fix articles 34999, chalk
Locating Witnesses for CHALK WALK Arrest (tags)
This is a call out to any witnesses that may have seen the arrest of Occupy LA protesters during Chalk Walk on July 12-13 at the police skirmish line of 4th and Spring in downtown LA.
Chalking & the Disruption of Business as Usual in DTLA: (tags)
Chalking & the Disruption of Business as Usual in DTLA: It has never been about the sidewalk chalk on the sidewalks, that's a simplified interpretation of a more sinister picture.
Unless the Mayor stops it, Occupy Los Angeles is going to get beat down by Chief Charlie's demons on Thursday for writing with chalk on the sidewalks, all at taxpayer expense, all because Occupy Los Angeles spurned the Democrats who run the city.
Big surprise: Corporate media fucks up chalk walk story (tags)
I don't usually do these opinion-type pieces, but I'm trying something a little different here. Bear with me.
Art Walkers Occupy Free Speech (tags)
When people at the downtown Art Walk joined with Occupy Los Angeles to assert their right to speak, LAPD answered with guns.
Police Harass Peaceful Occupiers in Downtown Riverside (tags)
October 16, 2011
RIVERSIDE, California - We are currently in day four of the peaceful occupation of the pedestrian mall of Downtown Riverside. Despite our best efforts at constructive dialogue with all parties, including agents of the police state, cops this morning demonstrated that their negotiations have been in bad faith when they roused us two hours prior to the agreed-upon time. At some point today, we learned that the resistance had taken the bold move of expropriating public space invaded by the financiers to spread a message of truth.
Arrests at Downtown Anti-war March. (tags)
The following is a sketchy report of one of the arrests, but it is all I was able to get. It is rumored that there were other arrests earlier in the day.
Oct 7th: Chalk the Names of the Dead Iraqi and Afghani Civilians (tags)
Not In Our Name Project: Easy Action #1 Oct 7th Chalk the Names of Afghani & Iraqi Dead
UPDATE: Orange County Anti-War protest (tags)
lots of fun!
Protest War and Resident Bush with Sidewalk Chalk (tags)
Call for Anti-war, anti-terror, Chalking Action!
2nd Call for Info Chalking Action (tags)
Sidewalk Chalk and a message!
Call for anti-war Chalking Action! (tags)
Sidewalk Chalk and a message!
protesters might do well to actually illustrate how "military strikes" look (tags)
Protests are usually designed to speak to policymakers and elite and "mid-elite" implementers of such policy. Yet puppets, posters, and the same old yells get pretty tired after awhile, and surely can be dismissed as the usual adolescent whines. How about doing something more, at least? Like illustrating exactly what it means when u.s. bombs hit "military targets."
Drawing of graffiti left on the boarder pavement (tags)
At the intersticial at the US and Mexico are concrete plazas and disorienting views. Both sides have buildings with inhuman architecture shaped with cold concrete corners. In the excitement of the crowd, someones took out chalk and began drawning on the ground. They passed the chalk around. Here is some of what was drawn