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PFP Candidate Dina Padilla Endorse Stewart Alexander for U.S. President (tags)
Stewart Alexander is one of us and was raised in a working family. The son of a mother that was a nurse for more than 35 years and a father that was in construction all of his life, Alexander understands the challenges that working people are faced with on a daily basis. The many challenges in his life have made him a determine advocate for working people. Let’s elect Stewart Alexander as the next President of the United States.
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander to Seek PFP Presidential Nomination (tags)
Approaching 2012, Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander is hoping to gain support from five political parties that he says will be crucial to his campaign to become president; the Peace and Freedom Party- California, Socialist Party USA, the Green Party of the United States, the Freedom Socialist Party, and the Liberty Union Party- Vermont.
Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Will Seek Green Party Presidential Nomination (tags)
Stewart Alexander says his intentions to seek the presidential nomination for both political parties is based upon the common interests that are shared between the Green Party and the Socialist Party; addressing the needs of the working class, creating good paying jobs, protecting human rights, protecting the environment and ending the U.S. occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Third Party Revolution Endorse Stewart Alexander for California Governor (tags)
Stewart Alexander says the most severe crisis California is facing is a leadership crisis; “After electing an actor for governor in 2003 and 2006, most Californians are reluctant to support the three choices representing the two big money parties. Republican frontrunner Meg Whitman has no political experience and Republican Steve Poizner sounds a lot like Schwarzenegger without the accent. Democrat Jerry Brown has not made his position clear on many of the major issues facing California voters.”
California Governor Candidate Stewart Alexander Receives SPUSA Endorsement (tags)
After running as the 2008 Vice Presidential Nominee for Socialist Party USA, Stewart Alexander has now received the endorsement of SPUSA to run as a candidate for California Governor on the ticket of the Peace and Freedom Party.
PFP Candidate Wants Same-Sex Marriage on 2010 Ballot (tags)
While most of the Democrats and Republican gubernatorial candidates are opposing same-sex marriage rights and the legalization of marijuana, Stewart Alexander has placed these two important issues at the center of his campaign. Alexander says the best means to achieve same-sex marriage rights and to support legalizing marijuana is to support a political party and the candidates of that party that has a strong record of support on both issues, “that is the Peace and Freedom Party.”
Socialist Presidential Ticket: Moore and Alexander (tags)
Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party shared a mutual victory on Saturday, October 20, in St Louis, Missouri. During the National Convention of Social Party USA, Brian Moore was nominated as the presidential candidate to represent the party’s national campaign ticket and Stewart A. Alexander was nominated as the vice presidential candidate.
Stewart A. Alexander, His Biography (tags)
Today, Stewart A. Alexander is seeking the nomination as the presidential candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA; to give Americans an opportunity to have a voice in government and to determine the future course of America and our position in world politics. This is his Autobiography.
Presidential Candidate Wants to Re-Tool Detroit (tags)
In March 2006 Stewart A. Alexander introduced an ambitious $75 billion plan to revive the struggling U.S. automobile industry, the plan was introduced as a proposed California- Automobile Industry Partnership. Now Alexander, running as a Peace and Freedom Party candidate for president, wants to create a U.S. – Automobile Industry Partnership to save American jobs and to jump start the U.S. economy.
Stewart Alexander Enters Race for President (tags)
Recently the Peace and Freedom Party launched a nationwide presidential search campaign seeking candidates for President of the United States; this week Stewart A. Alexander is the first candidate to formally announce his candidacy as a Peace and Freedom Party candidate for president.