fix articles 34297, police commissioner
Israeli Lawlessness in Issawiya (tags)
“This Dream Called Death,” a novelzine, by Stephen Janis (A Review) (tags)
Stephen Janis builds his tale, “This Dream Called Death,” in one bone-chilling scene after another, with a writing style that suits the genre. His descriptions of the city of Balaise are first rate. As the tension escalates, the character of the narrator evolves, too, into a much more sympathetic figure. Janis takes you for a ride into a history, a nightmare, which I fear, may be only one more 9/11 incident away from becoming our reality!
Twenty Minutes with the President (tags)
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, while he was out promoting his health care reform initiative. I requested 30 minutes given the scope and detail of my inquiry; they said I could have 20. Twenty minutes, 1200 seconds, not a lot of time to question the President about one of the most important events in our nation’s history. The following is a transcript of our remarkable discussion. interview about Journalists for Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)
Those advocating this radical journalist's execution show a disturbing lack of concern about the undeniable problems of racism (and all documented police/DA/judicial misconduct) throughout this case. At the most fundamental level, the FOP-led 'Fry Mumia' campaign's lack of concern is racist....The FOP appeals to a racist lynch-mob mentality that has long infected the US, so calling this a 'legal lynching' is no exaggeration.
Leonard Bernstein’s “Mass” Speaks to Today’s World (tags)
Political and religious authority is crumbling in a crisis of faith. The late Leonard Bernstein put those themes, and much more, in his concert triumph, “Mass.” After eight years of Bush-Cheney, the priest/pedophile scandal, coupled with the costly Wall St. Bailout, the loss of trust in our institutions is rampant. If the people want real change, they are going to have to rely on themselves, and on each other to create, in unity, the world that they desire.
The Framing of Mumia Abu-Jamal: an interview with author J. Patrick O’Connor (tags)
In his new book, O’Connor argues that Abu-Jamal was clearly framed by police, and that the actual shooter was a man named Kenneth Freeman. O’Connor criticizes the local media, who, he says “bought into the prosecution’s story line early on and has never been able to see this case for what it is: a framing of an innocent and peace loving man.”
Australian Federal Police, Centrelink And Magistrates Courts Destroy Families And Prevent Employment of Father - Real Case From Canberra, Australia
BRIAN HAW 1,521 NOT OUT! (tags)
This is a 1,100 word article about Parliament Square peace protestor Brian Haw whose one-man 24/7 demo has been going on for over 4 years now. 7 labelled photos are attached.
Disagreeing on Powell - true circumstance in Finland (tags)
Russia in allowed to commit any act in Finland under the protection of our Socialists President Tarja Halonen and ex-president Martti Artisaari. This article gives a true picture how Finns are being treated by Russia friendly ideologists in Finland.
SAI & SAF; It is only a matter of time, when Finland turns out to be another Nazi-Germany with it police commissioner and his new as well as becoming Police and Enforcement Act.
The Right to Dissent and the Trial of Camilo Viveiros (tags)
April 7 is the beginning of the trial in Philadelphia of community organizer Camilo Viveiros. This is the last of the criminal trials from the 2000 Republican National Convention. Will a steadfast and dedicated political organizer beat the fate of political imprisonment or will Police Chief John Timoney begin to be exonerated?
'LaVM 31/2002 vp' taking place January 1st 2004 and its planned becoming... (tags)
Short analyses on 'HE 52/2002 vp' accepted as a new Police and Enforcement act 'LaVM 31/2002 vp' starting from January 1st 2004. Citations from implicit explanatory memorandum assigned to Parliament's Constitutional committee appended with further explanations and grounds. All but one references can be found from internet for information validation. Raise of the second Holocaust?
What is legal, and what is not? (tags)
What is the difference in making a law, following it, and abusing it. If You still do not know, better find out now, before it is too late.