fix articles 30814, snwa pipeline
BLM Support of SNWA Pipeline is "Pure Folly" (tags)
The decision last week by the BLM to support the SNWA pipeline shows their disregard for science and inability to protect species that are under their watch. The developers who plan projects like Coyote Springs 50 miles north of Las Vegas are dependent upon this pipeline, NOT Las Vegas. Just more hype so that some developers (Whittemore/Seeno/etc...) can profit at the expense of the desert spring ecosystems in Snake and Spring Valleys. There isn't enough water in these aquifers to support the suburban sprawl of Coyote Springs 100,000 homes, golf courses, etc...
Las Vegans speak out against expensive SNWA pipeline project (tags)
Anyone who wishes to comment to the Nevada State Engineer to protest the SNWA pipeline project and help protect endemic spring snails from extinction can do so today on this website link. The SNWA pipeline has been described as an economic stimulus plan for developers at the expense of ratepayers, rural people and spring fed ecosystems.
Gambling with Extinction; Snails, Dace, Chub & Trout Threatened by SNWA Pipeline to Vegas (tags)
Petition for endangered species status and a lawsuit by conservation groups to protect spring snails could delay or even stop the destructive aquifer draining pipeline to Las Vegas proposed by SNWA.