fix articles 33454, jerusalem Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : jerusalem


Israeli Policy Ideas: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

A Jewish Affirmative Action Plan, To Right a Historic Wrong

Israeli Policy Blueprint: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

Jews R Indigenous, Arabs Invaded in 7th Century.

Happy Nakba Day and Israeli Independence (tags)

Jewish National Liberation Succeeded, The Nakba Narrative Is A Lie!

An Israeli Policy: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

A How To Guide For Annexing The West Bank

Israeli Policy Prescription: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

Annex Judea and Samaria Now! This Is How, a Policy Analytic Approach.


"saint peter" never existed at all

THE JESUS LIE . 20 (tags)

the jesus prank

Hebron, Ben-Gurion, and UNESCO (tags)

Reviews Ben-Gurion's attitude about rebuilding Hebron and toward the UN. Then calls on the Israeli government to withdraw as planned from UNESCO.

Israel Quit UNESCO, Um-Shmum, Make Ben-Gurion Proud! (tags)

Reviews Hebron, UNESCO, Jewish Rights to the Land of Israel

Korban Pesach and Israel’s Redemption (tags)

Jews re-enact Passover Sacrifice near Temple Mount. Arab/Muslim world outraged.

The Shortwave Report 12/22/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, NHK Japan, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Jerusalem: Reality vs Impracticality – The Protection Racket of the Jewish State (tags)

In that tight piece of geography, two nations simply cannot be constructed justly; the one with the bigger guns will always dictate the terms. And it is truly no ordinary piece of geography. It is so steeped in the history and intermingling cultures of all three Abrahamic religions that try as the transplanted European Zionists may, to obliterate the vestiges of the other two, its history and its emotional affiliations cannot be divorced from that geography. Abolishing apartheid and eliminating the racist Zionist philosophy, and replacing it with a society with secular, civil and moral laws that are based on the common moral teachings of all three religions and which treat all three peoples as equals, permitting each to practice their own faith, to hold sacred their own heritage without encroaching upon the rights of each other, is the only just solution today. That is the actual ground reality when primacy is replaced with fairness. It is also the solution that the ordinary Palestinian peoples themselves demand. It is high time the Palestinian and Muslim leaders listened, and dared to lead as history's actors in their own right. Other nations' leaders will follow suit once the singular demand is tabled by the Palestinian and Muslim leaders, with no back-off whatever the pressure and consequence. In time, all wounds will heal naturally, as all three peoples have far more in common than they have the courage to recognize and accept. The status of Jerusalem is then naturally and organically resolved as the common sacred heritage of all three faiths. Surely some formula for administering the holy city in fairness to the peoples of all three faiths can then be devised by the citizens themselves and ratified as the fair law of the sacred land that is named in the Holy Scriptures of all three faiths as “The City of Peace”.

Palestinians, Beware Jewish Days of Rage, Hanukkah is Coming to Israel! (tags)

This article surveys responses to Trumps declaration on Jerusalem.

Israeli Jews Say, It’s Our Jerusalem! (tags)

A review of some Israeli opinions about Jerusalem.

This Week in Palestine, March 31, 2017 (tags)

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 25, to the 31, 2017.

This Week in Palestine, March 31, 2017 (tags)

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 25, to the 31, 2017.

This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016 (tags)

This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016

Things We Need to Stop Hearing About the ‘Stabbing Intifada’ (tags)

Lévy is considered a founder of the New Philosophy movement and is a leading thinker on religious issues, genocide, and international affairs. His 2013 book, Les Aventures de la vérité—Peinture et philosophie: un récit, explores the historical interplay of philosophy and art. His new play, “Hotel Europe,” which premiered in Sarajevo on June 27, 2014, and in Paris on September 9, is a cry of alarm about the crisis facing the European project and the dream behind it.

