fix articles 343733, juan carlos
January - April 2021 Honduras coup update (tags)
This Jan-April 2021 in Honduras. Police brutality is on the radar with severe cases of assassination by police including the globally known case of Keyla Martinez and other less known cases. There are also assassination of organisers, updates on political prisoners and vaccines and more..
Part 3: Honduras Coup Repeat Update 15 December 2017 to 31 December 2017 (tags) Its a summary of killings (19th to 31st people killed by current dictatorship within this time period) and other human rights violations for the dates 15 December 2017 to 31 December 2017 Throughout, people are blocking highways everywhere, burning tyres and stopping vehicles from passing through, with the intention of paralysing the economy and Honduran production until the JOH dictatorship regime collapses. Read on to know about the abuses and also of the determination of people to kick out the JOH dictatorship.
Honduras Coup Repeat Update 26 November 2017 to 14 December 2017 (tags)
This is part two of a news summary in Honduras, of the resistance against this again-coup following yet another fraudulent election, the repression is heavy, the military is constantly pulling out and firing their guns at people in barricades and protests, the curfew has been there, and hundreds have been arrested. Despite the danger the resistance and actions are immense and growing.
September 2014 Honduras coup update (tags)
This September in Honduras...we now within two months of this infamous model cities (privatisation of entire cities) actually starting unless miraculous resistance springs up. But uprisings do actually happen, in Miskitia, a long boat ride or helicopter ride from much of Honduras, when pissed cops and soldiers arrested 40 at a party after people refused to give them alcohol or money for alcohol, and these agents of the system fired gunshots,wounding 4 who were locked up, the community didn't take it,the officers ran away, the community set on fire the copshop.
La Monarquía de Felipe VI y la III República (tags)
La abdicación del rey Juan Carlos I a favor de su hijo Felipe tiene como objetivo, únicamente, reestructurar algunos aspectos de la forma del Estado.
Philippines' Election Campaign Ignores Real issues (tags)
Cañeros del Ingenio San Antonio (NSEL): 140 días de incesante lucha (tags)
Nuevas amenazas y disparos contra la ANAIRC
Carta de la señora Maigret a ZP (tags)
Señor presidente; la alegoría de los derechos cívicos de los violadores que se está produciendo en los debates sobre las actualidades francesa y española, que coordino me parece extremadamente inquietante. Más exactamente debería usar nauseabundo. Mi inquietud aumenta cuando compruebo que efectivamente, la imagen de la actualidad de su régimen parece reiterar esta apología.
En la mas reciente y ridicula iniciativa de la alicaida oposicion venezolana contra el Presidente Hugo Chavez, el lider del micropartido Alianza Bravo Pueblo (que representa menos del 1% del electorado), Antonio Ledezma, ex-militante del otrora poderoso partido socialdemocrata Accion Democratica, de donde fue expulsado por corrupcion administrativa cuando fue Alcalde de Caracas en los años 90, denunciara ante la Fiscalia General de la Republica al primer mandatario por "drogadiccion" y "apologia al consumo de drogas", solicitando incluso un examen toxicologico, en alusion a las palabras que dirigio el Presidente en su mensaje anual ante la Asamblea Nacional, en donde afirmo en cadena de radio y television que todas las mañanas tomaba te de hoja de coca o masticaba pasta de coca, y que gracias a ello se mantenia sano y fuerte.
On The PGMA Visit To Spain (tags)
“Mas vale la cola de un leon en la cabeza de una rata” The Philippine Peasant Network (Pesante –USA) vehemently condemn the patronage displayed by King Juan Carlos I of Spain as a head of state to President Gloria Macapagal –Arroyo of the Philippines on her state visit to the former colonizer country. Pesante also revolt at the ostentatious and arrogant display of Gloria’s illusion to be royalty, act like a queen and perpetuate herself in power, it is utterly disgusting and despicable and must be condemned.
Venezuela: the counter-revolution raises its head (tags)
In Venezuela the forces of the counterrevolution are engaged in an all-out offensive against Chavez and the Revolution. Right-wing students stage armed provocations on the campuses and the streets. The bourgeois media, nationally and internationally, are whipping up a campaign of hysteria against "tyranny" and "dictatorship". US imperialism, with the help of Juan Carlos and the Spanish bourgeoisie, is striving to isolate Venezuela and create an anti-revolutionary bloc in Latin America, based on Brazil and Colombia, Chile and Argentina. As on previous occasions - the coup of 2002, the bosses' lockout, the recall referendum and the elections of 2005 and 2006, the reactionaries are using the slogan of supposed "defence of democracy" as a means of mobilizing the counterrevolutionary forces, creating a climate of fear and instability in order to prepare the ground for a right-wing coup. In the present battle who is opposed to the reform of the Constitution? Fedecamara, that is, the landlords, bankers and capitalists, the Episcopal Conference, representing the reactionary hierarchy of the Church, the right-wing media and imperialism. On the other side of the barricades are the workers and peasants, the poor and dispossessed, the revolutionary youth and the progressive intelligentsia: in other words, all the living forces of Venezuelan society. Why does the ruling class hate the constitutional reform? They say it is because Chavez wishes to introduce a dictatorship, to be a President elected for life and so on. But the reformed constitution does not concede such powers or anything like them. It merely removes the restriction on standing for President more than twice. In Europe there is no such limitation. Sarkozy and Merkel can stand as often as they like. So can Gordon Brown. And in any case, the reformed constitution only allows Chavez to stand for election. It will be up to the people whether they elect him or not.
Ayer tarde, quien escribe estas líneas, entre estos bosques tropicales de Palo Santo, mientras me encontraba en el campo con una de mis perras, el animal fue violentamente atacado por un numerosísimo enjambre de abejas salvajes embravecidas, y cuando (sin tener ningún equipo de protección) intenté rescatar a la perra de las enfurecidas abejas, también sufrí algo así como algo mas de unas treinta "picaduras". Terminé en el Hospital local, aunque ya estoy bien... Pero mientras esto sucedía en los olvidados bosques del norte argentino, a la misma hora, en otros lugares del Mundo (o, mejor dicho en todo el Mundo), cinco palabras pronunciadas por un Rey recorrían...
[Video-crónica] Madrid: Manifestación por la III República (tags)
Miles de personas en la manifestación del 22 de abril en Madrid. Video, fotos, texto y musica por el colectivo La Plataforma (2006)
Video anticapitalista: "Memoria, dignidad y lucha" (tags)
Poniendo el eje en la manifestación del pasado 19N de 2005 convocada por la Coordinadora Antifascista de Madrid, el video realiza una crítica histórica de la transición y denuncia la continuidad del franquismo por la vía de la monarquía parlamentaria.