fix articles 3549, my yahoo
NEWSFLASH! Text of Bush's Aug., 6, 2001 Intel Brief (tags)
Text of Bush's Aug., 6, 2001 Intel Brief , as transcribed by the Associated Press
Stay Granted in Kevin Cooper's execution (tags)
At the 11th hour, the appeals court grants a stay of execution for Kevin Cooper
Lawmakers block labeling food with Country of Origin (tags)
(In a massive sell-0ut) "Bargainers tying down the last details of a mammoth $390 billion spending bill agreed to block labels identifying which country food products come from for the next two years, lawmakers and aides said Saturday. "
McDonald's Decries Webster Over 'McJob' (tags)
McDonalds gets it's Knickers in a knot over Merriam Webster usind the term McJob for low paid dead end work. Gosh who would have ever thought that?
Amazingly Ignorant Article from the LA Weekly (tags)
With phrases like "male latino", "latino woman, "barrio to bourgeois", Pelisek's latest "LA Weekly" article will make anyone with an introductory level of spanish wince.
HEHEHE American Infrastructure (tags)
HEHEHE it takes a report by a bunch of civil engineers for the Americans to realize their infrastructure is shit.
He lost Afghansitan. He is losing Iraq. Even in America Bush can't get the people on his side.
repost from Portland. Nice to have a gang like these swine in arms on your team.
I thought it would be an interesting comparison to pair together the following two articles. Interesting how the spin changes when the lies become too exposed.
Marines Arrive in N.C. After Iraq Mission (tags)
Read this article. The whole thing is fine and makes perfect sense except for the last comment. From that last comment, I can tell that that woman is probably some stupid stupid suburban housewife who doesn't know jack shit. She probably heard somebody say something like that on ABC news or some other shitty "news" station and she just chose to repeat it because in the "lala teletubby" head of hers it sounded like something meaningful and intelligent. That last comment makes absolutely no sense.
europe says Osama Bin Bush a religious fundamentalist (tags)
europe catches on to shrub's "crusade"
oregon equates protesters with terrorists (tags)
oregon wants to jail protesters as terrorists under proposed law
Another diplomat resigns (tags)
Diplomats keep resigning over shrub's policies
Ashcroft is at it again (tags)
Flesh-Eating Bacteria Hits Calif. Marine Base (tags)
Ooops! Sorry about that mortar round! We'll get you a medic in about four hours. Try not to bleed ot death or anything! + more...