Scandalous NYT Anti-Palestinian Propaganda (tags)


Israel's Killing Machine Takes More Palestinian Lives (tags)


American Victims of palestinian Terror (tags)

Father of four Eitam Henkin joins a long list of Americans murdered by Palestinian and other terrorists since 1970:

Israel on a Rampage (tags)


US Zionist Organizations Blast Muted UN Criticism of Israeli Violence (tags)


Netanyahu's Latest Demagoguery (tags)


Treatment of East Jerusalem Palestinians: Profile of Israeli Viciousness (tags)


Netanyahu Appoints Right-Wing Extremist to Head Israel's Diplomatic Corps (tags)


Israeli Security Force Thugs Attack Russian Journalists (tags)


The New York Times Endorses Israeli Mass Slaughtering Palestinians by Refusing to Condemn (tags)


Jerusalem on the Boil (tags)


Choice for Palestinians in Israeli Elections: None (tags)


Formeer Mossad Head Blasts Netanyahu (tags)


Chickens Coming Home to Roost (tags)


Ignored Root Cause of Occupied Palestine Violence (tags)


Israeli Settlements Prevent Peace (tags)


Israel Plans Annexing West Bank Territory (tags)


Palestinian Solidarity Day of Rage (tags)


Israeli Iron Fist Ruthlessness (tags)


Blaming Victims: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Serial Killer Netanyahu Calls for Calm (tags)


Cracks in US/Israeli Special Relationship? (tags)


Israel's War on Islam (tags)


Racist Extremism in Israel (tags)


Israel's Latest Land Grab (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Flounder (tags)


Olmert: Guilty As Charged (tags)


Israel Denies 45,000 Palestinians Water (tags)


Flashback:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's cheerful mood in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks (tags)

“We have assembled here today [...] in order to bow our heads in sorrow and deep mourning over the deaths of innocent citizens in New York and Washington [...] [perpetrated] by criminal terrorists of the worst kind that the world has known since World War II, and even beyond.” said the then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a speech at the Israeli parliament Knesset fıve days after the 9/11 attacks. However, some photos taken in the three months after the attacks betray a strikingly different mood of both Mr Sharon (1928-2014) and the foreign political leaders with whom he held consultations...

Planned Israeli Jordan Valley Annexation? (tags)


Elie Wiesel's Anti-Iranian Agenda (tags)


Israeli Judaization Master Plans (tags)


Dead in the Water Peace Talks (tags)


Judaizing Palestine (tags)


Israeli Settlements are War Crimes (tags)


Sham Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Harsh Criticism of Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks (tags)


Dispossessing East Jerusalem Palestinian Residents (tags)

police state

Israeli Occupation Harshness Prevents Peace (tags)


Decades of Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Failure : 50 Reasons Why (tags)


Middle East Continues to Boil (tags)


BBC's Longstanding Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)


Hunger Striking for Liberation, Justice and Dignity (tags)


More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Israeli Lawlessness in Issawiya (tags)


Fascism Wins Big in Israel (tags)


Netanyahu Rejects Palestinian Sovereignty and Democratic Freedoms (tags)


PA Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Netanhayu's Warning (tags)


No Relief for Palestine in New Year (tags)


Netanyahu/Lieberman Coalition (tags)


Odd Man Out (tags)


Netanyahu's Rage to Judaize Palestine (tags)


US and European Union rebuke Israel’s new settlement plans in East Jerusalem (tags)

The White House Tuesday rebuked Israel for officially endorsing 1,500 new Jewish residences in Arab East Jerusalem, saying the action makes suspicious Israel’s pledge to peace talks and an independent Palestinian state. A number of European Union countries also condemned the Israeli move.

Israel Gives Chutzpah New Meaning (tags)


Israeli Settlement Construction Fallout (tags)


Netanyahu Pledges Continued Lawlessness (tags)


East Jerusalem Schools: Failing Grade (tags)


Democrats Throw Palestinians Under the Bus (tags)


Jerusalem, God & Other Fun WORDS (tags)

Democrats update platform with Jerusalem, God reference

New York Times Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)


International Law Revisionism (tags)


Whitewashing Criminal Fraud (tags)


Madonna invites leftist groups to (Israeli) concert, Anarchists refuse. (tags)

Madonna's peace concert chose Israel as the first stop yet failed to speak out against the Israeli occupation of Palestine while claiming to want peace for all.

