fix articles 31695, beitar illit
Israel's East Jerusalem Linked Settlement Expansion (tags)
continued land theft
The Quartet's Hypocrisy and Failure in Occupied Palestine (tags)
Quartet's complicity in Israeli war crimes
Wrong Doers Versus Whistleblowers: How Patriots Act (tags)
Remorse and religion is the standard of those representatives pleading guilty to government bribes and lies. Courage and conviction is the standard of American whistleblowers, Sibel Edmonds and Bunnatine Greenhouse. Is there a Patriot Act that can protect whistleblowers and reflect the standards of how patriots are free to act?
Israeli Settlers Refuse To Leave Illegal Settlements -What Will PM Sharon Do Next? (tags)
The Jewish settler population grew by more than 5000 in the first half of 2003, Israel said on Thursday. The increase comes despite peace moves requiring Israel to halt construction in the settlements. The interior ministry said 5415 Israelis had moved to the new settlements since January, with the ultra-Orthodox West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit seeing the largest jump of more than 1000 newcomers.
The Truth About How Israel Screws Over The Palestinians (tags)
The Israeli Government maintains a "Matrix Of Control" over the 3 million Muslim And Christian Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. In most areas they cannot get an Israeli Military "building permit". When they do build a home anyway, it gets bulldozed