fix articles 3562, sexual Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : sexual


Femicides in Juarez…. Not in Texas.. (tags)

The unsolved murders of 370 women that occurred in the city of Juarez, Mexico.

How to desublimate repressive? (tags)

Love is the gate to eternity, but what if a process of sexual liberation could save the status quo of existing ruling structures?

Pomona Rally for Breonna Taylor and George Floyd Hits Police Association and Mayor's House (tags)

[TW! Sexual abuse mentioned in this post as part of the story of what happened yesterday, about four paragraphs in. Incidents of police violence discussed in some detail toward the end.] One photo, by Jesus Sanchez

Schools Training Grounds For Sexual Harassment (tags)

Schools are training grounds for girls' battering later in life.

Sexual Harassment Charges of Men Suing Women who are accused of Harassing Men are now 10% (tags)

Women are increasingly coming under fire by men who charge that women have sexually harassed them or molested them.The LGBT community has LGBT vs. Lgbt sexual violence

NYPD Case Calls Attention to 'Consent Defense' That Can Be Used by Officers Accused of Rap (tags)

NYPD Case Calls Attention to 'Consent Defense' That Can Be Used by Officers Accused of Rape in 35 States

The Effectiveness of Sex Offender Treatment Programs – Robert Tronge (tags)

In January of 1989, before the sex offender hysteria hit the legislative sector of our country, a study was conducted entitled ‘Sex Offender Recidivism a Review‘, by the noted researchers L. Furby, M.R.Weinroth, and L. Blackshaw. Although the primary purpose of this study was to try and determine the actual recidivism of people who are involved in sex crimes what it secondarily discovered was the effectiveness of treatment programs or lack thereof I should say in reducing recidivism.. Realize that today most treatment programs that use behavior modification follow the same type of guidelines that were used during this time. They were basically drug and alcohol programs that were modified to treat people with what therapists perceived as sexual control problems.

Philippines: No context will ever justify murder of journalists - Akbayan (tags)

Press freedom is a baseline principle of good governance, not a moving target that adjusts to the whims and caprices of those in power. It plays a crucial role in fiscalizing and speaking truth to power, and that Constitutionally-guaranteed right must be protected.

honor killing in Los Angeles (tags)

Cops say Shehada Khalil Issa, 69, shot his son Amir, 29,Tuesday Amir's mother was also dead on the scene when cops arrived Prosecutors say Issa threatened his son in the past because he was gay

Sexual Exploitation by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti (tags)


Federal agents being accused of gross misconduct & assassinations (tags)

The Justice Department report unearthed many incidents where government agencies did not properly report incidents of sexual misconduct, many of which happened in the company of prostitutes.

8-year-old Yemeni Child Dies At Hands Of 40-year-old Husband On Wedding Night (tags)

International Women's day story

The British Royal Family: 50 Personal Connections to Child Sexual Abuse (tags)

It goes way beyond Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew. The British Royal Family have employed and befriended some 50 reported sex offenders. Why? It's time they answered some *very* urgent questions.

The Correlation Of Sexual Function To Diet (tags)

Optimum sexual functioning occurs with vegan or fruitarian diet

Governor Rick Perry appoints unethical Judge Bonnie Sudderth to the Appeals Court (tags)

Texas Governor Rick Perry a week before the end of his term appoints unethical Judge Bonnie Sudderth to the Second Court of Appeals in Texas. Judge Bonnie Sudderth perjured herself on the stand to help her brother Skylar Sudderth who was indicted for allegedly raping his seven year old step daughter as per court records.

Philippine Women’s Coalitions Launch 18 Days of Activism against Violence (tags)

On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (VAW), which marks the start of the 18 Days of Activism Against VAW, women’s groups held a press conference and rally in front of the US Embassy. The coalitions announced today that they unite in focusing on the call for justice for Jennifer Laude during this 18-day campaign period which starts on November 25, and will sustain the campaign until justice is served.

Philippines: Lawmakers studying the filing of bill against hate crimes (tags)

A pair of reform-oriented lawmakers has expressed plans to file a critical measure that could curb hate-motivated crimes and violence directed at the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Media Uses Hazing Instead of Rape in Football Locker Room Attacks (tags)

The scandal in Sayreville, NJ involving forced sodomy of young football players is being covered up at home by football fanatic parents and downplayed by the media. The media's term "hazing" is misapplied while ignoring the sexual nature of the crimes included forced sodomy. The cultural cover-up by football fanatics reeks of fascism on the local level while the media's downplay of words indicates nationalist fascism of football's Holy Grail.

UCLA students accused of sexual battery (tags)

Omar Arce, 22, was arrested in April after a female student accused him of sexually assaulting her

Soft Science, Hard Time: The Expanding Sexual Regulatory State As Facilitated By Science- (tags)

Periodic social upheavals as a result of moral panic seem to be the norm for humanity, with large segments of society reacting, or overreacting, with almost virally propagated outrage to perceived threats. The moral panic of our current age, an obsession with sexual inviolability, illustrates our continued susceptibility to emotional and irrational fears.

Israeli Rabbinical Scandals (tags)


Wikileaks Julian Assange hired By Prada to Help Free Japanese Whistle Blower ? (tags)

With America on the verge of electing our first female U.S. President,it would not serve Japan very well to continue allowing gross mistreatment of their female Japanese citizens,while Hillary Clinton occupies the Oval office in Washington D.C.

