fix articles 308240, sooner Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : sooner


The ban on violence (tags)

We can only free ourselves from this spiral of violence if we return to the principles of international law and end both the use and the threat of force. For they both pursue the same goal - the subjugation of the adversary.

Much wants more and loses all (tags)

It is the West that cannot imagine a life without money and the resultant luxuries. Sanctions or no sanctions, Western companies will sooner or later (I bet: sooner) resume business with Russia because – as everybody in the West knows – “money makes the world go round”.

Tide turns sooner than imagined (tags)

The LA Times is now reporting on how Israel has changed its war aims. To my untrained eye it looks like war is Israel's war aim.


Move over you Islamic extremists dreaming of 40 virgins in heaven, we got Christian extremism right here in the good ole' U.S.A.

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