fix articles 30870, despite Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : despite


Hope despite the mess! (tags)

There is broad agreement that freedom should not only be measured in terms of one's own well-being, but also in terms of others, especially the socially disadvantaged, and in solidarity with those who lack recognition. The strong welfare state is widely accepted, even by those who pay more than they receive.

End of the superpower and Catastrophic escalation (tags)

The coming offensive in the Donbass, which Russia's army is currently preparing despite all setbacks, also represents an escalation step in which both sides are raising the stakes... The West is supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine.

More pragmatism in dealing with Corona (tags)

It is more important than ever that we are not only stubbornly clinging to concepts, but that we are prepared to break new ground. Also new ways of communication. A Corona traffic light would make both possible as a first step.

Uncle Joe and the Violence of the Liberal Middle (tags)

To many, Joe Biden represents the feelings of normality and reconciliation. Many Americans seem to like this mix of nostalgia and belief in progress, a kind of tranquilizer-patriotism. Whoever listens to Biden will hear vague promises, conjurations and Obama anecdotes

The Shortwave Report 02/24/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Assad Honors Syria's Army (tags)


Anti-Iranian Nuclear Deal Blitzkrieg in Full Swing (tags)


Life in Donetsk: Resilient Despite Obama's Continuing Proxy War (tags)


Governor SIgns SB 277, Citing Science (tags)

Despite loud protest by discredited anti-science circuit riders and right wing conspiracy theorists, California's Governor has signed into law Senate Bill 277 (SB 277 Pan D-Scaramento). Exploiting the legitimate need for strict regulation of vaccine development, demogoguery dominated much of the debate. Racist personal attacks upon the Asian-American sponsor combined to discredit the antivax view and the bill did pass after twitterstorms galore.

Slicing and Dicing Greece to Pay Bankers (tags)


Thousands in St. Petersburg Defy US Sanctions (tags)


Reinvented War Criminal Tony Blair Resigns As Middle East Envoy (tags)


Russians Traveling Abroad Risk Lawless US Abduction (tags)

police states

Ukraine's Latest Big Lie (tags)


US Diplomats Paid to Lie (tags)


Kiev's Dr. Strangelove (tags)


Irresponsible NYT Putin Bashing (tags)


PA and Hamas Guilty of Rampant Human Rights Abuses (tags)

New report from Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza reveals systemic abuses and oppression by PA and Hamas governments.

Obama vs. Romney (tags)

The strength of the democrats is the folly and mean-spiritedness of republicans. Programs to support the economy were rejected every time with the sole goal of bad economic data. Romney/Ryan rely on the short memory of voters who blame only Obama for the faltering economy Obstructionism should be the issue.

Philippines: Sorry state of labor presented in pre-SONA forum (tags)

Workers groups today presented the “sorry state of labor” in a forum that served as a buildup activity to the coming counter-SONA protest on Monday. “In his forthcoming SONA (State of the Nation Address), President Benigno Aquino III (P-Noy) will boast of his administration’s so-called inclusive growth. But to workers and the poor, GNP growth only means more ‘Gutom Na Pilipino,’” averred Renato Magtubo, national chair of Partido ng Manggagawa (PM - Labor Party - Philippines).

Austerity has never worked (tags)

It’s not just about the current economic environment. History shows that slashing budgets always leads to recession [...]

Workers and Immigrants of All Nationalities, Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win (tags)

May Day in LA was another success! Again, 10,000 workers and immigrants of all nationalities led by the May Day Coalition in Los Angeles marched along the downtown LA in unity against oppressive capital and the 1% that kept them exploited and oppressed through the years. Despite the troubled winds, besides all the other marches, the workers movement remained united. This is the second year that the workers marched under one banner. All despite the machinations of other groups to divide and disperse the movement.

Workers of All Nationalities, Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win (tags)

May Day in LA was another success! Again, workers of all nationalities led by the May Day Coalition in Los Angeles marched along the downtown LA in unity against oppressive capital and the 1% that kept them exploited and oppressed through the years. ... Despite the troubled winds, besides all the other marches, the workers movement remained united. This is the second year that the workers marched under one banner. All despite the machinations of other groups to divide and disperse the movement. The May Day Coalition led the LA march. It militantly demonstrated maturity and force by demanding legalization and fighting back. During the 2006 immigrant rights upsurge, when the ruling class forbid the flying of national flags to demonstrate chauvinist adherence to the war against the Iraqi people and other nations, workers of different nationalities proudly flew their flags in unity and struggle. The Alliance is proud to march with all oppressed workers of all nationalities in multi-ethnic Los Angeles on May Day.

