fix articles 292644, vincenzo vinciguerra Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : vincenzo vinciguerra

vincenzo vinciguerra

Nato's Secret Armies (tags)

waging war against peace

UPDATED: Italy's former President: 9-11 was a CIA-Mossad inside job (tags)

Italy's former President Francesco Cossiga has told Italy's "most respected newspaper" [Corriere della Sera] that the 9-11 attacks "were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies." (This is an updated, expanded version of an article which was originally posted a few weeks ago.)

Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job! (tags)

Man who set up Operation Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad.

False Flag Operations Defined (tags)

False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.

Terror Intel Style (tags)

This is how the sheep dogs keep the sheep complaint and exploitable. Remember 911? Bali? Oklahoma? Notice that all this bullshit started around the time people were starting to stand up to parasites like the WTO? Think about it!!

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