fix articles 33061, range
A Case Study of Israeli Murder (tags)
Common Sense vs. the Lone Gunman (tags)
thoughts on the JFK assassination
Members of Bundy Family Explain Bundy Ranch Stand-Off With Bureau of Land Management (BLM) (tags)
In April 2014, the Bureau of Land Management acted on a court order to seize the cattle of southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Hundreds of western men and women traveled to the area outside Bunkersville, NV to stand with Cliven Bundy against federal tyranny. Several reporters from Los Angeles People's Media went to the site of the #BundyRanch #RangeWar to interview the members of the Bundy family about the stand-off.
Twitter Censoring www Political Speech is Not IPO Concern$.. (tags)
Until Twitter owners allow individuals the realistic opportunity of building their own larger followers base without using paid program APT$ to delete those who un>follow Twitter users,they will never retain long time users ..
They have a limit range of maybe 65 miles and they are very expensive compared to normal cars with the Volt costing $40,000. I suspect that many tree huggers who thought they were buying a car that used clean electricity to power it will be disappointed when they discover that dirty coal fueled power plants produce the energy they use to charge their allegedly clean electric car.
Response 2 SNWA; NO Water Theft 4 Developers! (tags)
This report is one of many public comments given throughout several locations in Nevada in opposition to the proposed SNWA 300 mile pipeline from the Snake and Spring Valley aquifer system to provide water for developers like Harvey Whittemore (Coyote Springs, U.S. 93 & NV 189), KB Homes and other developers interested in furthering the suburban sprawl outside of Las Vegas despite many homes remaining unoccupied and in foreclosure. The developers revealed their true motives as the only comments in favor of the SNWA pipeline were from homebuilders associations and other construction related industries.
DNA Resonance and Dead Blackbirds (tags)
It seems that a new weapon has been tested. It also seems to have worked pretty well, liquefying the internal organs of a specific species of blackbird.
The LemonFast pH Factor (tags)
The problem is that most people do not have any serious understanding of the major importance of monitoring and maintaining proper pH levels of the bodily fluids.
Front Sight and Scientology?!?" (tags)
Front Sight and Scientology?!?"
Snake & Spring Valley Aquifer Water Conservation (NV) (tags)
There are several reasons to avoid the proposed pipeline project diverting water from the Snake and Spring Valley aquifers to the Las Vegas region as planned by Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA). This report will provide background information as to the physical and geological characteristics of the two aquifers mentioned above, including ecological components most likely affected by potential overdraft from the SNWA pipeline.
Pentagon Wants Cyberwar Range to 'Replicate Human Behavior and Frailties' (tags)
Congress has ordered the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, to put together a National Cyber Range, as part of a massive (and massively secret) $30 billion, government-wide effort better prep for battle online. The project is now considered a top priority for the Agency. And to make sure the facility is as true-to-life as possible, Darpa wants the contractors running the Range to be able to "replicate realistic human behavior on nodes," a request for proposals, released today, reveals.
Time for Navy to Ship Out of Illegally Occupied Hawaii (tags)
It is time for the U.S. Navy to close its Hawaii Range Complex, pack its bags, and ship out of the illegally occupied nation of Hawaii. On your way out, be sure to clean up after yourselves. You have left a big mess in your wake. Your mother, my mother, Mother Earth herself, says Enough! It’s time for Military Clean-up, NOT Build up!
Today is the last day to save Hawaiian Paradise - the islands, the marine life, and the health of the Pacific Ocean. The military is planning an unprecedented expansion of military operations and "war games" exercises that will severely damage the health of the Pacific and to the Hawaiian people and all life forms in the Hawaiian Islands!
Israel Requests $642M in Missiles, Fuel (tags)
As part of the 1979 Camp David peace accords, the USA offered substantial long-term military aid packages to Israel and Egypt. Aside from the geopolitical considerations involved, these packages have been good for American industry because the dollars must be spent on American goods.
War Against Iran: Hawks Winning the Argument? (tags)
"It could just stop exporting oil itself. Pulling only Iran’s three and a half million barrels per day off the market, in its present state, would send oil prices shooting up into the stratosphere. Or it could get tough and close down all oil-tanker traffic that comes within range of those missiles — which would mean little or no oil from Iraq, Saudi Arabia or the smaller Gulf states either. That would mean global oil rationing, industrial shutdowns, and the end of the present economic era." Maybe we should share this around? I wonder if these outcomes are what Cheney and his Neocon pals really want? Great for the price of "their" oil. Good cover for crimes of treason.
