fix articles 31420, sarah roberts
Long Beach CA: Police State USA (tags)
This is an excellent summary of the past two years of police repression in Long Beach CA.
While Inglewood Reacts: LONG BEACH CA: POLICE STATE USA (tags)
Here's the report which is in the current issue of Turning the Tide. Repression has continued. A June 14 Flag Day (flag burning) show at the info shop was shut done by the cops after repeated harassment. Young people living or shopping in the area of the info shop -- with no connection to anarchism, copwatch or the info shop-- have been stopped and hassled on the street by LB cops. The city attorney made a report to the LB city council last week about 'prosecution of anarchists' --
TTT report on persecution of Long Beach anarchists, activists (tags)
Here's the report which is in the current issue of Turning the Tide. Repression has continued.
FREE SARAH ROBERTS - Demonstrate in L.A! (tags)
Sarah Roberts is an L.A. animal activist who carried medical supplies at an anticapitalism demonstration in Long Beach on May Day 2001.
innocent may day '01 protester convicted and sentenced (tags)
protester sarah roberts, arrested by long beach police dept, may day 01, wrongfully convicted of two misdemeanor charges: wearing mask w/criminal intent & failure to disperse/unlawful assembly. sentenced on thurs, may 23 02, by biased judge to 6 mos jail, $1000 fine, 3 yrs probation. repression of activists in long beach continues to escalate.
MAY DAY 2001 TRIAL RESULTS!!!!!! (tags)
Long Beach Press Telegram Article on what happened with the last may day trials. Sarah Roberts may face up to a year in prison for doing nothing! Fuck this System!