Major Media Liars Report Fake NATO Victories (tags)


Obama's Depression (tags)


NATO Brussels Summit Claims Successful Afghan and Libyan Campaigns (tags)


BTL:Despite its Failure to Stop the Execution of Troy Davis, Campaign To End U.S. Death Pe (tags)

Interview with Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Israeli State Terror Belies Wanting Peace (tags)


Obama?s Continued Failures on the Environment and Jobs (tags)

[Photo: Bridge in Felton, California built by workers in the Works Progress Administration which employed 3.8 million people from 1935 to 1941 and built 11,000 schools, 122,000 public buildings, 77,000 bridges, 285 airports, 24,000 miles of sewer, and 664,000 miles of road. Photo by Liberation News]


A YEAR after the US-Aquino2 regime took power, the miserable situation in the Ilocos-Cordillera region mirrors the dismal state of the nation. From the impoverished tobacco and palay farmers in the Ilocos provinces to the indigenous people plowing hybrid corn fields, vegetable gardens and rice terraces in the Cordillera, the empty promises of the Aquino regime are reflected in the continuing violations and betrayal of the people?s right to land, livelihood and resources. The real boss of the Aquino administration turns out to be not the Filipino people, but US Imperialism as it furiously expands its economic interests as well as large scale corporate mines and geothermal and hydroelectric power projects in Northern Luzon and rams down the nation?s throat its Oplan Bayanihan (OPB), the so-called internal peace and security plan. It is these that exacerbate and continue to heighten the national oppression that reached ethnocidal proportion being suffered by indigenous people of the Cordillera and the Filipino people in general. Indeed, Aquino?s Daang Matuwid turns out to be no different from the substandard Halsema Highway with its erosions and slides, close-open status and serving mainly foreign interests in extracting super profits from the region?s resources. Oplan Bayanihan: Furthering the National Oppression of the Indigenous People Despite it?s deceptive psy-war features, Oplan Bayanihan (OPB) is fast showing up it?s true vicious character compared to its failed predecessor, Oplan Bantay Laya 1 & 2 of the unheralded and despicable US-Arroyo regime. The 5th IDPA and the NOLCOM of the AFP have overzealously applied its age-old imperialist master?s tactics of ?divide and rule? by exploiting indigenous social, economic and political systems in its counter-insurgency operations. They target not only combatants but more so innocent civilians including minors and the elderly. Coining nice sounding contraption to hide the harshness and vileness of Oplan Bayanihan does not succeed in erasing the notoriety of the AFP as armed units of the ruling class. Changing its notorious ?Reengineered Special Operations Teams? to ?Peace and Development Operations Teams?does not do the desired trick. It succeeds though in sowing intrigues and beclouding clear provisions of peace pact pagta where armed units (AFP/PNP and/or NPA) are not covered. Operating troops continue to quarter in schools, day-care centers, barangay halls and clinics, private homes and other public and sacred places contrary to clear provisions of CARHRIHL and Protocols of the Geneva Conventions. In many cases, families are broken up as a result of soldiers? womanizing. Young female students are also vulnerable to abuses especially where detachments are near schools. In one case, the whole tribesmen of a young lass have to be mobilized to demand accountability of the soldier?s tribes mate when a married soldier impregnated a young first year college student. Also drunken soldiers always spark troubles with youngsters even at the flimsiest of reasons.

NATO and Rebel Atrocities in Libya (tags)


Claremont Authorities Promote Fascism at Hate Rally (tags)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

CLAREMONT, California - Despite the best efforts of the City of Claremont and the Claremont Consortium of Colleges to obstruct, befuddle, and otherwise thwart a popular demonstration against fascism, the Southern California community succeeded in doing precisely that at two parallel demonstrations in response to a heavily-armed presence of a band of racist paramilitaries and their state-funded protectors.

