fix articles 34268, critical thinking
Folie à deux: A Madness Shared by Two; Shared Psychosis (tags)
"Whiteness" is driving everyone mad.
KPFK is losing and reducing it's main programmers, so can Fresh ones emerge there instead? (tags)
KPFK's "Global Village" music programmers left behind an audience- to which they claimed such loyalty, but no one ever asked nor admitted what all KPFK programmers GET from their carefully-held on-air spot. Do we know ?
You Can't Defeat Fascism By Ignoring It (tags)
David Horowitz' Reactionary Road Show Must be Confronted and Exposed
From passivity to proaction! (flyer and art) (tags)
Your alleged "leaders" often believe you are "incapable" and feeling too powerless to be more proactive than simply attending rallies and marches in a passive way. The flyer text here is meant to do two things: inspire you, and many others, to become more proactive--in a basic resistance of consciousness! Here is a giant pile of deep info that should inspire!
Life after Patriotism: The Brain behind the Brainwash (tags)
"Imagine a world where disagreement was okay. Where you could support people you disagreed with, where tolerance for difference was the norm. Where critical thinking and raising questions meant respect and discussion." from Slingshot
What's New at - #2 - August 19, 2002 (tags)
Here's the August update on what's new at, what's in development, and how you can help support this project.