fix articles 31670, organic
Hillary Clinton Endorses GMOs (tags)
Hillary's Habitat is Sorry We Revealed "Prince of Wales Farted in The Queens Rose Garden (tags)
Well we just got an Email from Twitters Big Shot Lawyers stating that our Hillary's Habitat account can be reopened if we tell the Prince of Whales were sorry for saying he farted in the Queens favorite Rose Garden !
Conservation Tips from Drew Searing (tags)
First in a regular series of tips on how to conserve resources and energy, and generally to live with a softer footprint on the earth.
USDA; Try "Coexistence" w/ Monsanto; HELL NO! (tags)
Scientific studies show increasing links between consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and severe health risks, yet under Obama's USDA censorship remains business as usual. Lack of truth in labeling of GMO products deprive consumers of freedom of choice and the right to know what is in the food we are eating. Instead of protecting consumers, the USDA becomes the "long arm of Monsanto" by protecting their unregulated experiments on consumers in North America and elsewhere by exposing people to GMO products against their knowledge and consent.
STOP S. 510! Protect Independent Organic Farms! (tags)
If passed without amendments, S. 510, or the "Food Safety Modernization Act" would prevent independent organic farmers from growing and transporting their own food without being burdened by unreasonable regulations that do not apply to the larger corporate farms.
BTL:Horticulturist: Disappearance of Honey Bees, a Warning Sign of Ecological Collapse (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Obama Supports Food Inc.'s World Domination and All We Get Is the White House Garden? (tags)
While Michele Obama took the needed steps in tearing out the White House lawn and planting an organic garden, her husband isn't so quick to drop the old pandering to biotechnology habits of big agribusiness corporations. With Obama's chosen staff of Tom Vilsack, Rajiv Shah, and Islam Siddiqui we have a continuation of the revolving door between corporate agribusiness, biotechnology and government regulators.
The LemonFast & Fresh Organic Foods (tags)
Only eat plant foods that are centered around fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, and all organically grown
GMO Proliferation Bills (tags)
GMO pollution
Alert: FDA OKs Irradiated Spinach, EPA Sued 4 B Collapse Cover-up (tags)
Latest issue of OCA newsletter "Organic Bytes" alerts consumers about FDA approval of irradiated spinach, and features the lawsuit against the EPA for covering up the bee colony collapse. Other articles include victory gardens to support food independence.
SolarFest Renewable Energy Fair (tags)
SolarFest Renewable Energy Fair Meridian Park School 175th and Meridian Ave N Shoreline WA July 19, 2008 10AM – 8PM
PHILIPPINES: Ban Endosulfan! (tags)
Citizens Press for Total Ban on Endosulfan to Put Off “Toxic Time Bomb”
Mr. Potato Heads Off Food Crisis! (tags)
Like a microcosm of what would eventually occur throughout most of the world, people in the US became increasingly dependent upon the agricultural, chemical, and petroleum industries for the production and delivery of "food." Diets that were once healthy became unnatural and based largely upon processed, powdered, light-weight, (easily shipped and stored) grains instead of locally grown, nutrient-dense, fresh organic vegetables and fruits. This dependency began in earnest around the 1930s, the years referred to by some as "the Dirty Thirties." Those were years when corporate profits at all costs seemed to take precedence and business became more important than people. ...............................................................................
Think of a few seeds, the size of a pin head, being able to grow in a bucket of rocks, using only water and sunlight together with the minerals in the rock to produce for you fine, savory, tender quality steaks, nutritious celery, cabbage, lettuce and avocado all from the same fast growing tree? Table quality vegetables and delicious, tender, ready to fry, broil or bake, Vmeate steaks for your family and all from a hardy, beautiful, growing tree!
GMO Disease Epidemics: (7) Food-Derived Illnesses in General (tags)
Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 7th in a series revealing the epidemics, dealing here with food-derived illnesses in general, which have skyrocketed since genetically-engineered (Frankenstein) food has infested the marketplace.
Please help prevent and stop the endangerment of our food supply by genetically engineered foods, organisms! Please see the message below from the Organic Consumers Association and take action to help stop this new 'Monsanto Law.' If you are not familiar with the many problems with genetically engineered foods, etc., please also see the links below for more information.
Renewable energy, eco recycling, electric autos, organic gardening, sustainable technologies. Feeding the poor.
student gardens support food banks (tags)
School children are setting up organic gardens to feed the poor and to give fresh produce to food banks. Volunteers needed from around the country. Please Help. Thank you.
A New Yorker goes to the first Trader Joe's in the city and feels oddly safe.
USA is planning to test Dangerous Chemicals and Drugs on Orphans and innocent Children worldwide. Stop the cruel Atrocities on Defenseless children. Just say NO to the Bush Gestapo.
How many children will they kill? Stop the baby killers. (tags)
USA is planning to test Dangerous Chemicals and Drugs on Orphans and innocent Children worldwide. Stop the cruel Atrocities on Defenseless children. Just say NO to the blood sucking Bush Gestapo.