Wisconsin Democrats Plan Capitulation (tags)

worker struggles

Haiti Update: Electoral Runoff and Aristide's Status (tags)


Olbermann's Sacking Shifts US Media Further Right (tags)

corrupted corporate media

Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim Update (tags)

wrongfully imprisoned

Duvalier in the Dock (tags)

justice demanded

America's Gulf Disaster: Accidental or Deliberate? (tags)

criminal malfeasance involved

Haiti's Cholera Epidemic: Mounting Illnesses and Deaths, Inadequate Aid (tags)

Washington provided virtually no aid

Democrats Continue Assault on Senior Citizens (tags)

Despite numbers showing how once Democratic senior citizens voted Republican in the elections, Democrats Propose Yet Another Idea to Alienate Senior Citizen voters.

Earthquake Stricken Haitians Victimized by World Indifference (tags)

Haitians are slowly starving



BDS Loses Big at Berkeley (tags)

Berkeley anti-Israel Bill fails in 9 hour debate

Rwandan opposition party leaders remain in Rwanda, despite threats of arrest and assassina (tags)

Rwandan opposition party leaders remain in Rwanda, despite threats of arrest and assassination. Spain's Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos has announced that the EU will send an Election Observer Mission to witness the campaign and August polls.

Religion vs. the Sprinkler Police (tags)

When it comes to my yard, a middle ground is unachievable if it means a dead ground. My religion and moral value system require healthy greenery; which in turn, benefit the animals and insects who depend on my yard for sustenance.

Immigrants Marched For Reform, Despite H1N1 Flu Treat (tags)

30,000 Immigrants Marched in Milw., Wisconsin For Immigration Reform, Despite Flu Treat


The ALLIANCE for a JUST and LASTING PEACE in the PHILIPPINES (AJLPP), ANSWER-LA and GABNET enjoins all freedom-loving activists to join us on Friday, November 21, 2008, 6 PM, to stage a picket and rally in front of the Sheraton Gateway Hotel, 6101 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045, to protest the presence of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in the US. And despite with some abrupt changes in schedules , the AJLPP with ANSWER-LA and Gabnet-LA will demand a stop to the US War on Terror in Mindanao, Stop the crackdown on the Progressive movement in the Philippines and Resume the Peace talks between the GRP and the MILF/NDFP

Cuba Hurricane Relief: from International Committee to Free the Cuban 5 (tags)

help Cuba recover from the hurricane and oppose the US blockade against the island

Eric McDavid Update (tags)

Post sentencing update

Israel seeks exemption from atomic rules (tags)

Israel is looking to a U.S.-India nuclear deal to expand its own ties to suppliers, quietly lobbying for an exemption to non-proliferation rules so it can legally import atomic material, according to documents made available Tuesday to The Associated Press.


Dr. Annalisa Enrile and two other GABNet leaders en route to US after harassment from immigration officials at Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila


The Alliance Philippine (AJLPP) condemn in the strongest terms possible the continued spree of political killings and abduction of progressive leaders in the Philippines. The campaign of political killings and abduction continued unabated despite the international condemnation by international organizations of the US-Arroyo regime. And the most embarrassing, the killings and abduction were committed despite the Lenten season. Also in flagrant violation of the JASIG, it has summarily executed Sotero Llamas, Political Consultant of the NDFP, and caused the involuntary disappearance of NDFP Consultants and their immediate families and staff, namely, Rogelio Calubad and his son Gabriel; Prudencio Calubid, his wife Celine Palma and two companions, Leopoldo Ancheta and Philip Limjoco. The AJLPP believed that as long as the US-Arroyo regime remained play deaf and dumb on political killings and abduction of activists in the Philippines, her hands will be filled with blood and not too soon, she will pay like Marcos and Estrada for her crimes against the people.

The Shortwave Report 4/6/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

Is the Media Fomenting War between Iran and the US? (tags)

Boredom strikingly prevails on the media stage despite the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the forgotten conflicts in other countries.

The Shortwave Report 1/5/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.


It is my grave concern that American workers, especially Christian workers, and others who snub wisdom in spite of, or in lieu of faith, be paid on time, and on their regularly scheduled payday. Therefore I demand that Bush pay me what he owes me on time or God will surely torture him in hell for a minimum of 500 years. The current balance due would be about 100 million dollars.

