fix articles 33830, but feingold
The Courts and Congress Will Not Halt the Surveillance Programs of Hereditary Kings (tags)
The Bush administration is pushing legislation to legalize its vast spy operations on the American people. Can we expect Congress to protect our rights? Do not count on it!
Republican Hatchet Man Defends Presidential Crimes (tags)
The Founders of the nation must be rolling in their graves over Sen. Hatch’s claim that the president’s powers should be beyong criticism during the “war” on terror.
Senator Blocks Attempt to Pass Bill (tags)
Call congressional reps and senators now! Call Feingold and urge him not to give in! Read below, and compare Feingold's relatively minor objections and then compare those to the other totalitarian police powers described in that he is NOT objecting to! The capitol switchboard number is 202.224.3121