Israel Doubles Its F-16I Fleet (tags)
The F-16I can carry enough fuel to hit targets 1,600 kilometers away (meaning Iran is within range). Israel has been receiving two new F-16I fighter-bombers a month since early 2004, and will eventually receive 102 of them (about 60 have already been delivered.)
Chinese submarine stalks US carrier: report (tags)
A Chinese submarine approached a US aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean last month and surfaced within firing range of its torpedoes and missiles before being detected, The Washington Times reported Monday.
Feinstein: "The Modern Jesse James" (tags)
review The Desert Wilderness Protection Act
Government idiots at work!!!! (tags)
The decision to continue a wolf reintroduction program was made in spite of opposition from ranchers who succeeded in having a dozen wolves killed in recent months because the wolves attacked their cattle.
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Weekend Edition (tags)
News from inside the "Bush Reich": Insurency escalates in Iraq, Suspicions grow re: murdered/tortured soldiers, Israeli arms dealers and mercenaries in No. Iraq, Halliburton investigated for human trafficking, The obscene 2007 budget...and more: Read it n' weep!
Soon Coming to an Impovrished Iraqi Neighborhood, The XM25 (tags)
XM25 Ideal for Urban Combat Environments The XM25 fires a High Explosive (HE), air bursting 25mm round capable of defeating an enemy behind a wall, inside a building or in a foxhole.
Getting our numbers right, counting crowds (tags)
The range of estimates for last weeks march is 15,000 (LAPD, LA Times) to 50,000 (ANSWER organizers) pretty wide range The following is a repost from that might help explain the range
Sonoran antelope habitat fragmented by border wall (tags)
With all the economic hype about the border wall, would like to introduce to the human population a resident of the desert that considers both sides of the imaginary US/Mex border their home..
US Restrictions Affect Sales to Cuba (tags)
US Restrictions Affect Sales to Cuba
Mountain Top Removal/Feb 10 a call to action (tags)
Call to Action! Down with King Coal! Save Appalachia - Stop Mountain Range Removal! Take Action on February 10th! There is an institution near you complicit in mountain range removal coal mining. A coal company, an electric utility, a government office, a bank, a lobbying firm. This is a call for a simultaneous day of action against mountain range removal across Appalachia, the US and the world. Be as loud as you can in protest of watershed destruction! Protest! Demonstrate! Make some phone calls! Send some email! Turn off the lights! Take direct action! Our demand is simple – stop mountain range removal and all forms of destructive strip mining for coal.
Human Face of MTN Range Removal Mining - Call To Action in Appalachia (tags)
There is a not only a dreadful ecological toll to Mountain Range Removal--but it has a human face as well. This is a call to action. The picture is of Jeremy Davidson, 3, was killed when a boulder was dislodged by a bulldozer and came crashing through his bedroom from a Mountain Top Removal site. He was crushed in his sleep. The picture was taken by Michael Williamson.
New Year Hitchhiker Happening in Slab City (tags)
A New Year's Hitchhiker Happening in the desert of Southern California is a celebration of the open road and a chance to connect with like-minded travelers. We will also be discussing safety and civil rights, and welcome all for discussion, live music, free camping and more near the town of Niland.
Phone, email, and other info on key RNC staff - FORWARD EVERYWHERE!!! (tags)
The blood-stained Olympic Games! (tags)
In the modern Gulags of the Olympic Games the human life is insignificant in front of the national pride of the bosses and the success of the Olympiad, which is just a big celebration of the globalised capitalism!
Libya Opens Gateway for Weapons Inspection (tags)
It is now left up to Libya to disclose data on what weapons programmes they have underway to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Mark of the Beast Technology to Be Implemented in EU (tags)
Europe is following the US in the snoop technology of the century. They will be supplying their citizens a health indentity card with an embedded microchip. Sounds good, but wait there's a catch. You will be able to be tracked everywhere you go, and have a brand with you almost like the cow. Plans are to eventually inject these into your beautiful body. Could this be the mark of the beast talked about in the Christian Bible? Could this be the final way to keep track of all of us without employing so many security guards, and policemen? Could this be a method of marking certain types of people as they did in the Holocaust? Please read the story from and decide if this is what you want?
In case you haven't read it, and, judging from comments, you haven't. Neither has the media.
BTL:U.S. Navy Leaves Vieques Bombing Range; Activists Now Focus on Cleanup of... (tags)
...Navy's Toxic Legacy. Robert Rabin, of Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, interview conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari.
Missiles to protect summit leaders (tags)
A land-based battery of rockets with a range of nine miles and an altitude of 5,000 feet has been positioned in the latest security measure against perceived threats from terrorists and protesters.
LAPD attacks protesters at anti-police brutality march. (tags)
A short first hand news account of the LAPD's violence at today's anti-police brutality protest.