fix articles 29, monkey Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : monkey


International Primate Day September 1st: Moby teams up with ADI to ‘Back the Macaque’ (tags)

Moby Teams Up With ADI To Back The Macaque And Help Endangered Primates

Cruel monkey farms on trial in Hendry County (tags)

Brutal monkey breeder plans exposed by Animal Defenders International

Who's behind The Burnings of Black Churches? Who wants a Race War? The Feds (tags)

In recent weeks there has been a sudden outbreak in burnings of Black Churches. Add this to the Outbreak in Shootings of Blacks by The CIA Monkey Boys in Law Enforcement and it becomes Clear it is The US Govt. and Feds who are Stoking a Race War because they unlike Blacks and Whites WANT A RACE WAR.

Lonely Monkey Finds His Val-entine (tags)

An embrace with Valerie ends a lifetime of loneliness for rescued Pepe

VIDEO: “Brutality on laboratory monkey farms endemic” says ADI as another dealer is expose (tags)

Animal Defenders International (ADI) has released shocking images from inside a huge facility in Spain that imports monkeys from Mauritius and sells them to the US and around the world for experiments.

Air France's Monkey Business (tags)

Please watch and share LCA's PSA: Air France's Monkey Business. Air France transports tens of thousands of primates each year for cruel and invasive animal experimentation.

Nefarious Monkey Business Uncovered (tags)

The international trade in monkeys destined for research laboratories has exploded in the past few years. A recent cruelty case in Van Nuys, CA shone a brief but bright light on this business with tragic consequences.

Want to STOP Amerikan Fascism? Then STOP supporting it! Tax Rebellion 2007 (tags)

Then stop supporting it. Simply stop paying federal fees, taxes, debt and other ransoms from neo-feudalism. Starting now! Highway Blog, spray paint, banner drop, tell friends, call up family, shout it out to neighbors, leave leaflets at pubs and cafes, hand write it in big letters on that wall or across the window. "STOP THE WARS, NO MORE TAX PAYING!" "STARVE THE BEAST!"

Jonathan Smith, geodesic domes (tags)

Interview with Jonathan Smith about building disposable geodesic domes.

The 3162...a Patriot Act (tags)

A free, progressive, three act play of protest


- Reported by Angie


There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement.

Know Thy Enemy (tags)

Since Bush is encountering so many protestors while in Britain, I thought I'd put my crack research staff on finding out as much information about protestors as they could. Here's what they found:

Aids was created in Maryland (tags)

Aids was created in the US

Monkeys escape from EU's largest primate lab!! (important too!! Please help!) (tags)

Please read the following and act!! Help make this worldwide email-action a succes! (This action is part of an ongoing, 4 year old campaign by individual activists, legal organisations, grassroot groups, etc. against the primate center with the sole aim to close it down!)

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