Discrimination Against Arab Communities in Israel (tags)


Jerusalem Day (tags)


Warning: Visiting Israel Is Dangerous (tags)


Israel Using Oslo Accords to Steal West Bank Land (tags)


Israel's Lawless Settlement Project (tags)


Reality in Occupied Palestine (tags)


Israel Plans Theft of 10% More West Bank Land (tags)


Daily Israeli State Terror (tags)


Israeli Settlements: An Obstacle to Peace (tags)


Israel Claims Syria/Hamas-Connected Terror Cells Uncovered (tags)


Postponing Joint US/Israeli Exercises (tags)


Abusing East Jerusalem Children (tags)


Israel Plans More Walls (tags)


Systematic West Bank Settler Violence (tags)


EU Protests Israeli Occupation Policies (tags)


Critical Health Issues in Gaza (tags)


Gaza: Good News and Bad (tags)


Israeli Anti-Democratic Legislation (tags)


Israeli Settlement Construction Jeopardizes Palestinian Statehood Plans (tags)


Life in East Jerusalem (tags)


Israeli-Style Peace and Justice (tags)


Palestinian UN Membership Roulette (tags)


Calls to Annex West Bank Settlements (tags)


Netanyahu and Obama Spurn Peace (tags)


No Peace or Justice in Our Time with Netanyahu (tags)


Resuming Peace Process Hypocrisy to Subvert Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Implications of Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Allegedly Foiling Jerusalem Terrorist Attacks (tags)

state terror

Israeli Oppression Continues While Talking Peace (tags)

police state

Daily Rogue State Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Doctors on Israel's Forty-Four Years of Occupation (tags)

state terrorism

Forty-Four Years of Occupation (tags)

state terrorism

Obama Genuflects to AIPAC (tags)


Mixed Reactions to Obama's Middle East Speech (tags)


Solidarity with Palestine (tags)


Commemorating Palestine's Nakba (tags)


East Jerusalem Palestinians: Lawlessly Revoking Their Status (tags)


Palm Sunday Peace Parade: The Call for the End to War and Oppression is Louder than Ever (tags)

Join Christian Peacemaker Teams member and author James Loney and show your solidarity with those who march for an end to war and oppression around the globe.

Abusing Palestinian Children (tags)


Salah Hamouri: One of Thousands of Israeli Political Prisoners (tags)


The "Palestine Papers" Revealed (tags)

treachery revealed

Israel's Jerusalem Master Plan 2020 (tags)

Israel plans to Judaize Jerusalem

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (tags)

a day to observe and honor

Exposing Israel's Fraudulent Third Periodic Report to the UN (tags)

exposing Israeli lies

Ethnically Cleansing East Jerusalem (tags)

Judaizing East Jerusalem

A Bribe too Good to Refuse (tags)

Obama offering weapons for peace

Avigdor Lieberman: A Profile in Ultranationalist Extremism (tags)

a rogue Israeli politician

East Jerusalem Palestinians Denied Basic Rights (tags)

israeli repression continues

Israel's Bogus Construction Moratorium (tags)

settlement construction continues unabated

Israel Prohibiting the Right to Demonstrate (tags)

Israel attacking peaceful demonstrations

Israel's New Land Grab Master Plan (tags)

theft of Palestinian land

Stop the Wall: People v. Oppression (tags)

Part II of earlier article.

Israel's Separation Wall: A Health Hazard (tags)

The Wall is a weapon of mass destruction

Israel's Settlement Enterprise: Longstanding, Outrageous and Illegal (tags)

Israel wants all valued West Bank land

Deteriorating Conditions for Israeli Arab Citizens (tags)

Israel wants the city exclusively Jewish

Judaizing Jerusalem (tags)

Israel's aim - make all Jerusalem exclusively Jewish

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 2009 Annual Report (tags)

another year of Israeli crimes

Occupied Palestine: Good News and Bad (tags)

Far more of the latter than former

Life in Occupied East Jerusalem (tags)

Israel's repressive occupation

Education in Occupied Palestine (tags)

effects of occupation on education

Israel's ID/Permit System (tags)

An element of Israeli apartheid

National Public Radio's Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)

NPR supports power and privilege and their worst crimes

Peace Process Hypocrisy: Stillborn from Inception (tags)

The peace process is a charade

Palestinian Dispossession in East Jerusalem (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing to make E. Jerusalem exclusively Jewish

Israeli Settlement Expansions Continue (tags)

all Israeli settlements are illegal

Haiti 7.0 6 Israel Turkey Feng Shui Row Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (tags)

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Israel's East Jerusalem Linked Settlement Expansion (tags)

continued land theft

The Occupied West Bank Latroun Villages (tags)

occupied and persecuted

Faith is Breakthrough (tags)

Soren Kierkegaard spoke of faith as a "leap across seventy-thousand fathoms of water." He sought to introduce Christianity into comfortable Danish Christendom. The language of proclamation runs crosswsays to the language of time. The me-society, the majority society, is lost.

