fix articles 3335, era
Workout. The Crisis of Labor and the Limits of Capitalist Society (tags)
The Third Industrial Revolution represents a qualitative break in the history of productivity growth. This is because microelectronics facilitated a radical reorganization in production overall such that labor lost the central importance that it previously had and the application of knowledge became the main force.
ALDO MORO DOVE SEI (30.6.21) (tags)
Le "brigate rosse" non sono mai esistite, non hanno mai rapito né ucciso Moro : le prove definitive. Il terrorismo era ed è opera del capitalnazismo.
Our leading scholars are disciples of post-structuralism; our best college graduates are recruited by the CIA; our best newspapers blur the line between reporting and opinion; our most influential political actors are the spin doctors whose job is to bend the facts this way and that.
...and bill gates is his prophet.
ALDO MORO DOVE SEI . 27.4.2020 (tags)
Aldo Moro non fu rapito dalle "brigate rosse"
il caso Moro rivisitato
Moro non era in via Fani
Film review: Dick Cheney: Revolutionary for the Super-Rich (tags)
In the film, the Cheney group appears like a resolute Mafia clan that took over the levers of power in no time after the election. The vice-president pulled the strings in all important areas: military, energy, bureaucracy and foreign policy. "Vice" is a cynical film for a cynical era.
Minnesota Can't Get ERA (tags)
Why have an ERA when the boys can get free sex and free dishwasher from their wives (slaves)
Vicente Ramirez Sandoval (tags)
Una mujer mexicana se enfrenta con honor al racismo.
Energy for tomorrow, 15 pp (tags)
“The time of cheap and abundant energy comes to the end. It is the beginning of the transition of the fossil era to a post-fossil age, a transition which will be in the same measure fundamental and decisive as it was the by fossils imprinted industrial revolution of about more than 200 years ago”.1
Kiev Recognizes Ultranationalist Nazi Era Collaborators as Freedom Fighters (tags)
Media Activism in Argentina (tags)
Compañeros, me leí con satisfacción el análysis del paritarias de prensa.
See my report on the signs of inhumanity that engulf the USA and beyond.
Black America Paralyzed, Powerless, Irrelevant: Year 4 of the Obama Era (tags)
Black America Still Paralyzed, Powerless, Irrelevant: Year 4 of the Obama Era
23 de septiembre--Día de acción (tags)
Se nos acerca una fecha bastante importante para la historia del radicalismo mexicano. En esta temporada siempre se conmemoran momentos históricos revolucionarios como el Grito de Dolores y el 2 de octubre. El primero se ha vuelto una fecha de borrachería y fanfarría nacionalista, mientras la segunda se conmemora solemnemente entre sectores de la izquierda.
En cambio, el 23 de octubre es una d?a no de ceremonia, sino de acción.
Video: Woody Guthrie on BookTV (tags)
Will Kaufman is a professor of American literature and culture at the University of Central Lancashire, England. His books include "American Culture in the 1970s" and "The Civil War in American Culture."
Did You or Your Family Take Palestinian Property during the Jewish Zionist Era Since 1948? (tags)
You are encouraged to first seek compensation and restitution for the Palestinians who have been, and still are, experiencing a far worse holocaust today at the hands of the grandchildren of the Jewish holocaust victims.
Castigo del cielo al cura pecador?
cada pueblo conservaba su lengua y sus costumbres
mexico, antes y despues (tags)
Antes y despues de la llegada del hombre blanco
ANDANZAS DE FERNANDO LUGO Y TIGER WOODS- Cubanuestra. Artículo editado por Carlos M. Estefanía, director de Cubanuestra (Suecia)
Heinrich Heine, las lieder del pueblo (tags)
Durante más de 30 años, toda su vida consciente, Heinrich Heine fue leal a la causa de la libertad. El hombre, un hombre de su tiempo, más no un titán, del que Goethe dijera que si no fuera tan golfo sería el mayor poeta de Alemania.
Jefe de la Policía, Jefe del Narcotráfico.
