fix articles 307529, back breaking news
Intelligence Briefing on Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate (tags)
Latest Intelligence Briefing on the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate ...
Back Breaking News: Further Update on N. Korea fraud, a hoax (tags)
None other than Fox News is reporting that the French Defense Minister has announced that the alleged North Korean Nuclear Test was a failure.
Back Breaking News: Special Emergency Political Alert (tags)
Susan Ralston, former aide to Jack Abramoff and Karl Rove resigned today. She has been subpoenaed to reappear in front of the Fitzgerald Grand Jury vis a vis the Valerie Plame leak case. Interpol Intelligence sources are now reporting that 9-11/Oklahoma City (Murrah Building Bombing) aka Project Bojinka/WMD Plant/Greenberg Taurig/Tyco International and the Florida-Gate 2000 Dots have been connected.