fix articles 2963, antonio
Perché scassate via Isonzo ogni 3 mesi ?
macron es un terrorista en el servicio del bilderberg
el falso terror islamico
San Antonio workforce bludgeneod by Levis's Cuts Over Years Women Respond (tags)
Texas has always been in a good position to deliver consumer goods to US markets. Levis jeans made for over 150 years and started by an immigrant who took tent material and redid it is worn by 10's of millions domestically and abroad in 2nd world locations.
Boston University investigates causes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Nicaragua (tags)
Since 2009, upon a request received from Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL) and Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), a research team from the Boston University School of Public Health (BU) has been investigating an epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Nicaragua of unknown cause.
Ingenio San Antonio mantiene tradición histórica de compromiso con sus colaboradores (tags)
Recientemente algunos medios de comunicación de prestigio han dado a conocer la situación de salud pública que enfrentan trabajadores agrícolas del Pacífico centroamericano que padecen Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC), un problema que preocupa a la sociedad en general. Desafortunadamente por lo incierto del origen de la enfermedad, a veces se incurre en imprecisiones en la búsqueda de culpables y no de soluciones.
University Of Texas And the fbi Continue Years Of Harassment Of Me On Campus (tags)
See my continuing reports and documentations of crimes committed against me by UT, police, fbi, and others, over the past several years contining to date.
Enfermos de Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC) beneficiados por Nicaragua Sugar (tags)
Gracias al Convenio de Responsabilidad Social Compartida firmado recientemente entre la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN) León y Nicaragua Sugar Estate Limited, unos 25 miembros de ASOCHIVIDA, la asociación de enfermos renales más importante del país, serán atendidos semanalmente en la clínica dental móvil que maneja la Facultad de Odontología de esa Alma Mater.
Elmo isn't Gramsci for kids and the mythical soft bigotry of low expectations (tags)
What do Ben Shapiro, Whitney Tilson, The Heartland Institute, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, The Hoover Institution, Wendy Kopp, The Manhattan Institute, and Democrats for Education Reform all have in common? They all shamelessly use the meaningless and hackneyed phrase "soft bigotry of low expectations."
Exitosa jornada m?dica de APROQUEN y Hospital Ingenio San Antonio (Nicaragua Sugar) (tags)
El Hospital del Ingenio San Antonio y la Asociaci?n Pro Ni?os Quemados de Nicaragua (APROQUEN), realizaron a finales de mayo la X Jornada M?dico Quir?rgica ?Por los Hijos de Mi Pueblo? en la que fueron operados gratuitamente un total de 60 pacientes con secuelas de quemaduras y traumatismo, labio y paladar hendido y malformaciones cong?nitas.
About Flor de Caña Boycott: ANAIRC’s Disinformation on Nicaragua Sugar and CKD (tags)
Over the last two years ANAIRC has been developing a smear campaign against Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL), owner of Ingenio San Antonio and a member of Grupo Pellas.
Significativo aporte de Nicaragua Sugar y Compañía Licorera (Grupo Pellas) a la educación (tags)
Construcción de escuelas y distribución de útiles escolares a miles de niños en el occidente del país
Grupo Pellas: Nicaragua Sugar y Compañía Licorera, marcando la diferencia (tags)
Más de seis millones de dólares invertidos en 2009 en sus compromisos de Responsabilidad Social
Nicaragua - ANAIRC: “Pase lo que pase, seguimos de pie” (tags)
Continúa la “Irresponsabilidad Social Empresarial” del Grupo Pellas
Nicaragua Sugar (Grupo Pellas) reinforces aid to CKD patients (tags)
Although it has been scientifically proven that the productive and labor practices of Ingenio San Antonio do not cause CKD, Nicaragua Sugar has expressed its unwavering desire to continue helping those affected with the disease.
Nicaragua Sugar (Grupo Pellas) refuerza ayuda a afectados de IRC (tags)
Un estudio de la Universidad de Boston concluyó que las prácticas laborales y productivas del Ingenio San Antonio no causan IRC, no obstante el Grupo Pellas continuará apoyando a ASOCHIVIDA
Boicot Grupo Pellas: ANAIRC desinforma en el extranjero (tags)
Sin pruebas, ni estudios que la avalen, insiste en campaña difamatoria contra Nicaragua Sugar
Ingenio San Antonio apoya reconstrucción de infraestructura sanitaria en Chichigalpa (tags)
Unas 300 familias afectadas por los torrenciales aguaceros serán beneficiadas con donación
Nicaragua Sugar y Compañía Licorera llevan progreso a las comunidades (tags)
El Ingenio San Antonio continúa resolviendo problemas a los pobladores de occidente
Responsabilidad Social Nicaragua Sugar: Ingenio San Antonio acoge jornada médica APROQUEN (tags)
Se realizaron 58 operaciones gratuitas a pacientes de diversos departamentos del país
San Antonio Police Department and Civilian Partner “Cellular On Patrol” Attempted “FrameUp (tags)
San Antonio Park Police and Cellular On Patrol try to frame homeless park visitor
Responsabilidad Social del Grupo Pellas: Exitoso proyecto ambiental de Nicaragua Sugar (tags)
Proyecto de reforestación del Ingenio San Antonio sembrará 70 mil plantas de especies nativas en occidente de Nicaragua
Ingenio San Antonio de Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited, fortalece producción limpia (tags)
Al combate biológico de plagas, le suma la fertilización orgánica
Deciphering the media campaign against Nicaragua Sugar Estates and the Pellas Group (tags)
A stone in the shoe In a recent article, the most conspicuous organizer of ANAIRC´s disinformation campaign against Nicaragua Sugar and the Pellas Group (Grupo Pellas) and the boycott against Flor de Caña finally decided to make an incursion into a new territory, without completely abandoning his repetitive disparaging epithets, in an attempt to give a new appearance to ANAIRC’s claims and make them seem serious. Let’s carefully examine what this is all about.
