fix articles 319608, long beach naval station
As Quartermaster Memory Returns, Nuclear Disaster Directly off So Cal Coast 1983 (tags)
Radio active carrion or fresh seafood from the California coast? I was witness to the flash and later I was witness to the radiation and to this day show the scars. Here is the latest from Mobile Audit Club, as my memory returns.
1983 Nuclear Bomb Pacific LA View, Memory Executions, of USS Reid FFG 30 , USS Dier Fag (tags)
You should be aware that a nuclear bomb detonated in view of LA likely under the sea in 1983. I am having memory recollections of likely executions at Long Beach Naval Station, war at FDIC 10 years later in San Francisco
Nuclear Bomb Pacific 1983, Executions Long Beach Naval Station (tags)
Nuclear bombs in the Pacific, attacks and counter attacks at sea, eye witness, Kurt Brown --Saint Ram Bone, USS Reid FFG 30 Quartermaster, former FDIC bank examiner, investigative journalist
This is just the latest and most egregious step in a fear campaign designed to prepare Americans to do whatever the administration wants us to do.