fix articles 33606, your representative
National Center for Transgender Equality, the West Hollywood Transgender Task Force, and many other LBGT organizations urge you to ask your Congressperson to vote YES on HR 2015 [Trans inclusive ENDA, and NO on HR 3685 [phony "ENDA' bill that excludes Trans folks].
US Congress Demands SOA/WHINSEC Release Names of Graduates and Instructors (tags)
On Sunday August 5, 2007 the House of Representatives approved a report accompanying the FY 2008 Defense Appropriations bill that demands the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/WHINSEC) release to the public the names of all students and instructors who attended the school during the fiscal years of 2005 and 2006. The directive also requires that the same information be available to the public in all future fiscal years.
TAKE ACTION: House Votes TODAY on Palestinian Sanctions (tags)
we NEED you to please pick up the phone TODAY and tell your Representative to vote NO on HR 4681 because the House is voting tonight, Monday, May 22, on HR4681,
House Voting on Anti-Palestinian Legislation Today The US Campaign,, has learned that the House of Representatives will vote today Tuesday, May 9 on HR4681, the Anti-Palestinian Act of 2006. This bill imposes draconian economic and diplomatic sanctions against the Palestinian people for exercising their democratic rights. TAKE ACTION TODAY! Pick up the phone now to call your Representative and urge a NO vote on HR4681, the Anti-Palestinian Act (talking points below).
Call to Action: Take Action on FY07 HUD Appropriations (tags)
Call tghe DC offices of your Representative and Senators this week and ask to speak to the staff person in each who deals with housing issues. 1-877-322-5742
Help Stop John Poindexter's TIA (tags)
Help peg the final nail into the TIA's coffin. Call your representative now!
Help Prevent War with Iraq- Act now (tags)
Judging by tallies offered by aides to a dozen other House and Senate members -- including Republicans and Democrats from areas that are normally hawkish as well as dovish -- a reluctance to embark on unilateral military action is the dominant theme of phone calls, letters and e-mail messages that have been pouring in to Capitol Hill in recent weeks.
NOW'S THE TIME to bring pressure to bear directly on Congress to stop fast track legislation. They know that lots of people have been out in the street against the FTAA. They need to hear the same message from us as "ordinary constiuents." Background information and actions/instructions provided.