Gitmo Force-Feeding Continues Through Ramadan (tags)


PSA Warning: Sexual Assailants Likely to be Presient at Santa Ana Writing Event (tags)

Women for OC has waived all objections to sexual predators tabling Great American Write-in

Those Women That Serve Us (tags)

When engaged in combat situations it only makes sense to say that the armed forces is a dangerous place to be. It only follows; people go in knowing this danger exists, though it is unlikely any person can be fully prepared for the horrors of war. The realities of bombs going off around them and the cries of the men and women fighting alongside them can't be prepared for with anything like even the most purposefully random drill or intensely real movie or video game. There are bullets, grenades and other devices being targeted at you with malicious intent, and there are no outcomes the enemy of the United States of America desires at that moment, but to see you dead.

PLP protects and defends rapists (tags)

Publicizing an admitted rapist in the activist community and the organization that is defending him

Torturer Lawsuits: Some Good News (tags)


Los Angeles Press Conference for "No On Proposition 35" (tags)

Sexual service providers abhor and resist trafficking of all kinds, and support appropriate legislation that would effectively help eliminate it – laws that do not inappropriately mis-characterizing other activities as trafficking. Simple human decency demands this; moreover, it is in sex workers’ self-interest to eliminate sex trafficking, since they are trafficking’s likeliest victims. The sexual services extended community has long provided support to trafficking victims and will continue to do so. Sadly, Proposition 35, as written, would increase the risks to trafficked people and wrongly expand the definition of trafficking to include many entirely consensual adult sexual activities. If Proposition 35 passes, anyone receiving financial support from normal, consensual prostitution among adults could be prosecuted as a human trafficker; this includes a sex worker’s children, parents, spouse, domestic partner, roommate, landlord, or others. And if convicted they would be forced to register as a sex offender for life!

Terry Williams: A Life in the Balance (tags)

police state

Ongoing Problem of Church Child Molestation at Unity (tags)

From California to Florida to Georgia, Unity officials are being caught molesting children.

Please Oh LA Times Get A San Diego Section—Please! (tags)

The U-T has never been, over the time I have lived in southern California, a terribly great paper—despite all the awards the news industry gives onto itself. Yet it is really the opinion pages at the U-T that suck (even with less news and staff). OK, given that the front page is now celebrity central as Hollywood Variety Magazine—that is a tabloid sensation for a cult of personality is questionable too.

April Sexual Assault Awareness Month (tags)

April has been designated Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The statistics of sexual assault are shocking (207,754 victims 12 and older) and the statistics of those assaulted even more so(44% victims are under 18). Perhaps it is time though, that we look past the statistics and grasp that these people assaulted are more than mere numbers on a chart. They are people of both genders, with lives that are profoundly changed when sexual assault occurs.

Human Trafficking: The Crime That Dares Not Speak Its Name (tags)

On March 14 the members of Canvass for a Cause, a San Diego-based organization formed to raise money and awareness for marriage equality, heard a chilling presentation by San Diego County Youth Services social worker Michelle Atkins on human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children and young women. She critiqued the myth that so-called "sex work" is ever a legitimate self-actualizing career path and described her own work helping young women who've been kidnapped or lured into selling their bodies for someone else's profit.

Cynthia Nixon: Bi Heroine Tells It Like It Is (tags)

Actress Cynthia Nixon caused a brief furor last January and ruffled the feathers of the Queer Thought Police by daring to say publicly that as a Bisexual she believes she did have a choice in her sexual orientation, and she doesn't see why people should assume she's a Lesbian just because her current relationship partner is a woman.

Narcissist Females Use False Allegations for Power (tags)

Females with narcissistic personality disorder often make false allegations of rape against men that do not submit to their control. False allegations of rape are counterproductive and injurious to women who experienced rape in reality. Not to mention the effect on innocent men who could face real rape in prison.

Unaccountable: Private Military Contractor Abuses (tags)


Sexual Rights and Gender Justice On Tap for National Human Rights Conference (tags)

Human Rights Group Affirms Sexual Rights Are Human Rights

S. Korea: Call for Int'l Solidarity (tags)

The Network for Global Activism released y'day the following urgent appeal for int'l solidarity...

fbi and courts torture,maim or kill wrongly accused (tags)

See my updated report on how the fbi (et. al.)work with the courts to circumvent all human, civil and constitutional rights of the accused in efforts to destroy him/her.

US-Style Free Trade's Dark Side (tags)


Over 500 Turn Out for San Diego Slut Walk (tags)

For those who thought the battle over whether women who dress in sexually provocative clothing are thereby giving men the ?right? to rape them was won in the 1970?s, it was a shock last January when a police representative in Toronto, Canada told a class he was lecturing to that ?women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized.? His boorish, sexist remarks had one positive result: they rekindled the feminist movement via a series of ?Slut Walks,? mass demonstrations in which women deliberately dress in so-called ?slut wear? both to communicate a sex-positive message and to make the point that women should be free to dress any way they like and go about wherever they like without inviting men to rape them. The message of the ?Slut Walks?: don?t teach women how to avoid rape: TEACH MEN NOT TO RAPE!

SlutWalk Los Angeles Storms West Hollywood California (tags)

March and Rally puts Sexual Assault on Notice.

SlutWalk Los Angeles Storms West Hollywood California (tags)

March and Rally puts Sexual Assault on Notice.

SlutWalk Los Angeles Storms West Hollywood California (tags)

March and Rally puts Sexual Assault on Notice.