Systematic Abuse of Cats and Dogs in Bulgaria (tags)

Recent letter to supreme Prosecutor of Bulgaria concerning inadequate behaviour of Minister Nihat Kabil, Mayor Boyko Borissov and German SPCA

The Significance of Two August 21st Incidents in Philippine History (tags)

Like the rising number of political killings, the August 21, 1983 Aquino assassination remains unsolved. Despite the court findings which sent several military men involved in Aquino’s murder to jail, the people still believe that the real masterminds are still scot-free, and are still in the limelight, and are enjoying their loot in their unperturbed ostentatious style. As we join our voice with all of those who work for a just and lasting peace and fight for justice, the FQSN-USA remembers these historical incidents to remind the Filipino community in the United States that we still face the enemies of the people responsible for these crimes. It is our duty not to let them go unpunished. We will never forget. We will continue to struggle against political amnesia and always uphold the truth.

Make Your Voice Heard: Tell Congress to Stop the War Now!! (tags)

A Call for Nonviolent Resistance Actions to End the Occupation of Iraq Tuesday, September 26th, 2006, Washington, DC


In the light of the profound economic and political crisis in the Philippines today, what could be the significance of celebrating the one-hundred year anniversary of the coming of Filipino contract labor to Hawaii? Are Filipinos the new compradors for the militarist U.S. Empire? Or are they harbingers of a new generation of combatants from the oppressed communities? At the turn of the century, the revolutionary organizer Rosa Luxemburg elegized the dismal plight of the subjugated natives. Today, US Special Forces are back to reconquer the neocolony, with the natives no longer smiling, now up in arms, united with people of color in Venezuela, Palestine, Hawaii, Nepal, Mexico, and other battlefronts of our beleaguered planet. Whither the Filipino diaspora?

Bralalalala arrested for being transgender-again (tags)

Transgender rocker Bralalalala dealt hidden court date and second false arreest on same charge by UCLA cops

Hope Springs . . . at the South Central Farm (tags)

Last month, the Trust for Public Land negotiated purchase option with developer Ralph Horowitz that depended on the City coming up with a $5M match for $6M raised by the South Central Farm. Five days ago, the City reneged on the deal. Friday, with three days left, the Farmers and their supporters, ever hopeful, demanded that Mayor Villaraigosa step up to support the Farm.

Student Protest for immigrant Rights Mounts (tags)

For two straight days, tens of thousands of high school students from California and Texas walked out of their classes in support of immigrant rights and protest the oppressive and racist HR 4437.

Exploding Profits and Stagnant Wages (tags)

"Domestic demand has stagnated for years.. Money for investments exists in excess in Germany. However investments declined 0.7% in 2004 despite record profits. Invest-ments fell for the fourth year in a row and are 13 percent lower than the 2000 level.."

Down with Jason Halprin, fascist pig! (tags)

Jason Halprin runs a fake Indymedia site in Las Vegas, which violates every principle Indymedia stands for. He ruthlessly suppresses dissent and criticism. He has banned me from meetings, censored my posts, and persecuted and discriminated against me because of my revolutionary views


Many Scale Barbed-Wire Fences and are Arrested While Calling for Closure of US Army’s School of the Americas

Kerry the Neocon? (tags)

Despite the ways Kerry and his supporters might want to spin it, the Democratic nominee--like President Bush--is a militarist and a unilateralist quite willing to undermine the authority of the United Nations in order to assert American hegemony in that oil-rich region.

The New Religion (tags)

The New Religion: "Science" ("HIV" and other such nonsense...) ***WARNING: sense of humor required!!*** Check out this letter I wrote to

VIDEO: March for Zapata (tags)

A ONE MINUTE AND 10 SECONDS VIDEO.....Saturday, April 10th, about 600 people showed up to march for Zapata in Lincoln Height, at the Mexico Park, in East Los Angeles despite the gloomy and cool weather.

The Death of Peace (tags)

It's the Zionist Jews, it's the Islamist Muslims, it's the Evangelical Christians, but it's not everyone.

Judge Rules Forced Anthrax Inoculation Illegal (tags)

Despite confirming possible harm to unborn babies, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offered the vaccine to children and pregnant women.

Judge Rules Forced Anthrax Inoculation Illegal (tags)

Despite the fact that French soldiers during the Gulf War were not given the anthrax vaccine and do not exhibit any symptoms of GWS, many still debate whether or not the vaccine is truly to blame for syndrome.

