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arun gandhi

10 Ways To Creat Peace In Our World (tags)

"We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization," King said. Here are 10 real ways you can cultivate deep in yourself the loving peace you want to see in the core of the world.

10-28-06 Gandhi Peace March with Cynthia Matthews (tags)

Cynthia Matthews, Democratic candidate in California's 26th CD, walks alongside Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi in the inaugural Hollywood Parade for World Peace.

Cynthia Matthews Walks with Arun Gandhi in First Parade for Peace, Hollywood, 10-28-06 (tags)

Cynthia Matthews, candidate for Congress in California's 26th district against Republican David Dreier, walks alongside Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi in the inaugural Hollywood Parage for World Peace.

From Bil'in to Birmingham: A Missing Link in Support for Palestinian Human Rights (tags)

One of the latest in the long series of unpublicized Israeli attacks on civilians took place on August 25 in the West Bank village of Bil'in, a longstanding bastion of nonviolent Palestinian resistance. It occurred during the weekly protest against the Israeli de-facto-boundary wall being constructed in their midst. About 100 protestors -- Palestinian, Israeli and international activists -- were walking to the site of the wall when, without provocation, soldiers in riot gear waded in and began clubbing demonstrators and firing rubber bullets at close range.

Clergy and laity say: Feed the hungry, end the war (tags)

WASHINGTON — Peace and religious groups converged on the Capitol March 14 to demand that Congress vote down President Bush’s war budget and restore funds to health care, education, housing and other human needs programs.

Breaking the Impasse (tags)

The Left is dead in Israel

Hundreds Pledge to Shield Iraq; Thousands Want to Join (tags)

This direct-action approach enables ordinary citizens around the world to stop the war with their shielding presence in Iraq. We no longer need our governments to drag us into strife and death. Forming the shield, we'll be making history - and a future. A better future for us all.

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