fix articles 34177, alma Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : alma


Almost run over by a Mesa Police Officer (tags)

I was almost run over by a kamakazi pig as I was walking across the street. When I flipped the asshole off he came back and waved his badge at me like he was going to arrest me!

Nadie sin futuro (tags)

Mariano Cabrero:Pienso, muchas veces, que es provechoso reírse de un mismo e, incluso, de nuestra propia sombra: de esta manera descubro lo poco que sé, y lo mucho que me queda por aprender...

Alma’s courage: Colombian journalist risks everything to tell the truth (tags)

“Death threats are not new for us. It is a way of life here. Every family in Colombia has come to terms with violence. Everyone in Colombia knows of a relative who has been tortured, disappeared, or killed – treated in the most grotesque ways.”

Lesbians Insult "La Virgen de Guadalupe" (tags)

Who is behind these destructors of cultures and religions?

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