Slutwalk 2011 [pt 1] (tags)

On January 24th, 2011, a representative of the Toronto Police gave a speech in which he stated: "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized."

"Jewish" Sam Miller lie exposed (tags)

Almost every Catholic publication, blog and comment board has carried a story about a "Jewish" businessman defending the Catholic Church. The whole story is based on total lies and deceptions but still is circulated by the faithful.

Sexual Prey in the Saudi Jungle (tags)

He was an officer in the Saudi Royal Navy assigned to the strategic Saudi base of Jubail in the Persian Gulf. She was a single mom from Mindanao, in the Philippines, who saw, like so many others, employment in Saudi Arabia as a route out of poverty. When he picked her up at the Dammam International Airport in June, little did she know she was entering, not a brighter chapter of her life but a chamber of horrors from which she would be liberated only after six long months.

Psychology and the Shrinking of America (tags)

Psychology and the Shrinking of America

The Nation joins the campaign against Julian Assange (tags)

“Feminist opinion—as the Assange case and the Polanski affair before it have demonstrated—has become one of the means of legitimizing the suppression of nonconformists and political dissidents, and of changing the subject from the great social issues, above all, class oppression and social inequality, to stale and self-pitying concerns. Those supervising the attack against Assange are no doubt congratulating themselves on its clever design. Mounting it in the guise of a campaign against the sexual molestation of women… how else could such a filthy operation, with its threat of a sweeping assault on democratic rights, be mounted and even legitimized today? The powers that be know the Pollitts of this world, and the Nation. The magazine’s editor, Katrina vanden Heuvel, is, after all, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a leading ruling class think tank whose membership has included numerous CIA directors, along with dozens of US generals and admirals.”


It is necessary to continue the effort to study and to understand the reality.

“Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis”: Big Pharma's Latest AIDS Drug Marketing Strategy (tags)

The latest marketing strategy of the AIDS establishment and Big Pharma to sell toxic "anti-HIV" drugs at exorbitant prices is a sinister development called "pre-exposure prophylaxis." This is the idea of selling the drugs to HIV NEGATIVE Gay and Bisexual men engaged in so-called "high-risk" sexual lifestyles, supposedly to keep them from becoming infected. But it actually appears to be the industry looking for another market in the face of the recession, which is likely to reduce government and philanthropic funding for HIV meds in the developing world and thereby derail the pharmaceutical gravy train of AIDS. Fortunately, today's Gay men have got out of the intense fear of AIDS that ruled the Queer community in the 1980's and 1990's and are therefore unlikely to fall for the siren call of "pre-exposure prophylaxis."

Abolish Teenage Sexual Abstinence (tags)

The truth about the destructive effects of teenage sexual abstinence has been suppressed for more than 100 years. Religions have promoted unhealthy attitudes toward sexuality for thousands of years. The truth must be heard, and honest dialogue encouraged.

Torture in US Prisons (tags)

homeland prison torture

UN Peacekeepers Complicit in Sex Trade (tags)

peacekeepers are predatory

Israeli Soldiers Sexually Abuse Palestinian Children (tags)

More Israeli crimes

Prostitution Ads on Craigslist and Moral Majority Matters (tags)

Why does society call it “adult” if adults don’t have the right to freedom and liberty in the first place? Why does any government think it has a right to “dictate” morality to the American people and treat them like they are eternal adolescents? This zealous effort on the part of government employees and law enforcement is a thinly disguised attempt to dictate more oppressive “Judeo-Christian” morality in our country that is supposed to have a separation of church and state Unfortunately plenty of people still live with the “scourge” mentality that sexual pleasure and the reality of lust is somehow sinful and evil.

Prison Abolition In Practice --Part two of an interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (tags)

Let’s get rid of prison rape. Let’s reinstitute rehabilitation. Let’s repeal certain draconian sentencing laws. All good and essential ideas. But very little – in some cases, nothing - will fundamentally change unless those ideas, and more, are advanced within a strategic framework of abolition.

Sexual Offense in California (tags)

Yet, somehow the attitude for some citizens thus goes, after more legislation has been proposed, and in process of being enacted (Assembly Bill 1844 Chelsea’s Law), in California following the recent rape and killings by one John Gardener, a sexual offender released from prison and not very closely and competently monitored by the system, is that everyone, that is everyone thought to be a “good” citizen of the state of California, ought be able to live in a Utopian world in which “no one” feels offended—especially sexually offended—and this idealism should reside no matter how arbitrary and contradictory the propensity to feel offended may seem.

Sexual Offender As Label Versus the Zealotry of the Self-Righteous (tags)

Sexuality and eroticism has always been “offensive” to somebody. Especially is this so in this land of the blue-nose, which descended here from a long Christian paranoia of anything erotic and unclean. But where is this psychology of “erotophobia” mentioned in California’s latest crusade against anything that falls under the rubric of “sexual offender?”

Sex Offender Terrorism and the San Diego Union-Tribune (tags)

Clearly the San Diego Union-Tribune has a new formula to increase its flagging circulation numbers while it glosses over or ignores more mundane but highly important social issues—focus on sexual offenders as a new modern day witch hunt. Every male is a John Gardner now and must be profiled.