The Israelis should have made peace (tags)

while they had the complaint Abbas in charge

Isi Leibler is a danger to Israel. (tags)

When he calls J Street an extremist fringe group.

Obama's secret surrender to Israel (tags)

Will be signed in London on Aug. 26, 2009.

Eviction of two Palestinian familes from Sheikh Jarrah (tags)

East Jerusalem's lost years



Join ISM's Summer Campaign in Palestine (tags)

Israel's Illegal Annexation of East Jerusalem (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

Yes Masser, Sir. (tags)

Wait till I get in.

Jeff Halper's "An Israeli in Palestine" - Part I (tags)

Halper's excellent book.

Islamic-Christian front warns of scheme targeting Arab presence in Jerusalem (tags)

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Dr. Hasan Khater, the secretary-general of the Islamic-Christian front for the defense of Jerusalem and holy shrines, warned that the IOA started a few days ago to implement a dangerous scheme targeting the Arab and Islamic presence in occupied Jerusalem through promoting a new ID card as a prelude to imposing it on Jerusalemite Palestinians.

Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing (tags)

US Government guilty of underwriting these crimes.

UN: Israel Must Halt Use of Excessive Force (tags)

The US Government is the #1 sponsor of these War Crimes. Taking no action to stop them using your tax dollars to fund this Ethnic Cleansing enables these Extremists.

Abbas: Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing (tags)

Put the conflict in fast-forward. A shocking picture emerges. Your Government is this Crime's biggest sponsor.

Tragedy and Travesty at Annapolis (tags)

The latest chapter in the sham Middle East peace process.

Condi dances for peace (tags)

Taht's the only peace she will get

Israeli army to recruit Jews abroad for hi-tech course (tags)

The IDF plans to use the resources of the Jewish Agency and the Foreign Ministry to identify candidates for the course. The army plans to begin advertising the new program, based at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, in English on its Web site.

High noon for Israel's political gunslinger (tags)

Russian-Israeli billionaire Arcadi Gaydamak will succeed both in whitewashing his dubious past and emerging as a political kingmaker in the next Israeli elections.

Hillery and Obama to elope (tags)

Because they were rejected for president by Jerusalem conference

The ghosts of Deir Yassin (tags)

New Moon of the Aviv Sighted! (tags)

New Moon of the Aviv Sighted!

Do Something! Quick! 9/11/01 & Delusions of War (tags)

Two more suppressed articles of mine.

The Mughrabi Gate Project (tags)

Jerusalem: no more secrets...!

Why Israel invaded Iraq (tags)

What's it all about?

Defender of the Jewish State; Denier of Palestinian Misery (tags)

Wiesel pontificates, "The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference." And it is complete indifference that he has repeatedly shown to the Zionist dispossession and dehumanization of the Palestinian people. Proclaimed a "messenger to mankind" at his 1986 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Wiesel "swore never to be silent when human beings endure suffering and humiliation." Does that mean that he considers Palestinians to be less than human? Perish the thought that he regards Palestinians as Untermenschen like the Nazis considered Jews and Gypsies.

Next Year in Jerusalem (tags)

Both inside Israel and in the international community, many people wait and watch to see if President Beinisch and her two Justice colleagues will have the courage to uphold international law and basic common decency and justice and restore Mordechai Vanunu's right to his basic freedom of speech and movement. The result of this appeal will indeed give us an indication of the future strength of Israeli justice for those who go to ask for its help. We wait in hope that we may yet see JUSTICE IN JERUSALEM.

Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers (tags)

Doron Barkat, 29, in Jerusalem, spends long nights trawling the web to try to swing the debate Israel’s way. “When I see internet polls for or against Israel I send out a mailing list to vote for Israel,” he said. “It can be that after 15 minutes there will be 400 votes for Israel.

The Real Reasons for Israel's Invasion of Gaza (tags)

An Experiment in Human Despair

Occupation is unilateral (tags)

From the early 1990s, the Israeli occupation has had but one goal: the complete destruction of the Palestinian national cause, writes Gabriela Becker*


It reviews recent events and opinion polls in Israel.

9-11: Israeli spy ring and the exposive experts (tags)

A little known fact is that the israeli spy ring of 9-11 infamy had demolition experts.

What iranian president Ahmadinejad really said (tags)

The rcent kerfuffle over Ahmadinejad's remark about wiping israel off the map has been cleared by by Juan Cole, and midwifed by Christopher Hitchens!

