
U.S. to U.N.: We May Have To Attack Other Countries (tags)
So when will we bomb Florida?