Latest Pedophelia Scandal Rocks the Vatican (tags)

The latest scandal has longstanding roots

Sherry Wolf: Lesbian Socialist Activist Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Lesbian socialist Sherry Wolf came to San Diego December 3 to promote her new book, “Sexuality and Socialism.” Wolf offered a provocative critique of much of the Queer community’s orthodoxy, most notably the Queer mainstream’s embrace of the notion that people’s sexual orientation is inbred and genetically determined. She also mused on how and why the Queer movement morphed from a liberation struggle demanding sexual freedom to an elaborate commercial mechanism to promote Queer-owned businesses. Her final conclusion: there can be no true sexual liberation as long as capitalism survives and forces most people to spend their time working at jobs they hate and taking care of families on their own.

Relationships in a Free Society (tags)

For people interested in choosing to improve relationships either with themselves, their friends, family, lovers, society in general, or all of the above, I have some suggestions about scientifically proven methods and information which may be helpful.

Reviewing Marjorie Cohn and Kathleen Gilberd's "Rules of Disengagement" (tags)

Right of GIs to refuse to fight in illegal wars

Bisexual Forum of San Diego Hosts “Bisexuality Across Cultures” (tags)

The Bisexual Forum of San Diego County hosted an event on “Bisexuality Across Cultures” May 27. Though somewhat overshadowed by the anti-Proposition 8 protests that week, it was a compelling meeting which discussed the greater rigidity with which Americans define sexual orientations and roles than Europeans or Latin Americans. One speaker was a Bisexual living with blindness, who described a “hierarchy of discrimination” with people of color relatively more privileged than Queers, while people with disabilities are at the very bottom and often the subject of out-and-out devaluation of their lives (“I’d rather be dead than be … ”).

“Outrage”: Exposing Hypocrisy or Perpetrating It? (tags)

“Outrage,” Kirby Dick’s new documentary on the practice of “outing” closeted Queer politicians who take positions in opposition to the mainstream Queer community’s political agenda, is an old-fashioned morality play in which the heroes are the activists and journalists who “out” such people and the villains are the politicians themselves and the mainstream corporate media which refuse to cover the issue. But the “outers” can also be seen as political enforcers of a liberal-Left orthodoxy that ignores both the political and the sexual diversity of the Queer community.


On November 1, 2005, Nicole, a 22-year-old Filipina, was observed being dumped out of a van in a semi-unclothed and semi-conscious state. The van contained three U.S. troops who were in the Philippines for the annual joint military exercises with the Philippine Armed Forces. Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith was subsequentlly charged with rape before the Philippine courts. He was found guilty and sentenced to 40 years. After spending 30 days in a Philippine jail, he was spirited out at midnight to the U.S. embassy where he is said to remain while his case goes through the Court of Appeals. This month, Nicole signed an affidavit saying she might have given the wrong signals to Cpl. Smith. She was given an immigration visa for the U.S. The Filipino people are demanding that the Visiting Forces Agreement signed by President Bush and President Estrada, who was overthrown in 2001, be abrogated for its onerous provisions against the sovereignty of the Philippines.

Tarcisio Bertone- protector de pedereastas (tags)

Un farsante en toda regla que jamás debería de haber sido recibido por ningún miembro del parlamento Español

pro life-pro-choice (tags)

right to choose

Psychological Sadism Without a Sense of Playfulness (tags)

Do they at the Puritanical Post think that some are not sick of their sanctimonious commentary on all things blonde and bimbo? You know there would have been no character attack had the stars of the show been say—black males—irrespective of any conceits on being sexually desirable or whether their behavior was crude. But I guess blondes, as attack “objects,” are eternally open game season for all things jealous and self-righteous? After all they do seem to get more then their share of attention?

Philippine women’s groups urge lawmakers to pass Reproductive Health Bill (tags)

MANILA, Philippines – A day before several lawmakers deliver their respective sponsorship speeches on the controversial bill promoting the use of both artificial and natural means of family planning, among others, a network of more than 50 non-government and people's organizations advocating women's and people's rights today urged other members of the House of Representatives to affirm women’s right to reproductive self-determination, and to support the immediate passage of the Reproductive Health Bill.

Moral victoriana en el gabinete presidencial (tags)

Se cuenta que Hoover sobrevivió a la gestión de siete presidentes, que no pudieron destituirlo por el costo político que les implicaba, y sobre todo por los chantajes que realizaba en base a detalles de la vida sexual de los mismos.

San Diego Bisexuals Host Sexuality Conference (tags)

The Bisexual Forum of San Diego hosted a conference on sexuality May 27 centered around whether, as society has grown more accepting of alternative sexualities, young Queer people today are less obsessed with coming out and being "visible" as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender than their predecessors. The conference opened with a brief videotape filmed especially for it by author/activist Gore Vidal.

Stop Rape: Breaking the Silence and The UCLA Clothesline Project (tags)

The UCLA Clothesline Project is a student organization that aims to stop sexual violence. The project strives to take that first most difficult step: to break the silence surrounding sexual violence and raise awareness about a crime where it’s the victims that are made to feel guilty and ashamed.

“Those People’ (tags)

The controversy surrounding Barack Obama and his long-time minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the speed with which New York governor Elliot Spitzer was forced out of office after he was revealed to be using prostitutes, just shows how screwed-up Americans are about race and sex. Even within the Queer community, bigotry exists, as shown when a board member of a San Diego nonprofit questioned whether her agency should accept donations from the Leather community and referred to Leatherpeople as "those people."

AIDS, Sex and the Condomaniacs (tags)

The AIDS establishment seems less interested in protecting people's lives and health than in creating a climate of fear and shame around human sexuality, especially as expressed between males. Two recent news events — the claim of a supposedly sexually transmitted antibiotic-resistant staph that was supposed to be targeting Gay and Bisexual men, but for which the real risk factor was prior antibiotic use; and the attacks on four major Swiss AIDS researcher for their claim that under certain circumstances it's safe for HIV-positive and HIV-negative people to have unprotected sex — show how that's true.