Challenging religious theocracy from USA to Iran (tags)

Theocratic governments that appear from the Bush regime in the US to Zionist Israel to Islamist fascism in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Khartoum (Sudan) are based on patriarchal myths and fallacy..

Pope calls for another crusade (tags)

Jerusalem is surrounded.

A Brutal Police Riot in Israel (tags)

It looks at the recent Police Riot in Israel.

Israeli Study: Most Israelis are willing to give up E. Jerusalem Arab neighborhoods (tags)

According to a study published, on Thursday, in the Israeli online daily Haaretz, more ore than half of the Israelis are willing to give up East Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods and to effectively re-divide the city as part of a genuine peace agreement. Yet, the overwhelming majority which is 75 percent of those willing to make these concessions do not believe in the possibility of achieving a genuine peace with the Palestinians.

Stop Israel’s ongoing Colonization of Palestine: (tags)

This week has been marked by extensive land confiscation and isolation, from Tamoun in the northern Jordan Valley to Hebron in the South. House demolitions are taking place in the northwestern areas to completely depopulate areas isolated by the Wall and to create further space for settlement expansion. In Jerusalem, a sophisticated scheme of ghettoization is preparing the ethnic cleansing of the city. A combination of ghetto gates, roads, tunnels and walls will ensure that most of the lands around Jerusalem are stolen and villages are completely isolated and controlled by the Occupation.

detecting terrorism by observing movements of the rich (tags)

detecting terrorism against yourself and your loved ones by observing movements of the rich

Israel: The withdrawal from Gaza... a step towards peace? (tags)

Middle east

Israel investigates N-secrets hacking (tags)

Which is an open admission that multi-stage nuclear weapons are being built at Dimona. To what end? Germany foolishly gave Israel 3 Submarines capable of launching nukes onto any continent! Plus Israel has threatened European and other capitals with nuclear annihilation if it doesn't get it's way on everything.

Wendy Campbell: Smeared by the Jewish Defense League (tags)

Since the Zionists cannot win with Truth and Reason, they resort to lies and name-calling.

The Jerusalem Post Smears American and British Critics of Israel and Zionism (tags)

Since Zionists cannot win using Truth and Reason, they resort to lies, name-calling and worse.

Urgent Press release from from Rayna Moss in Israel (tags)

Further punishing the Whistleblower = Democracy At Its Most Dismal and Repressed Please tell Israel to honor the basic freedoms and rights of a free man in democatic society

The Israel First Right Wing Party (tags)

The right wing tells us they are patriot and the left wing is anti-American. Well, check this out, found at

Caravan for Palestine : Call for the organization of local comittees (tags)

A great and ambitious project is under construction in France. A caravan constituted by more than 100 vehicles will leave Strasbourg (seat of the European Parliament) on July 4, 2005 and will reach Jerusalem on July 19. 75 persons (about 20 vehicles) are already registered for the journey, whose route passes through great cities like: Geneva, Bologna, Ancona, Patras, Athens, Thessalonica, Istanbul, Ankara, Damas and Amman…

Christ Mass: The Birth of Human Rights (tags)

Christians all over the world tonight will celebrate the Birth of Human Rights, without knowing it. Seventy years after Spartacus, Human Rights were born. These new Human Rights were born of the humble Jewish Worker Bees, and not of the Jewish Ruling Class, the elite Levites of the Second Temple Period in Jerusalem.


This article counterattacks the best-selling author's recent op-ed claim that Israel's Right was unhappy about Arafat's demise. It points out his own left-leaning proclivities, and argues that it's the Left not the Right saddened by Arafat's death. It then questions what he's doing at the Israeli right-wing research institute, the Shalem Center.


It gives some friendly advice to world leaders.


Vanunu Not Yet Free

fresca (tags)

Let the whining begin!

Both Sides of The Wall (tags)

Are you really reading both sides of the story?

A Tale of Two Murders (tags)

Jogger Killed in 'Mistake' Was Cosmopolitan Student Who Straddled Mideast Divide/ Sheik Yassin Assasinated

Forbidden Families (tags)

ETHNIC CLEANSING AT WORK US Tax dollars $upport this treatment of a people: ethnic cleansing

Israel Wants US Report Held After the Hague (tags)

Israel has asked the U.S. administration to postpone publication of the State Department's annual report on human rights around the world, fearing it will be used against Israel in the discussion on the separation fence at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Palestinians Shoot Themselves in the Foot (tags)

Attack today in Jerusalem slays nurses from a Jerusalem hospital that once saved Palestinian Lives!

