fix articles 36095, objection
new book on Christian objection to war and military service (tags)
new book on Christian objection to war and military service
Free Mehmet Tarhan! Gay conscientious objector jailed in Turkey (tags)
December 9, 2005, is an International Day of Action to support Mehmet Tarhan, gay conscientious objector jailed in Turkey. Turkey does not recognise conscientious objection and provides no alternative to military service.
Keep Those Cards and Letters Comin’, Folks (tags)
Is there any chance of preventing the hammering of the last nail into America’s coffin on Coronation (formerly Inauguration) Day? Yes, but all care must be administered to our critically ill nation ere January 6, or she’s a goner for good. For more details, read on.
free book on Christian objection to war and military service
Free book on Christian objection to war and military service
free book on Christian ojection to war and military service (tags)
free book on Christian objection to war and military sevice
free book on Christian pacifism (tags)
free book on Christian objection to war and military serivce
free book on Christian objection to military service (tags)
free book on Christian objection to military serivce
free book on Christian objection to military service (tags)
free book on Christian objection to war and military service
free book on Christian objection to military service (tags)
free book on Christian objection to war and military service
Conscientious Objection (tags)
Information on Conscientious Objection. As the war rhetoric increases, and newspaper editorials appear calling for reinstating the draft, its time to review how to stand in Conscientious Objection.
Peace Church Challenge is a ministry dedicated to return Christianity back to its Apostolic roots by turning churches and denominations toward religious objection to war and military aggression.