EPA Shielding Lobbyists In Asbestos Case (tags)

Politically Connected Law Firm, Morgan Lewis Bockius, Lobbying the EPA on Behalf of Unknown Client To Roll Back Asbestos Protections For 750,000 Brake Mechanics

The Angry Mind of a Counter-Demonstrator (tags)

No bias in the media? The D.C. Chapter of Free Republic notified C-Span of the day's events well in advance, yet were told that coverage would be limited to the anti-American, communist-backed group A.N.S.W.E.R. I guess several hundred Americans rallying for their country were not deemed "newsworthy."

Through A Glass Darkly An Interpretation of Bush's Character (tags)

Bush never goes anywhere where his stage crew has not first assembled giant flags as background. He always wears a sizeable American-flag pin on his lapel. This kind of totemic, obsessive use of flags was absolutely characteristic of Hitler.



My Dream (tags)

Is that the whole world will be a place of social justice. . . like China, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, North Korea and, of course, Cuba. Viva Comrade Fidel!

Driver Runs Down Protestors in Vancouver (tags)

Direct Action Goes Ahead Despite Road Rage Attack on Protest


Despite the downpour, we got a really large turnout for the LA Peace March on March 15. Thousand of people showed up to say no to war.

Temescal Canyon students protest military recruiters (tags)

The students of Temescal Canyon High School's erstwhile peace club stood up to military recruiters, while outside the rain and another event conspired to turn a planned demonstration into a mini-protest.

No Peace without Victory (tags)

The Appeasement Mongers, and why we have to deal with them.

Prague antiNATO protests (tags)

The NATO summit (November 21-22) in Prague was met by a week of peaceful protests, despite the presence of 2000 CIA Agents and 12,000 Czech police officers.

Coffees Up. (tags)

Here's your wake up


This year over 7 million kangaroos are set to be slaughtered by the Kangaroo Industry and farmers nationwide. This comes despite a major drought in Queensland where the highest quota of around 4 million is set.

Terrorism, Israeli Style (tags)

What follows are the two leading stories in the August 29, 2002, Israeli Ha’aretz newspaper. This is but another example showing how the racist Sharon government is joining America in the fight on terrorism.

Assi Workers Locked Out!! (tags)

60 Assi Workers were locked out today after reporting to work despite being suspended.


In their most recent report on human rights in Colombia Amnesty International talks of "strong links between the security forces and the paramilitaries" and blames US military aid for inflaming the situation.

U.S. suffered "significant defeat" in Oper. Anaconda (tags)

The Washington Post published a story today that an internal policy review concluded the Bush League was snake-bit by last month's Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan.

Teen Anarchist Back Online Despite FBI & Big ISPs (tags)

Teen Anarchist Back Online Despite FBI & Big ISPs By Brian McWilliams, Newsbytes SHERMAN OAKS, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 07 Mar 2002, 10:55 PM CST


Despite a Settlement of the Lawsuits Against Pacifica Radio, Arbitrary and Retaliatory Actions Continue at KPFK by Management.'Seditious Beats' Hosted By Community Organizer Fidel Rodriguez 'Suspended Indefinitely'

This Means War!!!?!!! (tags)

1) Apparently, the FAA failed to track the aircraft despite standard procedure; 2) the US military failed to provide defense against the second attack on Manhattan despite ample time and resources to do so; 3) the aircraft supposedly targeting the White House instead hit a portion of the Pentagon which was conveniently under construction by workers; 4) the plummeting US stock markets were conveniently closed after the attack...

A Global, Pan-Islamic Network (Washington Post) (tags)

"Despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge number of those killed, in excess of 1 million . . . despite all this, the Americans are once again trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after the furious war or the fragmentation and devastation. . . . If the Americans' aims behind these wars are religious and economic, the aim is also to serve the Jews' petty state and divert attention from its occupation of Jerusalem and murder of Muslims there. --

PsychWarfare: Genoa: Body Bags ordered (tags)

despite threatened mass protests, the authorities have ordered 200 "Vietnam War-style body bags" and set up a room at the city's main hospital as a morgue. Police and troops were being given counselling.... [ hmmmm, or brainwashing their consciences???? ]

IMC Staffer Reports Fair Treatment By Police, However Law Was Skewed (tags)

IMC worker "Clown Man" was arrested on August 15th, and reported fair treatment by the police after he was relased.

Kissin' in the Square, Dyin' in the Streets (tags)

Despite police presence, Queers and Allies pull off a successful march organized around demands for Our Health, Our Rights, and Our Lives.

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