fix articles 283417, steven churchwell
Laura Chick Identified as Potential Player In Financial Scheme Known as CaliforniaALL (tags)
A former Los Angeles City Controller associated with the California Democratic Party is now embroiled in a controversy dealing with the alleged embezzlement of public funds through and by means of fraud
Sacramento Developer with Ties to UC Davis MIND Institute Embroiled in New Controversy (tags)
Sacramento real estate developer once accused of defrauding an Indian tribe out of millions of dollars while conspiring with the tribe's attorney (Howard Dickstein), is now embroiled in a separate controversy dealing with the alleged embezzlement of public funds
Indicted Aaron Swartz Hires Keker & Van Nest (tags)
Aaron Swartz, who faces up to 35 years in prison, recently hired San Francisco-based Keker & Van Nest to represent him, according to court documents filed with the United States District Court of Massachusetts.
Wilson Sonsini's Larry Sonsini Asked to Investigate US Ambassador to Japan John Roos (tags)
The request comes amidst revelations that in 2007-2008, OBAMA FOR AMERICA operatives John Roos and Mark Parnes of Wilson Sonsini participated in what appears to be a sophisticated financial scheme to misuse the California Bar Foundation and non-profit entity CaliforniaALL
Southern California Edison Refusal To Disclose Contributions Prompts Complaint to IRS (tags)
In a letter dated August 30, 2012, Edison (through their senior attorney Allan D. Johnson) informed me that they will not comply with the request. Edison wrote: “EIX and SCE are unaware of any authority that would obligate them to produce these documents to you.” Furthermore, Edison also wrote: “Neither EIX nor SCE plan to take any further action in response to your request.”
On San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) , Southern California Edison (tags)
In 2007, Jeffrey Bleich was a ready-to-wage-war attorney working for Ronald Leroy Olson at Munger Tolles & Olson who was dubbed by some media outlets as Superman.