Why the leniency for pedophiles in Israel? (tags)

According to data disclosed at this week's Beersheba Conference on Child Welfare, some 2,500 complaints are filed annually in Israel regarding sexual assaults against minors under 14. Dr. Yitzhak Kadman, executive director of the National Council for the Child, paints a darker picture yet, estimating that over the past several years no fewer than 100,000 of this country's children have suffered some degree of sexual molestation.

Mardi Gras: Sexual Terrorism at State College (tags)

The history of Mardi Gras in the U.S. and around the world is marred with violence and sexual assault. This week in New Orleans at least nine people were wounded by gunshots at and near the festivities. In San Jose, CA in 2006 there were multiple stabbing incidents. In the 2001 Seattle Mardi Gras riots women were sexually assaulted, intimidated, coerced and raped, much of which was caught on tape. This week at Cal State Long Beach, we just couldn't ignore it's influence.

Al Gore Urges Masturbation to end War and Global Warming (tags)

It’s more convenient than going extinct.

baby abuse (tags)

is the in thing with the priests

KPFK Mgt Suspends Lila Garrett's Connect the Dots - Put Lila Back on the Air! (tags)

Inner political problems should not get in the way of our free speech radio, KPFK. Please support Lila Garrett of Connect the Dots and write to KFPK or Call and tell them to not let go of her just because she sees no reason to use KPFK funds to pay for a lawyer for someone who works there.

Honor Betrayed (tags)

Sexual Abuse in the U.S. Military

Sexual Abuse and Harassment In The Military (tags)


Lawyer disputes claims of 'overt sexual activity' on plane (tags)

Sounds like another case of out of control jack booted police thugs!!!!!

Bush "I did not have sexual relations with that man" (tags)

Bush says he never had a blow-job from Ted.

Meat Sheik, Anglican paedophilia, and non-regulation Jewish foreskin (tags)

This past week in Australia has been ‘fundamentally’ outstanding; dimwitted fundamentalist religionists vied with each other for top billing in the local media. Never has the nation seen such retarded behaviour from so many diverse religious groups. The prize for fundamentalist imbecile of the week however goes to the Muslim cleric Sheik al-Hilali for his retrogressive reference to women as “uncovered meat”. He unashamedly placed the responsibility for rape and other sexually violent acts onto women; men were exonerated on the basis that “uncovered meat” is sexually provocative! The local media now refers to the cleric as the “Meat Sheik” and continues to sensationalise aspects of the story.

The Mark Foley scandal: Where is the crime? Down with this reactionary crusade! (tags)

It is the capitalists and their parties who politicize sex. They claim to be defending the innocent and vulnerable, but anyone who has seen the pictures from Abu Ghraib prison knows that this government doesn't give a damn about sexual torture and molestation. Their real intent is to persecute anyone who strays outside the completely artificial bounds prescribed by the patriarchal, heterosexual bourgeois family, and in the process arrogate to themselves ever greater police powers.

Escándalo sexual de congresista republicano en espiral ascendente (tags)

El escándalo por la indecorosa conducta sexual de un congresista republicano continúa hoy en espiral ascendente en Estados Unidos, a 26 días de las elecciones parlamentarias para renovar al Congreso y gobernaciones estatales

"Do I Make You Horny for Habeas Corpus." (tags)

As much fun as it is watching sexual hypocrisy in the Republican controlled Congress and what looks to be a criminal cover-up of said sexual hypocrisy within the ranks of the Republican Party leadership in Congress the real scandal is not the consensual e-mail communications between two sexually adult individuals, and what we will probably later find out to be actual underage sexual hookups between representative Foley (R)- Florida and some more than willing teenagers

Poofs, Paedophiles and American Puritanism (tags)

Think of the final refuge for religious extremists (fanatical Christian cults) from Europe; and later, the sexual undertone of the Salem witch trials and you stare homosexual congressman, Mark Foley, ‘straight’ in the American sexual obsession. It seems that puritanism is alive and well in the good ol’ U.S of A! Amazing as the over-reactive American response may seem to Europeans and those of other nations, the news of a homosexual’s exploits with a boy has pushed all other news aside – incredible! The Mayflower continues to sail the waters of conservative America.

Congressman Foley is a hypocrite! (tags)

As usual in government it’s do as I say not as I do. Seems like Congressman Foley likes to have sex with little boys. While at the same time he has been passing draconian laws to jail other citizens who enjoy sex with little boys

Don't these pigs have any real criminals to arrest???? (tags)

A judge ignored a former teacher's sobbing pleas for mercy Friday and sentenced her to seven years in prison on charges that she sent explicit photos to a young teenager while on probation for having sex with him.

The Hidden War on Women in Iraq (tags)

by Ruth Rosen

So thats why police forces have chaplains on them :) (tags)

A judge sentenced a former police chaplain to 15 years in prison for having sex with four girls since 2002.

gee oh pedophilia (tags)

conservative values, again. horhay luvs haysoos.