USA is planning to test Dangerous Chemicals and Drugs on Orphans and innocent Children worldwide. Stop the Brutal Attack on children.
USA plans Dastardly Attack on Defenseless Orphans. (tags)
USA is planning to test Dangerous Chemicals and Drugs on Orphans and innocent Children worldwide. Is there a Body Bag for an Orphan near you? No child left behind.
Sneak Attack on Organic food standards by USA (tags)
Industry sneak attack on organic standards rammed through congress.
eat Local Organic food and abate global starvation (tags)
How the environment and eating (Local Organic Food) is linked to Gandhi's ideology for transforming the world. Many links.
Solar Heated Homes ~ saving Money & energy Intelligently (tags)
Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.
Freedom from the Oil Pirates (tags)
Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy, Eliminating Waste, Recycling and for Real economic Progress. Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.
A great opportunity was missed by coalition members from both LA and San Diego for a mass protest of Gilchrist at the Jacumba gap and with a second opportunity lost to disrupt Chases minutemen the next day at their sign up at the VFW. This last weekends excursion revealed that the battle is still out there at the border. With no one to confront them the minute men simply have free reign over the desert.
-THE-GAIAN-MIND- Gardening Free School (tags)
radical free school gardening parties all day every saturday in long beach with the gaian mind collective and long beach organic
WTO/Codex to Ban Organic Food, Vitamins; force Irradiated GMO food down our throats... (tags)
December 31, 2009. The date that Codex Alimentarius will go into effect. "Codex Alimentarius" means "food rules" in Latin. The organization was born in 1962 when the UN established the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) as a "Trade Commission". It was created to regulate, and thus control, every aspect of how food and nutritional supplements are produced and sold to the consumer. It is solely about trade and the profits of multi-national corporations. Codex would effectively ban most organic food from being sold worldwide and force all food to be irradiated in the name of "safety." By using the World Trade Organization's economic sanctions against companies who do not comply with Codex rules, all animals raised for food will have to be fed antibiotics and hormones, and most nutritional vitmains and supplements will be banned. Visit for details.
Disrupt the MinuteMen, Campo, July 16th-19th (tags)
This is a call from the o.r.g.a.n.i.c. collective to all those who oppose racist violence to come to Campo, California, one hour east of San Diego, from July 16th to 19th and disrupt, interfere with and stop the activities of the MinuteMen.
USA puts farmers and Gardeners in Prisons. Are You next? (tags)
Monsanto Keeps Up Attack on Seed Saving Farmers and Gardeners, and is destroying local Family farmers. Will the USA coporaton Monsanto take away your Job and ravish your Family?
This article describes the love between a people and its homeland, and how it's realized through "Green" techniques, technologies, and farming.
Urban guerilla gardening and soil remediation (tags)
Guerilla gardening makes use of urban wasteland for growing non-GE/GMO/spray vegetables. Soil remediation is often needed if there are toxins present in the soil.
(Great article) Greasing the Palms of the Oil Barons (tags)
Oil is often called a "fossil" fuel; the idea being that it comes from formerly living organisms. This may have been plausible back when oil wells were drilled into the fossil layers of the earth's crust; but today, great quantities of oil are found in deeper wells that are found below the level of any fossils. How could then could oil have come from fossils, or decomposed former living matter, if it exists in rock formations far below layers of fossils - the evidence of formerly living organisms? It must not come from living matter at all!
Forage and Guerrilla Gardening (tags)
By growing our own foods and foraging native edibles, we can liberate ourselves from petrochemical industry dependency.
GM Crops Failing In The Fields And Harming Farmers And The Environment (tags)
A new study published today by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace demonstrates that the growing of GM crops in Spain is causing contamination of organic crops, producing low yields and its benefits are grossly overstated. The report is also highly critical of the Spanish Government for failing to properly control or monitor the situation. [1]
Independent Science Panel Report On GM In Food (tags)
8.98 million farmers adopted sustainable agriculture practices on 28.92 million hectares in Asia, Latin America and Africa; reliable data from 89 projects show higher productivity and yields: 50-100% increase in yield for rainfed crops, and 5-10% for irrigated crops; top successes include Burkina Faso, which turned a cereal deficit of 644 kg per year to an annual surplus of 153 kg, Ethiopia, where 12 500 households enjoyed 60% increase in crop yields, and Honduras and Guatemala, where 45 000 families increased yields from 400-600 kg/ha to 2,000-2,500 kg/ha.
Vegan Activists Pay Mayday Eve Visit to Local Eatery (tags)
On Mayday Eve, April 30th, protesters gathered in front of a trendy vegan restaurant in Santa Monica. Armed with picket signs, hot burritos and a big bowl of salad, they set up on the sidewalk near the restaurant. The produce was donated by local farmers. Signs read "Organic Vegan Food Shoudn't Be For the Rich"...
Complex Array Manifesto (tags)
The Answer is Conceptual: