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5 Dozen Categories Of Republican Election Theft (tags)
With an almost infinite variety of methods, plutocrats have stolen elections through Republican candidates
Foil The Republican Plan To Steal Ohio And The Election (tags)
myriad kinds of fraud eumployed by the Ohio Republican Party to steal the national election
The GOP Plan To Steal The Ohio And National Elections (tags)
This writer has left the duopoly of the Republican and Democratic 2 headed monster because there is not a single antiwar candidate among the remaining 11, and will vote for a third party candidate.. most probably a Libertarian, Green or Socialist candidate.
38 Of The Ways Republicans Steal Elections (tags)
Some of the ways Karl Rove, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Jeb Bush, G H W Bush or many others conspired to steal elections Although the word gerrymander was coined in 1812 after a Bostonian, Gerry Mander, Massachusetts has less vote fraud than red or purple states.