Some interesting sounds (tags)

Kyrsten Sinama talks on cooking, anti-war, sexual gender, government and drugs

agenda (tags)

simple justice

Remembering what matters (tags)

[This post was promoted from a comment to a lead post. The original post to which is was a comment was, basically, a troll post. The statement here, however, is relevant to the trolling that has been going on lately, where anti-Mexican agitators are posting stories about Mexico on this newswire, particularly stories about rape. What they're doing is a not-so-subtle campaign to bad-jacket people of Mexican descent. -eds]

TUES. 6/28: Rape, Sexual Assault and Gender Violence Forum at the Onion (tags)

TUESDAY NIGHT FORUM AT THE ONION ( Rape, Sexual Assault and Gender Violence Sexual assault can happen to anyone. No one should suffer alone. WHEN: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 7:30 PM WHERE: The Onion, Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society 9550 Haskell Ave., North Hills, 91343-2013 San Fernando Valley

Sex Discrimination Suit Filed Against Pacifica Station KPFA (tags)

Sex Discrimination Suit Filed Against KPFA > > Community radio station KPFA was served on Monday with a lawsuit filed by Noelle Hanrahan, former producer and co-host of Flashpoints, the station’s drive-time public affairs broadcast. Also named in the complaint are Pacifica Foundation, Flashpoints executive producer Dennis Bernstein, and ex-general manager, Jim Bennett. > > Among the charges in the complaint are sexual harassment and sex discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Activist Accused of Sexually Assaulting a Young Woman at National Animal Rights Conference (tags)

An activist in the vegetarian movement allegedly assaulted a young woman at a national animal rights conference. This has led to the creation of a web page which may expand to include other reports of sexual abusers in activist communties.

Unrepent Criminal Gets Sainthood? (tags)

When I was 7 years old I was anally raped in the men's bathroom of the Capitol Theater in Winnipeg, Manitoba by a Catholic priest. I was lured into this situation with the promise money. I came from the home of a hard-working single mom struggling to raise four children on her own and where of course we did not have a great deal money. So the promise of money was very attractive to my seven year old imagination. Little did I know what the cost to my life over the next several decades would come too.

Pedophile Investigation is Huge! (tags)

Preacher, teacher, politician, musician, el creepo, leave those kids alone!

Prostitution and its Social Consequences (tags)

Sisyphe website delivers cutting edge analysis of women's condition and of other important issues, notably prostitution.

WED. Victim of exLAPD Officer on-duty Sexual Battery to Urge Judge for Full Jail Time (tags)

For the first time, Ms. H, the victim of a criminal sexual battery by ex-L.A.P.D. Officer, Michael Kapalungan, will make her Victim Impact Statement to the court and urge the maximum sentence for Kapalungan who was convicted on February 9, 2005 of four counts of misdemeanor sexual battery.

Republican White House Sex Scandal (tags)

News of a sex scandal during the Reagan and Bush years hits the fan.

Bush is a Child Molester!! (tags)

spread to the four corners!!

Hunter Thompson, Bush, and Jeff Gannon and much more... (tags)

If the secrets lie with Thompson, he is no longer able to talk about it. Now, there will have to be some gonzo guerilla journalists to pick up where Thompson left off.

"Abstinence and sexual fidelity have played virtually no role" (tags)

Abstinence and sexual fidelity have played virtually no role in the much-heralded decline of AIDS rates in the most closely studied region of Uganda, two researchers told a gathering of AIDS scientists here.

RCP interviews SpongeBob SquarePants (tags)

SpongeBob SquarePants is known all over the world. He has his own cartoon show on Nickelodeon and people of all ages seem to have at least one toy or product with his image on it. Having just been on the big screen, he had the spotlight on him long before James Dobson and his group, Focus on the Family, launched their attack on him accusing the sponge of being "pro-homosexual" and tolerant of people of different sexual orientations.

SpongeBob recently agreed to meet with the RW at his home—a pineapple under the sea—to talk about all the controversy surrounding him and what is at the heart of it. What follows is an unedited transcript of our conversation.

Rise and Fall of Syphilis Said Normal (tags)

A recent rise in syphilis rates in the United States is probably due to natural cycles rather than an increase in unsafe sex or other behaviors, according to a new study.

California's Sex Offender Database: Is Your Home at Threat Level Red? (tags)

The easily accessible Megan's Law Database could have a negative impact on California, raising fears, achieving little and impacting real estate values.

TOMORROW! Cal State L.A. workshop: "Avoiding Dangerous Relationships" (tags)

Can you recognize the danger signs? Do you know how to get out?

CSULA Workshop: "Avoiding Dangerous Relationships" (Nov. 1) (tags)

Can you recognize the danger signs? Do you know how to get out?

Fetishist Rumsfeld (tags)

"With Rumsfeld, one enters a plane of freely-floating aggressiveness not bound to any principles or any special competence. Psychological textbooks know unbridled ruthless tyrants as failures. Rumsfeld may be a successful cross-breeding.."

Amnesty Says Sudan Militias Use Rape as Weapon (tags)

An international human rights group has accused pro-government militias in the Darfur region of Sudan of using rape and other forms of sexual violence "as a weapon of war" to humiliate Black African women and girls as well as the rebels fighting the government in Khartoum.

NoT one teen 'AIDS' case ever - Japan (tags)

If 'AIDS really is a sexually transmitted syndrome (common cause -'HIV'- for old existing diseases) then why is there almost no 'AIDS' in Japan. Not one teen case ever and only 9 female cases in twenty years.

The sexual sadism of our culture, in peace and in war (tags)

The Abu Ghraib images have all the hallmarks of contemporary porn.