The Truth About How Israel Screws Over The Palestinians (tags)

The Israeli Government maintains a "Matrix Of Control" over the 3 million Muslim And Christian Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. In most areas they cannot get an Israeli Military "building permit". When they do build a home anyway, it gets bulldozed

Living in the Shadow of Death: Gay People Between Fundamentalism and Occupation (tags)

The police officer shoved the Palestinian into the patrol car. “This time,” he said, “we are going to take care of you; I will personally make sure that you are sent back to where you came from.” For Fuad Moussa, a 27-year-old gay man who grew up in Ramallah, these words amounted to a death sentence.

Group Contests Casino Owned by Extremist Backer (tags)

While U.S. Treasury officials scour financial records worldwide to stop funds donated by wealthy Arabs from flowing to radical Islamist groups, a small group of U.S. citizens is trying to shut down a major source of funding for Jewish extremists in Israel and the occupied territories.

Statement Condemning Geneva Accord (tags)

The Palestinian refugees' Right of Return to the homes and lands from which they were exiled is an individual, collective, national and human right that cannot be abrogated, denied or modified by any negotiation or agreement.

Sharon grilled by police in corruption probe (tags)

JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was grilled for seven hours by fraud squad detectives over a simmering corruption scandal involving two of his sons, police sources said.

from Rachel Corrie's parents in West Bank (tags)

Craig and Cindy Corrie in Jerusalem, Sept 29 2003

Focus On Jerusalem ~ (Michael Tarazi's Bad Fences Part IV) (tags)

International And Humanitarian Law IS Non-Negotiable. US tax dollars should NOT be funding any kind of terrorism, including this!

More atrocities (tags)

The time to annihilate these filthy savages is long past due. Destroy "palestine"

Iraq and The Good Samaritan (tags)

The question I would like to ask the entire would is, “If we do not stop to help the people of Iraq, what will happen to them?” What will happen to the tens of thousands of starving and dehydrated orphan children lying on the streets of Baghdad?

Petition to Howard Dean for Clarification of Stance on I/P Conflict (tags)

Time to corner and expose the "good Doctor"

Israeli's sense they've won (tags)

Israeli officials are expressing growing confidence that after 33 months they have defeated the Palestinian uprising, or intifada.

Which Came First - Terrorism or "Occupation"? (tags)

Which Came First - Terrorism or "Occupation"?


This MUST be the work of the Mossad right?

UK envoys held at gunpoint by Israelis (tags)

Israeli forces opened fire above a British embassy convoy and held it at gunpoint in Gaza while it was carrying diplomats and the family of an English peace activist left in a coma by an Israeli bullet.,2763,950072,00.html

Palestinian war-mongers (tags)

It's hard to protected regular Palestinians when Palestinian leadership and main organizations, for decades, have been impossible to deal with.

Richard Perle is a Director of the Jerusalem Post (tags)

Corporate directors are nearly always called on to make important and sometimes difficult decisions regarding the personnel and policy of the business that they are directing. What standards apply to this seeming "conflict of interest," where Perle, who heads an important federal advisory panel, is also a director of a company which owns a media outlet in a foreign country ??

IMC Video from Palestine available now! (tags)

New Video from Palestine

Jerusalem Bus Bombing Kills at Least 20 (tags)

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A Palestinian freedom fighter blasted the shit out of a bus packed with zionazis and war criminals during morning rush hour on Tuesday, killing at least 20 of them and wounding more than 50, police said.

Arafat as Ghandi? (tags)

If anyone has the ear of Abu Amar (Arafat), here is a suggestion. Right now, he should simply get close to Jerusalem and march, unarmed to pray at the Dome of the Rock.


MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/17: For some time now Palestinians have been warning that because of Israel's assassination of Palestinian leaders, "crossing the red line" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they would respond. When one of the founders of the PLO was assassinated by helicopter missile shot directly into his body as he sat working in his high-rise office in Ramallah in late August, many have expected that some counter-assassination attempt would be made by Palestinians. Today is just happened:

Palestinians View Israeli Occupation of East Jerusalem's Orient House... (tags)

Hussein Ibish, of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, discusses the significance of the Israeli takeover of Orient House and the consequences for those working to implement a cease-fire.

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