fix articles 36105, billion dollars
Imprisonment Extended. Free Ahed Tamimi, Nariman Tamimi, and Nour Tamimi! (tags)
{16-year-old Palestinian Ahed Tamimi shown here confronting an Israeli soldier. Credit Haim Schwarczenburg]
Of The Mythical 3,000 Year Conflict In Palestine (tags)
[Painting, early depiction of the historical Saint Nicholas.]
Europe's Conquest by the US (tags)
The US and NATO have troops at the Russian border. Russia has no troops at the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Who staged the 2014 coup in the Ukraine? Who promised Gorbatchev there would be no NATO expansion to the East? Who is the stabilizer and who is the destabilizer?
Department of Energy Demands 800 Billion Dollars, Threatens to Shut Off Lights (tags)
Pay up or it's lights out!
U.S.Public's Class Action Lawsuit against Washington's Lobbyists! (tags)
The sick reality that Lobbyists are spending "$3 Billion a Year" in Washington to influence and bribe the American Govt. is in reality a form of "Racketeering" and can be prosecuted under the Rico Act and many more statutes!
Bush Regime made $18 Billion (so far) from Iraq Oil! (tags)
The Bush Regime,with its unfettered authority and leverage in the "Puppet" Iraqi Govt. are the only ones who are responsible (guilty) and enabled all that money to go missing...into their own pockets!
Marijuana Dealers/Growers Offer Schwarzenegger One Billion Dollars (tags)
August 6 -- A coalition of California marijuana growers and dealers has offered Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger one billion dollars to solve the current state budget crisis. The group, calling itself Let Us Pay Taxes makes the offer through its web site The offer comes at a time when the California legislature is deadlocked on a new budget and California has stopped issuing checks for vitally needed social services. Legislators are currently arguing over which programs will be cut in order to balance the budget.
Urge Waxman to Take a Leadership Role in Bringing our Troops Home Now Demand Waxman Pledge to Vote against the Next 150-Billion Dollars for Iraq
Human Traffic Denounced (tags)
Human Traffic Denounced
The Case Against Administrator Natsios (tags)
In April of 2003, President Bush's appointee to the Agency for International Development appeared on Nightline and unequivocally claimed reconstruction in Iraq would only cost American taxpayers $1.7 Billion dollars. Damn lies, all of them. Six months later the transcript disappeared from Good thing I saved it.
An examination of the nature of US tsunami relief aid and the reasons for the differences in corporate news coverage of wars and natural disasters.
Club for Growth member Bob. J Perry funded 'Swift Boat' ads (tags)
Houston homebuilder, Christian zealout and hardcore GOP backer Bob J. Perry was funded, at least partially, the 'Swift Boat' attack ads since recanted by one Veteran.
Grocery Workers are Still Fighting (tags)
An article about the Southern California Grocery Strike/Lockout.
Stalkers, harassers & nut cases II (tags)
Ted L. Gunderson ex FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge LA was forced into early retirement for performing satanic ceremonies in his FBI offices 1979. He has publicly stated he is the only ex-FBI agent to be kicked out of the FBI retired agent’s alumni, this is why.
The Financial Costs of War (tags)
The war against Iraq will cost 100 to 2000 billion dollars depending on its course. Even the lower sum of 100 billion dollars is a lot of money, e.g. 40% of the federal budget of Germany.
Contracts for reconstruction in Iraq are primarily being handled by the USAID. The US Agency for International Development is headed by Andrew Nastios.
Cheney's Corp. Profits Huge from Iraq War (tags)
Dick Cheney's Halliburton Corp. will receive up to a billion dollars from the Federal Government for Iraq reconstruction.
No war! Say thanks to Turkey! (tags)
Turkey has voted against war on their neighbor. But with Bush arm-twisting, they could vote again! We should express anti-war solidarity with the people of Turkey, just as we express anti-war solidarity with the people of Iraq.
Anti's Need a Plan, Part 1 (tags)
Anti's Need a Plan, Part 1