fix articles 36122, bethnal green
George Galloway and Viva Palestina US: Our Convoy to Gaza (tags)
Endorsments continue to pour in for Viva Palestina US - A Lifeline from the United States to Gaza, including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and David Swanson of After Downing Street. Organizations wishing to endorse the Convoy can email in their endorsements here:
Galloway points finger at Musharaf... (tags)
"The professionalism of the assassination, the way in which the killer managed to get within pistol range of the opposition leader, the decoy "suicide bomb" story.. all point to the intelligence apparatus of the dictatorship being involved."
British MP George Galloway to Speak in Los Angeles (tags)
British MP George Galloway will speak in Los Angeles, September 22 to Demand Money for Hurricane Relief, Not War in Iraq
George Galloway/Christopher Hitchens Debate Streaming Live on Wed. (tags)
Two years after the invasion of Iraq, British MP George Galloway and journalist Christopher Hitchens will debate the causes and consequences of the Iraq war at Baruch College in New York City. Moderated by Amy Goodman.
Stand Up and Be Counted: No War and Occupation: The George Galloway US Tour (tags)
September 13-24: Boston, New York, Toronto, Madison, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C.
MPs Compare Palestinians' Treatment To Nazi Ghettos (tags)
Ms King, whose mother is Jewish, said: "No government should be behaving like that - least of all a Jewish government. It's the same in nature but not extent. Palestinians are not being rounded up and put in gas chambers.