Zhibin Gu: is China really a socialist nation? (tags)
What is really behind the so-called Communist revolution? Puzzle 1: why does China have a totally corrupt government? Puzze 2: Is China's bureaucratic corruption going to ruin the nation and economy in light of global financial crisis? How should one understand the Chinese Communist bureaucracy and its wild corruptive practice? Get realistic analysis and knowledge on Chinese economy, politics, and society from provocative Chinese thinker George Zhibin Gu of World Association of International Studies at Stanford University (5 parts)
is China really a socialist nation? (tags)
What is really behind China's Communist revolution? Puzzle 1: why does China have a totally corrupt government? Puzze 2: Is China's bureaucratic corruption going to ruin the nation and economy in light of global financial crisis? How should one understand the Chinese Communist bureaucracy and its wild corruptive practice? Get realistic analysis and knowledge on Chinese economy, politics, and society from provocative Chinese thinker George Zhibin Gu of World Association of International Studies at Stanford University (5 parts)
Zhibin Gu: behind China's corruption: philosophy, religion, politics, law (tags)
What has gone wrong with China's Communist revolution? Puzzle 1: why does China have a totally corrupt government? Puzze 2: Is China's bureaucratic corruption going to ruin the nation and economy in light of global financial crisis? How should one understand the Chinese Communist bureaucracy and its wild corruptive practice? Get realistic analysis and knowledge on Chinese economy, politics, and society from provocative Chinese thinker George Zhibin Gu of World Association of International Studies at Stanford University (5 parts)
Zhibin Gu: is China a socialist nation? (tags)
What has gone wrong with China's Communist revolution? Puzzle 1: why does China have a totally corrupt government? Puzze 2: Is China's bureaucratic corruption going to ruin the nation and economy in light of global financial crisis? How should one understand the Chinese Communist bureaucracy and its wild corruptive practice? Get realistic analysis and knowledge on Chinese economy, politics, and society from provocative Chinese thinker George Zhibin Gu of World Association of International Studies at Stanford University (5 parts)
Zhibin Gu: probing China's political corruption (4 parts) (tags)
Puzzle 1: why does China have a totally corrupt government? Puzze 2: Is China's bureaucratic corruption going to ruin the nation and economy in light of global financial crisis? How should one understand the Chinese Communist bureaucracy and its wild corruptive practice? Get inside analysis and knowledge on Chinese economy, politics, and society from provocative Chinese thinker George Zhibin Gu of World Association of International Studies at Stanford University (4 parts)
Zhibin Gu: how a dead China is saved by entrepreneurship, open society, outside world? (tags)
how to walk out the mud of global financial cisis? How to get better world politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.
China capitalist lessons vs global financial crisis (tags)
is global financial cisis changing global politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.
China: politics, finance, economic map: George Zhibin Gu (tags)
is global financial cisis changing global politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.
Grupo Pellas: una vergonzosa insensibilidad (tags)
ANAIRC cumple un mes de lucha en Managua
lessons: global financial crisis, China, India, competition, jobs, politics, law (tags)
is global financial cisis changing global politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.
Venezuela: Sindicalismo entre burocracia servil y sicariato (tags)
* En los difíciles tiempos que vive el movimiento obrero venezolano, quizás lo más dramático han sido las acciones criminales que cobran la vida de decenas de sindicalistas, ante la pasividad del gobierno seudo-revolucionario y el silencio de sus admiradores del exterior. Sobre ello habla este texto de El Libertario, # 55, enero-febrero 2009.
economic, political lessons behind China's surge amid global financial meltdown (tags)
is global financial cisis changing global politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.
E-Book of Tarpley's "Obama: Postmodern Coup The Making of a Manchurian Candidate (tags)
This book exposes Obama, but it does so from a standpoint that is fundamentally different from almost all other critical studies seen so far. The basic thesis shared by the authors of this book is that Obama is a right-winger, an elitist, a creature of Wall Street, and a deeply troubled personality, running far to the right of his main opponent, Sen. Clinton, on all major issues, including the two critical areas of economics and foreign policy.
