fix articles 31528, tell you
Video: Ha-Joon Chang - "23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism" (tags)
Ha-Joon Chang is a professor of economics at Cambridge and author of "Bad Samaritans" and "23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism." This eight-part interview is presented by
I HEART HAMAS Takes on L.A. (tags)
I Heart Hamas: And Other Things I’m Afraid to Tell You heads out to Los Angeles for the first time on four week run!
Position Paper On Occupation (tags)
Yeah, yeah!
Challenge to Investigative Journalists. (tags)
The American public needs to see a lot more actual analysis of the Iraqi Constitution that the U.S. has attempted to dictate to the Iraqi people. Why has such an analysis been hid from us? Would it expose too much of U.S. government’s real intentions? This should be the focus of Washington’s legislative debate about supporting Iraq?
How I've come to know Gilad Shalit (tags)
Media humanize Israeli soldier, but what of Palestinians, asks Simon Black
The Root of Poverty is, Literally, Belief in Pride (tags)
News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/22/05) (tags)
U.S. forces fighting Syrians at Iraq's border.
Israel's Control Over Washington (tags)
Is there really any doubt that Jewish Americans call all the shots in Washington?
Greetings; My name is Bruce Ferguson also known as The Wizard! I don't have a problem with using my full name because I am a true patriot! I read your article about revolution and coup de tat! I am a soldier and I have articles on my web-sites that will justify this article! I am for the American people and I don't have a fearful cell in my body! I believe in telling the truth at all cost and I will be more than happy to ride with you! The question at hand is do you really want to ride? Sure I can tell you about the secret societies that select the president regardless of the votes! Sure I can tell you about the counters who counted the counters who encountered The Wizards! But the true question at hand is do you want to ride? Do you want to ride?Do you want to ride? I know plenty of people who talk about revolution but DO YOU WANT TO RIDE? In courtesy of The Wizard. I await your answer.
"I'm voting my conscience on Nov. 2; I'm voting for John Kerry....His policy proposals involve vision -- like alternative energy, more accessible health care, and funding all those children who have been left behind by the Bush administration."
My Poem for World Peace!
Wild Oats fires union organizer-- the next step (tags)
Discover what we learned from unhappy Wild Oats employees.
U.N. Spying and Evasions of American Journalism (tags)
by normon solomon British intelligence caught spying on Kofi Annan, scandal rocks blair govt; us journalists evasive.
Jack Nicholson on the 'AIDS' puritan fear campaign. (tags)
".....and gave the right wing the chance to reinstitute its idea that sex is negative." "as likely to get AIDS as have a safe fall on your head" "The facts were almost useless"
Hold On to Your Humanity: An Open Letter to GIs in Iraq (tags)
When that bullshit story about weapons came apart like a two-dollar shirt, the politicians who cooked up this war told everyone, including you, that you would be greeted like great liberators. They told us that we were in Vietnam to make sure everyone there could vote.
Cracking the Media Walls (tags)
A key advantage held by the Right is a "mass-media echo chamber," from which stories are spun via outlets like the Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the Weekly Standard and Fox News. Progressives have nothing comparable at the national level.
Governor Groper apologizes to women for being a sexual predator (tags)
Arnold Schwarzengger apologizes to all of the women he's sexually assualted during his lifetime.
A US Federal Judge Reports on Iraq (tags)
This is a report by Judge Don Walter, a recently retired federal district judge from Shreveport. He was ask by the US Dept. of Justice to go to Iraq to help them restore their judicial system. He has made several reports of this type since going there.
CHERYL SEAL WEEKEND UPDATE: Twisted Photos for Sept 12-14 plus WTO Pix (tags)
fractured photo captions plus a gallery of WTO protest images from around the world
Speaking at Occupy the Occupiers - Event sponsored by the Not in Our Name project
BTL:With No Weapons of Mass Destruction Yet Found in Iraq... (tags)
...White House Justification for War Comes Under Fire Interview with Reese Erlich, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Press release read by the brothers of José Couso Permuy at the end of the meeting. Madrid (Spain), 10 of april 2003, day ot the General Strike against the war
Proof U.S. Media Staged Statue Event in Iraq (tags)
This article provides absolute proof that the U.S. Military and the U.S. media conspired to fake an event in Iraq and broadcast it around the world. There were NO large crowds of Iraqis around when U.S. marines pulled down the statue of Saddam Hussein.
Israel is Buying Our Politicians! (tags)
According to a Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders, the second most powerful lobby in the United States is the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. A tape transcript in which former AIPAC president David Steiner discusses lobbying activities on behalf of the Israeli government reveals the blatant corruption in the American political system.