fix articles 34574, advocacy center Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : advocacy center

advocacy center

Governor Rick Perry appoints unethical Judge Bonnie Sudderth to the Appeals Court (tags)

Texas Governor Rick Perry a week before the end of his term appoints unethical Judge Bonnie Sudderth to the Second Court of Appeals in Texas. Judge Bonnie Sudderth perjured herself on the stand to help her brother Skylar Sudderth who was indicted for allegedly raping his seven year old step daughter as per court records.

Breaking the Impasse (tags)

The Left is dead in Israel

Charities, Libertarianism failed by Human Nature (tags)

Contrary to the Libertarian View, non-profits face the very real prospect of significant, continuing declines in government funding, their second-largest source of revenue. Even worse, a recent study of 238 foundations found that they spent nearly $45 million on trustee fees, mostly to boards of directors, rather than using that money for charity.

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