Descifrando la campaña mediática en contra de Nicaragua Sugar Estates – Grupo Pellas (tags)
Una piedra en el zapato En un reciente artículo, el más conspicuo de los organizadores de la campaña de desinformación que en contra de Nicaragua Sugar, del Grupo Pellas y de Boicot a Flor de Caña impulsa ANAIRC, se decidió finalmente a incursionar en un terreno novedoso para él: sin abandonar totalmente los repetitivos epítetos descalificadores, trata de innovar, pretendiendo darle un cariz de seriedad a sus planteamientos. Adentrémonos con interés para ver de qué se trata todo esto.
April 1, 2010 Yesterday, I posted a followup to my Talk of the Town story in this week’s issue about the literary hoaxes perpetrated by Tommaso Debenedetti, a freelance journalist based in Rome who fabricated interviews with Philip Roth and John Grisham. I had uncovered a third fabrication—a fake interview with Gore Vidal.
ANAIRC, Nicaragua Sugar, la IRC y el Boicot a Flor de Caña y al Grupo Pellas (tags)
Todas las organizaciones sindicales de Nicaragua, sean de izquierda o de derecha, han rechazado la campaña de desprestigio en contra de Nicaragua Sugar que impulsa ANAIRC.
Call to the Peoples of México to Organize the Revocation of the Presidency of Felipe Calde (tags)
"This crisis brings into question the future of the Mexican Nation and it’s people. In this political scheme by the grand capitalists, domestic and foreign, we lack hope. The Mexican people do not have a place in this world of neoliberal globalization except as pariahs and a disposable labor force. Given these circumstances, we need a patriotic transformation and a democratization of the political system, the economy and the culture that can confront this deep crisis of our country and the problems of the Mexican people. We need a transformation that will push out the bourgeois oligarchy and the political class that governs the state and the imperialist domain of Mexico. There is a need to construct a new majority that includes all of the patriotic forces that will install a new government and a new state. A new majority that is capable of taking back control and the property of the productive forces and strategic resources of the nation, and also able to guarantee sustainable development, social justice, national sovereignty, the autonomy of the indigenous pueblos and the practice of popular democracy."
With Amanda Villatoro, of CSA: CRF must be recognized as an occupational illness (tags)
ANAIRC-Boicot Flor de Caña: La IRC debe ser reconocida como una enfermedad profesional (tags)
Con Amanda Villatoro de la CSA La verdad sobre lo que pasó en el Ingenio San Antonio
Informative article on the march of Ingenio San Antonio and Compañía Licorera workers and main union leaders to reject discrediting campaign against Grupo Pellas and Flor de Cana Boycott initiated by ANAIRC and UITA.
Boycott Flor de Caña in support to sugar workers (tags)
Join to "Flor de Caña Boycott Group" - Send your letter to the importers and distributors in USA
El Vía Crucis de miles de obreros de la agroindustria azucarera (tags)
Más de 30 años de trabajo y una vida aguantando
The Flor de Caña Boycott Group Extends its Protest (tags)
Letters of Protest to Importers and Distributors around the World
BOICOT al ron Flor de Caña: cartas de protesta a los importadores (tags)
Grupo de BOICOT al ron Flor de Caña extiende su protesta Cartas de protesta a importadores y distribuidores en el mundo
Rel-UITA lanza campaña mundial de apoyo a la ANAIRC (tags)
Nota de Prensa
Rel-UITA lanza campaña mundial de apoyo a la ANAIRC (tags)
Nota de Prensa
Rejected proposal to create more jobs (tags)
Against PCA of Employment voted members Ademar Traiano (PSDB), Douglas Fabrício (PPS), Durval Amaral (DEM), Antonio Scanavacca (PDT), Luiz Carlos Martins (PDT), Marcelo Rangel (PPS), Plautus Miro (DEM) , Reni Pereira (PSB) and Valdir Rossoni (PSDB). These Members will be responsible for the layoffs of workers from now on, is the conclusion we have by now.
