fix articles 345113, battlefield
Who Killed the Syrian Peace Talks? (tags)
The long awaited Syrian peace talks — instigated by power brokers Russia and the United States — had already passed their initial due date, and are now officially stillborn.
21,000 Troops To Become The Latest Guinea Pigs For Pentagon (tags)
In light of President Bush’s determination to send an additional 21,000 plus troops to Iraq, regardless of the position of Congress and the American people, the citizens of the United States must be made aware of the ongoing experimentation and outright disregard for our American troops. With nearly thirty-six percent of our Gulf War I troops disabled, we must hold those responsible for such negligence accountable for these atrocities.
Washington Post: U.S. battlefield casualties in Iraq are increasing (by Latuff) (tags)
Article by The Washington Post. Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
Soldiers now fighting in Iraq are being exposed to battlefield hazards that have been associated with the 'Gulf War Syndrome' that afflicts a quarter-million veterans of the 1991 war, said a former Central Command Army officer in Operation Desert Storm.
not for the squeamish: DU and birth deformities in iraq (tags)
birth deformities in iraq. Use of DU should be a war crime(but then US has put itself beyod the law)