El día que escracharon a Rockefeller (tags)
En la madrugada del 9 de julio de 1938, un acuerdo secreto para que Bolivia y por su intermedio, la Standard Oil company, preservaran la zona petrolífera del Chaco, fue firmado en Buenos Aires.
La agencia norteamericana que financió a varios movimientos del obispo presidente Fernando Lugo, fue además un organismo clave en el Operativo Cóndor.
Brutalidad católica en Defensa de Represores (tags)
La tortura fue legitimada por los tribunales esclesiásticos bajo Inocencio IV en 1252, antecedente de los manuales de tortura que fueron impresos nuevamente bajo la administración de George W. Bush.
CUBA: el secreto de la Era de Acuario (tags)
Este 13 y 14 de Mayo se efectuará en Bruselas, Bélgica, el encuentro pomposamente titulado: “Quo Vadis Cuba, escenarios de transición en el final de la era de Castro”...
Miguel Ángel Vásquez, secretario de finanzas del sindicato de Trabajadores del Sector Eléctrico (STSEL); sus compañeros lo describen como metódico, ordenado, hombre de familia y de gran dedicación al sindicato y a sus compañeros de trabajo. Ingresó en STSEL (cuando aún era ATCEL) en el año de 1990 y tenía más de 20 años de laborar en el sector eléctrico.
Submit an article/letter on your views of the 1960s for our book!
El diablo en George W. Bush (tags)
Un oficial de ejército anterior, con los fondos en inteligencia militar y asuntos públicos, piensa que presidente venezolano Hugo Chavez golpeó el clavo en la cabeza cuando él llamó George W. Bush un diablo -- y da razones por las que.
May Day and the Haymarket Martyrs - Historia del Primero de Mayo (tags)
To Albert Parsons, August Spies, George Engel, Adolph Fischer, Louis Lingg, Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden and Oscar Neebe. Your courage and sacrifice for the emancipation of labor - without borders - will never be forgotten.
De calles vacías, gatos y niños (tags)
De cómo le ha sido enajenada la calle a los niños
A Re-publican Nation: the Born-again Publicans (tags)
A new era has descended upon us, indeed: the era of Re-publicanism; an era which is sure to irrevocably determine who amongst us is free. and who will not be.
El Poder de las Pesadillas (tags)
Análisis en profundidad del documental de la BBC "El Poder de las Pesadillas", centrado en la base ideológica y desarrollo histórico de la "Guerra Contra el Terror" desde la perspectiva neo-conservadora estadounidense proveniente de Leo Strauss, y la islámica de Sayed Kotb y Zawahiri.
Un cuento sobre Julio Carreras (tags)
AFRICA - Limpopo
Las mujeres iraquíes en las cárceles de la ocupación: objetos e instrumentos de violacione (tags)
"De todas las historias narradas anteriormente, y de muchas otras, se desprende obviamente que las mujeres iraquíes están siendo usadas como objetos e instrumentos de violaciones. Se utilizan contra los hombres. Utilizar el valor del honor en su contexto árabe e islámico para quebrarlo significa que a través de estos abusos se pretende quebrar la estructura psicológica y cultural de la sociedad iraquí. Los abusos se están utilizando para romper la imagen que los propios iraquíes tienen de sí mismos, la imagen que tienen las mujeres en la sociedad y la que tienen de sí mismas"
Anti-Arabism is the Fascism-in-Power "Anti-Semitism" Of our Era!!! (tags)
and the alliance of Anglo-Zionist monsters who are the real "anti-Semites" of our era, that is they are the occupiers of Arab Land. They are the bullets and dollars behind bulldozers and killing fields, behind Hashemite Compradors, and behind a culture that mutters "sand nigger" and "camel jockey" when frustrated to defend "the war on terror" in lowest strata of the working-class and lumpen vernacular.
Human Population: A Brief History (tags)
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Could the burger era really be coming to an end at last? John Walsh investigates (tags)
For decades, we've been living in a fast-food world. Suddenly, everywhere you look, there's McTrouble. Could it be that we're finally overcoming our addiction to saturated fat and cardboard chips, to Happy Meals and nursery décor? Could the burger era really be coming to an end at last? John Walsh investigates