fix articles 303732, israel zionist
The War on Syria and Noam Chomsky (tags)
A careful reading of the “Left” liberals’ response to the Western-backed terror in Syria, reveals that the “Left” liberals have display a staggering level of complacency, complicity and outright hostility to the Syrian people. Representatives of the milieu of the “Left” liberals led by the like of Noam Chomsky have lost credibility. Their arguments are part of the standard propaganda talking points that serve Israel-U.S. Zionist ideology.
Like N.Zealand did lets "Arrest" Harper,Emerson and the Aspers!!! (tags)
Like New Zealand did,lets call for the "Citizens Arrest" of Steven Harper,David Emerson and the Asper Family and their Traitorous,Criminal Conspirators!!!
Dismantle the US-Arroyo Fascist Puppet Regime, Resume Peace Negotiations Now! (tags)
For the sixth time, the fake president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will deliver her State of the Nation Address (SONA) as the traditional year-end report to elucidate new policies like all Philippine presidents do. But her sixth SONA will no different from her previous ones: all the high-tech glitz and fanfare in the world will not be able to hide its emptiness and utter lack of credibility