fix articles 31597, settler
Israeli paranoia is minimized or even excusable, an expression of timeless vulnerability and absolute victimhood, and has nothing to do with Zionism’s management of Jewish supremacy over the Palestinians. So, I am inclined to say the opposite. I do not believe that we will get very far unless we repeat the formula that “Zionism is a form of settler colonialism.”
Netanyahu's War on Palestine (tags)
Palestinian Mother Dies from Israeli Settler Inflicted Immolation (tags)
Israeli Settlers Burn Palestinian Infant to Death (tags)
Unaccountable Israeli Settler Criminality (tags)
The Ghost of Ariel Sharon (tags)
Israeli Police State Lawlessness (tags)
Israel's Fascist Government: Part II (tags)
Israel Encourages Settler Violence (tags)
Settler Attacks on Palestinians (tags)
Systematic West Bank Settler Violence (tags)
Ugly Israeli Realities Emerge (tags)
Kristallnacht in Palestine (tags)
Palestinian Settlers Attack Palestinians with Impunity (tags)
Help Us Replant Palestine! (tags)
Join the Palestine Solidarity Project as we prepare to replant the Saffa valley, destroyed by settlers in 2009 and currently under threat of annexation by the Israeli military. Saffa is a Palestinian agricultural community at the edge of the illegal Bat Ayn settlement, and Saffa farmers are frequently subject to settler violence and harassment. A series of settler attacks in the summer of 2009 left several Palestinian farmers wounded and much of the land destroyed.
Another Israeli West Bank Land Grab Scheme (tags)
Israeli land theft.
Israel's Front-Line Thugs (tags)
Your tax dollars pay for this.
Settler children in Tel Rumeida (occupied Palestine) part 2 (tags)
I want to share the following video with you:
fron Pgh Indymedia
Uncle Sam to give Israeli settler families 1 mil each to relocate (tags)
Israeli Settlers Refuse To Leave Illegal Settlements -What Will PM Sharon Do Next? (tags)
The Jewish settler population grew by more than 5000 in the first half of 2003, Israel said on Thursday. The increase comes despite peace moves requiring Israel to halt construction in the settlements. The interior ministry said 5415 Israelis had moved to the new settlements since January, with the ultra-Orthodox West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit seeing the largest jump of more than 1000 newcomers.
Jewish settlers hack Palestinian olive groves (tags)
The Peace Loving and Tolerant people of Israel demonstrate their love and kindness towards their neighbors.
Israel to 'dismantle 15 West Bank outposts' (tags)
Translation: All but 15 ILLEGAL settlements, and consequent LAND THEFT are to be allowed to remain on the STOLEN land.
BREAKING NEWS! Defense Ministry says, "Natives not ready for their own state" (tags)
Do these words seem familiar?