Beneath the Shadows of Abu Ghraib (tags)

This article examines the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in regards to current U.S. prison practices and the death of Ronald Reagan


... a unique ontology of cosmic horror and disaster...


Sex means a dozen different things to a dozen different people in Ken Kwapis’ star-laden "tour de mattresses." Shuttling through a storyline that shifts its focus from one character to another as they jump in and out of bed with each other, Kwapis and his cast explore all the sparks — however impulsive, frustrated, or misguided — that inflame the modern bedroom and drive its unclothed inhabitants to fits of passion. Anne Heche, James LeGros, Dulé Hill, Azure Skye, and Tom Everett Scott anchor an intrepid ensemble production that finds more intriguing quirks in the curious ideals of love and romance than in the hot and heavy groupings between the sheets.

Revelations Lead to Rumsfeld's Door (tags)

As we go to press, senior CIA officials, both past and present, have reportedly leaked that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld approved the extreme interrogation methods used against Iraqi detainees under U.S. control.

Fight Sexual Violence!!! (UCLA Clothesline Project May 11-13) (tags)

UCLA Clothesline Project presents the display May 11-13 and Take Back the Night rally May 13 on the UCLA campus. Display and rally to fight sexual violence.

Michael Jackson Versus Corporate Rape (tags)

Even if Michael Jackson is guilty does this mean that he ought be publicly persecuted by Corporate News Media? Does this mean that every rumor mongering media hound and paparazzi person ought indulge their predilection for dirt as they stalk around to find it? Is this not a major reason that many fans are cheering him on against the unfair exploitation of press? We now know the weasel motives of the press corps’ prostration to the Iraq war will no stories or photography.

Michael Jackson Versus Corporate Rape (tags)

Even if Michael Jackson is guilty does this mean that he ought be publicly persecuted by Corporate News Media? Does this mean that every rumor mongering media hound and paparazzi person ought indulge their predilection for dirt as they stalk around to find it? Is this not a major reason that many fans are cheering him on against the unfair exploitation of press? We now know the weasel motives of the press corps’ prostration to the Iraq war will no stories or photography.

Corporate Media Sexplotation verses Janet and Michael Jackson (tags)

Janet Jackson’s dirty dancing? Americans need to focus on broadcaster’s istic tendency to exploit stories no matter how trivial, embarrassing, or consequential. With what motivations does Corporate News focus their perpetual supply of dirty laundry? They never address how they psychologically rape people by humiliating them in print. How shame based do we have to be?

Administration Targets Federal Employees, Removes Protections for Sexual Orientation (tags)

Recently, one of Scott Bloch’s first acts as newly appointed Special Counsel to the White House was to instill fear in ‘homosexual’ employees of the federal government. In an increasingly common curtailment of individual rights, the Bush Administration has removed decades-long protections from employment discrimination against those who serve our nation.

Libertad de Expresión - 'derechos gays' - ¡DETENGAMOS LA 'RESOLUCIÓN BRASILEÑA'! (tags)

La reunión de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas se llevará a cabo del 15 de marzo al 23 de abril en Ginebra, Suiza. Uno de los puntos más polémicos que se someterá a debate es el de la resolución sobre la “orientación sexual” que fue aplazada en la 59va sesión. Esta resolución, presentada por Brasil, fue expuesta como una medida para no discriminar a los homosexuales. Sin embargo, los miembros de la comisión en 2003 pudieron no haber comprendido totalmente las implicaciones de esta resolución.

Bush Rape Case; Final Installment (tags)

Woman who filed sexual assault lawsuit against bush confirmed dead, cause of death listed as "gunshot wound to head"... Have included original PDF of court documents. Unoffical as they are not noe certified originals issued by court.

Virgin teens 'have same STD rate' - BBC (tags)

FROM THE BBC NEWS SERVICE Young Americans who pledge to remain virgins until they marry have the same rates of sexually transmitted diseases as those who do not, a new study says. __________

a sampling of this week's U.S. military rape headlines.... (tags)

around the world with the Stars and Stripes.... a few of the latest confirmed rapes, alleged rapes, attempted rapes, indecent assault, sodomy, "torture" photos, etc.. in Australia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Okinawa etc.... oh google news searches make it so easy to compile this stuff....

The Forbidden Truths of the Insane Marriage Ritual (tags)

A Forbidden Truth dissection of the horrifyingly negative consequences of the unnatural, perverse, and toxic societal institution of marriage.

The Politics of Groping (tags)

The woman who accused Arnold of pulling up her T-shirt and sucking on her breast (a photo of this magic moment was displayed on the set) was called a prostitute by the Schwarzenegger campaign.

After hundreds of years Pope right for once (tags)

"The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, released the report compiled by the panel of 28 experts, who analyzed about 138 published studies on the use of condoms during penile-vaginal intercourse. "There was a lack of evidence to help us make a definitive conclusion about the effectiveness of condoms," said panel member Dr. Timothy Schacker, an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota"

The Sperminator (tags)

I realize that the big story of the day is that the Siegfried and Roy act is on indefinite hold, but I thought I'd chance a few words about the erection.         I mean, election. Sorry, I've got Schwarzenegger on the brain---but not in the way you might think. Sex is not the problem here. It's certainly not Arnold's problem, as he obviously has enjoyed lots and lots of sex with lots and lots of women, and probably still does. Collie-fawnia, heah I come! The Sperminator!

California Poll: 3 out of 4 Republicans Approve of Sexual Harassment (tags)

The votes are in! More than 3 out of 4 Republicans approve of sexual harassment.

