fix articles 33041, alto
2012 can not bring anything good having put wolves caring the hen house.
Community Forum on ICE/Police Repression
Justice for Manuel Jamines (tags)
Demandamos que el Procurador Cooley Ponga Cargos de Asesinato y despidan a el policia Hernandez! Alto al Terror Policiaco en las comunidades Afro-Americanas, Latino and Migrantes. Alto a las Redadas de la Migra! Legalizacion total para todos!
Orange County Community Forum:Education Not Incarceration!!! video presented by SAPM (tags)
Santa Ana Peoples Media Presents: Foro comunitario: Educación!!! No Encarcelamiento Escuelas SI!!! Carceles NO!!! On July 12 2009, Members of the community of Orange County met, In Santa Ana. There were youth, mothers and fathers from different parts of Orange County, people from the Barrios in Anaheim, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Costa Mesa, and other cities. People from the community met to discuss the concern of the rise of Orange County Police abuse, and how a community that has had enough of ice raids, police abuse/murders, theft of cars, and violence, can fight back, against these injustices and attacks in our communties. We are not supposed to be afraid of the police that our tax dollars pay for to "Protect and serve" not TERRORIZE!!! and Occupy! Alto a la criminalización de la Juventud! Alto a la criminalizacion de la Communidad! Alto a la brutalidad policial! Alto a los Retenes que roban nuestros vehiculos, y separan a nuestras familias! Somos Trabajadores, no criminales! El trabajo y la tranquilidad es un derecho humano!
Detienen y Torturan a compañero de Indymedia Alto Valle (tags)
Neuquén: Entrevista a integrante de Indymedia Alto Valle, detenido y golpeado por la policia Monday, Oct. 20, 2008 at 10:29 PM Entrevista realizada pocas horas despues que la policia de Neuquén reprimiera ferozmente una toma de tierras en el barrio Confluencia. audio: MP3 at 889.5 kibibytes
Doceava 2006 Marcha por Zapata (tags)
Doceava 2006 Marcha por Zapata En el espiritu de tierra, justicia y libertad apoyo a la lucha popular! POR EL GENERAL ZAPATA
Terrorista estadounidense y mujer uruguaya detenidos tras dos criminales atentados (tags)
La uruguaya, de 45 años, aparece desnuda y con una caja de dinamita apoyada sobre las rodillas en los almanaques que distribuían para promocionar explosivos.
A Communique From the Organizers of the J25 Anti-War March (tags)
Call to action
Help Protect Your Journalists at an Hour of Moral Crisis (tags)
"This is an hour of moral crisis from Bolivia to the Border. Our journalists – your journalists – at Narco News are in the line of fire. Yet they are there, at the front, with smiles on their faces and a passion for reporting the truth in their hearts. I know you agree, as we do, with the philosopher Dante Alighieri when he wrote: “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.” Today I plead with you to not be neutral at this hour when authentic democracy and Authentic Journalism in Latin America are flexing their muscles at the very moment when the powers long accustomed to imposing their will on our América are losing their grip: No one is more dangerous than a tyrant when he realizes that the jig is up. And that makes this very hopeful moment also a precarious one."
April 10 XI MARCHA POR ZAPATA (tags)
El 10 de abril todos a honrar la lucha del GENERAL EMILIANO ZAPATA. ZAPATA VIVE, LA LUCHA SIGUE. VIVA ZAPATA.
Bolivia: The Uprising of Miners and Peasants (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) I (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) I
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) II (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) II
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) III (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) III
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) IV (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) IV
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) IV (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) IV
**Comandante Uno, Dora Maria Tellez en San Diego (tags)
Dora Maria Tellez, mejor conocida como "Comandante Uno" durante la revolucion Sandinista, habla en San Diego sobre la migracion de nicaraguenses y otros latinos hacia EEUU.