Una Carta del Mundo para los 5 Héroes Cubanos (tags)
Desde este momento, llamamos a los hombres, mujeres, niños y ancianos del mundo a que se unan a la idea de enviarle una felicitación de "Fin de Año" a estos muchachos de la dignidad y el decoro...
Jimmy was accused of leading a 1979 conspiracy to assassinate the federal judge in San Antonio Texas set to preside over his drug trial, died Friday. He was 63.
The Disturbing Case of Antonio Villaraigosa (tags)
A contrast between the MTA's fare proposals, the declared goals of our society, and Antonio Villaraigosa's public statements regarding transportation issues.
Antonio Villaraigosa and Fabian Núñez at Back to the Park on Thursday??? (tags)
Read Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Speaker Fabian Núñez and radio host El Piolin are billed as participants in a Thursday procession and candlelight vigil for immigration reform at MacArthur Park. If this true..count me out!
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa doesn't keep campaign promise to animals (tags)
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa promised to make LA a NoKill City. He hired Ed Boks as the new General Manager. In his first year Boks has failed to reduce the euthanasia rate. Fewer animals made it out alive, fewer were adopted. What went wrong? And what is the Mayor going to do about it?
RIO GRANDE CITY — Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez blamed the ghosts of Abu Ghraib for forcing him out of a military career that spanned 33 years. The 55-year-old Rio Grande City native and one-time top U.S. commander in Iraq retired in a formal ceremony at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio on Wednesday.
A Texas Preacher Leads Campaign To Let Israel Fight
Mayor Villaraigosa supports Israeli bombing of Lebanon (tags)
At a pro-Israel rally organized by L.A.'s Simon Wiesenthal Center, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made clear his support for the Israeli bombings of Gaza and Lebanon (Photo: AFP/Hassan Ammar - What if this was your mother? A wounded Lebanese woman, covered in blood, is evacuated after surviving an Israeli air strike in Tyre, south Lebanon.)
Ever read "The Merchant of Venice"? Well, imagine Uncle Sam is Shylock and Iran is Antonio. And imagine Portia is the World Court.
video of protest of Vicente Fox visit with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (tags)
A small group of farmers from the SC Farm joined with others to protest Vicente Fox visit with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa today:
Antonio Villaraigosa & Vicente Fox at Persing Square (tags)
Friday 5/26/06 2 PM
Mayor Antonio: eminent domain now for the farm. Feed the people - protect the farm (tags)
mayor antonio - thank you for representing the great city of los angeles. you must be very confident of your skills, wanting to be mayor and take over the school district. if you can't be bothered to care about how people feed their kids, why should anyone believe you about the schools?
Update on Border Angels Migrant March (tags)
Progress report from the March and Caravan by Migrants as they head to a showdown with Lou Dobbs and then to DC.
Antonio Villaraigosa has won the election, but can he fix all of our problems? Villaraigosa is indeed progressive, and is also a step in the correct direction.
No surprise, Netkin is the guy who was arrested for driving into crowd (tags)
Valley dingbat Hal Netkin ran a phone bank during the mayoral election that called voters with automated anti-Villaraigosa messages. He's obsessed with immigrants and the mayor-elect, and on his website calls Villaraigosa "the MECHista mayor who virtually takes his orders from Mexico City." So, no surprise, Netkin is the guy who was arrested last night in Orange County for driving his van into a crowd of Latinos protesting an appearance by the head of the Minuteman Project.
LA on coverof NYTimes today, but nothing here? (tags)
I was surprised to see that LA was on the cover of the NYTimes today for the mayoral election (I haven't been following it, I'm up in the Bay Area) and that there isn't any mention of the results on here. I'm wondering what the alternative view is on this guy. NYT paints him as a "union organizer." If that's true, why no mention here of a potential 'good guy' in office? Plus, if nothing else, the first Hispanic mayor in over 100 years . . .
Panamanian Abducted in LA by Police, Missing (tags)
Panamanian American arrested in LA on January 7.
At 79, he has outlived his most outspoken critics and several spans of public scorn.
Nader to visit Crawford (tags)
"(Nader) is joining other Texas peace and justice groups in speaking out against the current administration's aggressive foreign and domestic policies."
A record 68,000 march in San Antonio for MLK (tags)
...a record throng of marchers paid tribute Monday to slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in what has become one of the largest such marches in the country An estimated 68,000 people wound their way through East Side streets... "We are here because we cannot allow this holiday to become trivialized."
Antonio Negri in Argentina (tags)
Due to the visit of Antonio Negri to our country, we introduce some articles of debate and polemic with Negri's ideas that were published along the past few years in the magazine Estrategia Internacional.
Unbelievable Racial Slur/Treatment From Texas Senator (tags)
Arrogant bigotry from Texas GOP Senators during Congressional redistricting in Texas. Republicans are proud of their power, Rep. Tom DeLay is there to help them get their quotas of Republicans in Congress, and racial comments are now Politically Correct in the Aryan GOP.