CSULB students wheat-paste Anti-Schwarzenegger Fliers (tags)

CSULB Wheat-Pasted with Anti-Schwarzenegger Fliers-

More women accuse Governor Groper of sexual battery (tags)

Meanwhile, a new accusation surfaced from Escobar, a 41-year-old Los Angeles wife and mother and a waitress at a restaurant in the Fairmont Miramar hotel in Santa Monica. In an interview with The Times, she said Schwarzenegger had threatened to assault her when she was a teenager in the late 1970s.

Governor Groper, an admitted sexual predator, denies admiring Adolph Hitler (tags)

Governor Groper, an admitted sexual predator, denies being an admirer of Adolph Hitler.

Sexual fantasies of KOBE (tags)

KOBE reveals his sexual fanatasies.

Oprah and Maria and Arnold: A Softball Disgrace (tags)

We wanted Oprah to ask Arnold Schwarzenegger the tough questions. She didn't.

NEW TIME 3PM: To NEW TIME: 3PM Anti-Arnold Demo (tags)

Women’s groups angered by actor and candidate for governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger’s history of "degrading" comments about women and reported acts of sexual harassment will protest stating at 3:00 PM this Friday, as he opens his new campaign headquarters at 1338 4th Street in Santa Monica. According to our sources the elusive candidate is scheduled to be there at 3:00 PM.

FRIDAY 4:30PM Womens Groups Protest at NEW Arnold Hqs (tags)

Women’s groups and their supporters, angered by actor and candidate for governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger’s history of "degrading" comments about women and reported acts of sexual harassment will protest stating at 4:30 PM this Friday, as he opens his new campaign headquarters at 1338 4th Street in Santa Monica. The candidate is scheduled to be there at that time.

British press reports Schwarzenegger’s groping and affair with former child actress (tags)

The British media reports on Schwarzenegger's gropings and affair with a former Little House on the Prairie actress. Meanwhile, the U.S. media continues to ignore reports of the Groping Governor Wannabe’s extramarital affairs and groping sessions.

George Bush, Pedophiles & The CIA (tags)

There have been other reports suggestive of a connection between child abuse and top officials. On June 29, 1989, the Washington Times, shook the Bush White House to its very roots with the front page headline "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' The paper reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.''

Jesus Christ against sexual prejudice (by Latuff) (tags)

No protestant and catholic sexual prejudice against gay and lesbian.

The Forbidden Truths of Sex within Human Society (tags)

A Truth-based dissection of the genocidally evil methods and doctrines that human societal and governmental leaders use to define, dictate, manipulate, and control the sexual beliefs, attitudes, and practices of their citizen-slaves.

Kinsey's Kooky, Kinky Shrinks (tags)

This is some really sick stuff. I posted it only because people need to be aware of it.

Gay / Lesbian / Bisexual / Transgender community awaits Supreme Court ruling (tags)

In the land of the free, what business does the government have in your bedroom? Can gay celibacy be imposed by law? Supreme court to decide Texas Sodomy case. GLBT community prepares to celebrate or protest.

Children's rights? (tags)

Those who sexually prey on children will love this plank. They would probably be immune from prosecution unless it could be proven they forced the child in some sexual act.

Criminal waste (tags)

The criminal waste of resourses on an unproven and illogical hypothesis designed to turn back the clock to the sexual dark ages must stop.

help i need someone to help me proof read this please english teachers whatever come help! (tags)

please help me proof read this please help me proof read this essay/report i need help plz

Free Love Lives! (tags)

"I challenge [doctors] to come up with the names, even one will do, of the persons documented to have shown that AIDS or HIV is sexually transmitted. I know of no such study."

New Studies Raise Questions (tags)

A new African AIDS study seriously challenges the widely accepted hypothesis that HIV is a sexually transmitted virus. The study, by Dr. David Gisselquist, et al, appeared in the International Journal of STD & AIDS.

Sex Has Nothing to Do With AIDS (tags)

According to Dr. David Rasnick, the facts don't support the hypothesis. Check out his letter from the British Medical Journal online:


Publicizing the condom to the four winds is, for the most part, the bravura of a puritan who is trying to prove to the world that he is not a puritan. To concentrate on the mechanical aspects of the sex act to the exclusion of the emotional and psychological aspects (which the condom campaign ignores) is the essence of Puritanism. The only difference between the new and the old is that whereas the traditional puritans were alleged to believe that sex was something to be isolated and repressed, neo-puritans accept sex as something to be isolated and exercised.

New sex study (tags)

A UK funded trial aimed at reducing the spread of Aids in Uganda by modifying sexual behaviour appears to have had little discernible effect.

against-patriarchy conference (tags)

january 24-26, 2003 in eugene, oregon *Free and open to everyone!*


Among all the horrifying testimonies of sexual violence to emerge from Gujarat, one story has come to symbolize the collective suffering of the Muslim community. It is told and retold on news stories, in NGO reports, in eyewitness accounts: "I was running [and] I saw a pregnant woman's belly being cut open," states a young boy on Indian television. "The fetus was pulled out and thrown up in the air. As it came down it was collected on the tip of the sword."

pornography and patriarchy (tags)

this is an extended reply to a comment found here.

Aid workers in food for child sex scandal (tags)

Aid workers for more than 40 agencies in west Africa have been involved in extensive sexual exploitation of refugee children, offering food rations in return for favours, a disturbing report compiled by leading aid agencies has found.

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