fix articles 330963, so congress
The "Fiscal Cliff" Is a Hoax ... and a Mel Brooks Routine (tags)
The "fiscal cliff" comedy routine in Washington DC is a staged act where Democrats play the "good cop" who want to tax the rich and cut social welfare programs vs. the "bad cop" Republicans who don't want to tax the rich and promise heavy cuts on social welfare programs. Where is the voice of reason that says maybe this so-called fiscal cliff isn't really such a big deal after all?
Billions for Bankers--Debts for the People (tags)
In 1901 the national debt of the United States was less than $1 billion. It stayed at less than $1 billion until we got into World War I. Then it jumped to $25 billion.
Made up in the U.S.A
Debt "SLAVERY" and Mind Control (tags)
The illusion called debt and the clowns of the three ring circus, may they all burn in Hell!!
Bush admin already privatizing newly-federalized airport security workers (tags)
Congress passed laws to make airport security screeners federal employees, but the Bush administration is privatizing most of the work in a "race to the bottom" bidding process that looks rather familiar.